Lame X2!!


2008-03-05 23:16:49

Whats your lame excuse for not idling #hl2dm on the gamesurge network?


2008-03-05 23:25:08

no excuse ...I was lazy and didn't feel like installing it ....
anyway I installed it yesterday and I'm right now using it D:
So lets hear what others have to say ! :D

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-03-06 00:09:56

Uhh.... I have enough apps already running? (MSN, xfire, steam, multiple firefox, windows media, and one or two heavy processing programs up, Traktor 3 or Photoshop and Illustrator CS3)

I multitask enough as it is! :lol:


2008-03-06 00:14:32

Firstly, I have a tab (AuthServ) that tells me... (2:20:51 PM) AuthServ: (notice) Incorrect password; please try again.

Secondly, the server shown for me is... (London, UK - NOTE, I'm in St Louis.

Thirdly, I am able to see the 14 folks currently idling in #hl2dm.

Edit#1 - ok rebooted and started pidgin again. this time I get a fourth tab stating... (3:04:15 PM) CTCP: Received CTCP 'VERSION' (to CellarDweller) from CTCP. And my server now shows as... (New York, NY - I appear to have a randomly roving server setting????

Edit#2 - i see a difference between my screen and what luke posted when editing/adding account info. I see two categories not shown... Set User Modes on Connect (which is filled in for me with the lower case i) and Unset User Modes on Connect (which is blank).

EDIT#3 - now I'm in Austria - (Vienna, Austria - Clan-Server.a

EDIT#4 - I managed to get rid of the password problem. I removed the password from the advanced tab (contrary to Lukes guide) and placed it in the basic tab.

EDIT#5 - While "idling" folks were messaging me and I had nooooo idea they were... didnt hear any kind of notification at all.

EDIT#6 - Tried messaging a few folks and recieved no response from anyone.

I don't need another program I don't understand taking up disk space. Uninstall.

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-03-06 00:27:14

CellarDweller wrote: I don't need another program I don't understand taking up disk space. Uninstall.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: :(


2008-03-06 00:29:43

I used to do this... but then I reformated and never reinstalled.


2008-03-06 00:33:32

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0 wrote:Uhh.... I have enough apps already running? (MSN, xfire, steam, multiple firefox, windows media, and one or two heavy processing programs up, Traktor 3 or Photoshop and Illustrator CS3)

I multitask enough as it is! :lol:

It uses less processing then mindsweaper. your excuse is bad.

two snails

2008-03-06 00:49:24

b/c staring at the other peoples names while they also idle is booorrrrrring.


2008-03-06 00:50:49

ninojman wrote:
{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0 wrote:Uhh.... I have enough apps already running? (MSN, xfire, steam, multiple firefox, windows media, and one or two heavy processing programs up, Traktor 3 or Photoshop and Illustrator CS3)

I multitask enough as it is! :lol:

It uses less processing then mindsweaper. your excuse is bad.
Minesweeper? Now there's a lame game. The hitreg is waaaaaaaaay off!


2008-03-06 01:01:13

what a coincidence .. I thought of a great idea last night which could help you out ninojman!

I'll post it when I have more time later today!


2008-03-06 01:36:45

the day irc will allow me to reply without alt+tab out, ill use it.

I idle in hl2dmu steam group :]


2008-03-06 01:41:58

Well i know i talked to luke about why he used pidgin, and i forget but i bet it was a good reason.

But i use mIRC and have walked tons of ppl onto getting them to the auto-join / auto-auth part we all want. So it's just a one-click and loads all of the channels and auth quickly. I might do a mirc tut to go along side Luke's.

Then again for the dodscrim channel this guy made a auto-installer and auto join and auto thingy that did everything for you. All you had to do was enter a username/password and e-mail and it did the rest for you. I know Mirc had a problem with it and asked him to close it down. But maybe another client wouldn't have a problem with it?


2008-03-06 01:50:35

.conflict wrote: I idle in hl2dmu steam group :]
this is a great idea!


2008-03-06 01:54:13

Yea I found IRC a bit tricky to get going. Cellar I dont know why you had those issues :shock: . I use both Pidgin and MIRC and have no issues now.


2008-03-06 03:19:58

I always idle...but right now im away from home and so cant (west coast yo!)


2008-03-06 03:45:07

CellarDweller wrote:
Minesweeper? Now there's a lame game. The hitreg is waaaaaaaaay off!


2008-03-06 04:53:54

I am always idling. :|


Jelly Fox

2008-03-06 05:31:59

Why would I? :?


2008-03-06 06:44:14

.conflict wrote:the day irc will allow me to reply without alt+tab out, ill use it.


