No political bs talk ty


2008-03-01 22:24:40

A friend sent me this video wich i tought was....quite impressive, students made this film apparently i was quite surprise to see this as it's the first time i ever see such a project for a politician.

Without any political orientation, i'm just impressed of the results: ... re=related


2008-03-01 22:33:40

i love all the black people singing, then the one white guy on guitar ahahhah

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-03-02 00:20:01

Pretty impressive student film I agree.


2008-03-02 02:00:59

What a load of rhetorical feel good nothing.
Yes We Can!!!

Now what do we do, huh?

All style and no substance.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-03-02 03:55:30

No political bs talk ty


2008-03-02 18:51:24

How do you not make a political comment about a political ad?

OKaaaaay. I'll play.

Impressive editing. I like the way they say the same thing that guy is saying, but with a little difference.
A positive and uplifting one minute.


2008-03-03 06:28:12

Uncle Rico

2008-03-04 04:38:44


2008-03-04 05:52:02

holymoly wrote:since we're not talking political bs, let me say this: republicans can never make a movie like this about john mccain (because he sucks cock).
So does Hillary, just not Bills.
Dang, political again! :(