2008-03-06 07:41:14

IRC isn't meant for use in game obviously... but it's a great tool for people to communicate with everyone at once... and it gets more useful, the more that people use it and idle in #hl2dm...
that would be great if you made a guide nino, mIRC is a fairly easy IRC app... I made my guide for pidgin because it's not just for IRC... I use it for MSN, AIM, IRC, and it has other chat apps... and it manages your resources far better than the individual apps... doesn't lag while you're in game, so there's no need to exit while you're playing... but CAL admins always idle there, as well as a lot of people you might have to play in CAL... so it provides a nice resource for league communication or rule clarification (amongst other things)... so yeah... idle #hl2dm or post your excuse ;o

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-03-06 15:29:07

Spies are sappin mah keyboard >.>

Seriously, same excuse as briggs here I'll reinstall. :mrgreen:


2008-03-06 18:05:50

There are 2 main reason I see people not using IRC.

1 is they say that they cant afford the resources cause their computer is slow and they run to many apps. In this case you should know that using pidgin or miranda or trillian will allow you to consolidate all chat clients into 1 program that takes less resources then even 1 program like AIM.

The second is that you cannot message in game.
Well I don't know how to run it cause I do not need to message in game but this is the amazing thing about IRC it is an open protocol and as such anyone can write a client for it even you. And it comes as no surprise that a 15 second google search landed me on a IRC client you can use ingame. ... mepe.shtml


2008-03-06 19:48:44

DAMN FEAR, thats a nice find!
Gamepe description
IN-GAME IRC Client and Windows Live Messenger Client
The Gamepe application was designed to be an in-game MP3 Player. Windows Live Messenger Client and IRC Client do it all inside games without having to minimize (Alt+Tab) the game window

Here are some key features of "Gamepe":

· Easy to use
· Same mIRC commands
· No lag
· Send & receive message from/to Microsoft MSN
even thou i just use irc on a different pc, this might be worth it for the mp3 control etc.

google ftw indeed


2008-03-06 23:46:37

Too much work to install a program just to talk. I like the easy ones that just say install..

old time no.7

2008-03-06 23:55:36

came on line today to get my punch time at lunch time fix on.
no response. except someone try to "!adpeon"...the fuck does that shit mean?

what i would like answered is, why is this better than steamfriends?

would my mere request for a game spur you into action to play?
b/c that is the only up side of this have it running more than steam, in theory, right/?

first window i open is server window. then look to see if anyone who is in friends list is playing.
then sort by ping and map, see if any are low grav and find a game. bang hop into a server. usually mid day it's UK and EURO people taking in languages i can't damn well understand on the mic. imagine a 11 yearold voice speaking in pissed of french...eek.
i limit myself to play this game to 1-2 hours a weekday, so if this could work for me i'd love it, but right now it's hit or miss.

so steamfreinds is a better program than the fukin pidgin shit until you button pushers can prove me wrong. :twisted:

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-03-07 00:54:44

I despise the community overlay, it has never worked for me like it should and it truly is hit or miss.

Pressing shift+tab 6 times before the overlay even shows up (if it does) just to end up with a frozen mouse in game, no matter how many times I shift+tab to get control of my mouse back it freaks out on me.

Walking Target

2008-03-07 01:15:45

IRC is a communal thing. Everyone can see conversation going on. Steam friends, how can you ask 20 people if any of them want a scrim in one line of text?


2008-03-07 03:36:44

I'm guessing that idling in Steam hl2dmu group chat would be the same as irc, dunno. Never really thought about it until now. Everyone idling in group chat sees what you type. But I don't think you'd get ingame notification unless someone in the chat decided to msg you directly (depending on your chosen settings) from the group chat.


2008-03-07 04:12:01

it's a dance party go go go!



2008-03-07 04:14:06

Walking Target wrote:IRC is a communal thing. Everyone can see conversation going on. Steam friends, how can you ask 20 people if any of them want a scrim in one line of text?


2008-03-07 05:42:54

The reason we use IRC are many. But basically it comes down to flexibility and long term stability. Not that steam friends or xfire could not offer the function we need but historically they do not. The thing is we are trying to build a stable community and the word stable and steam cannot be used together. Since most of you seem to be kinda new I will tell you that steam friends was working years ago and just like now everyone started using it. Then it stopped working and everyone was left out in the cold with no where to go so then they started turning to xfire. Now it friends works again but the track record is not good. Now IRC has been working stable and flexible for decades completely independent of any company once you learn how to use it you can do so for anything all major competitions use it and hundreds of miscellaneous communities use it as well, if you do not like the way it works you can easily download another client which works more as you wish. Tomorrow if you quti DM and go play another game IRC will still be used but if that game is not a steam game the steam friends will be useless. This is why CAL requires it's players and admins to use IRC because no other messaging client including steam friends or xfire which CAL was around for entire history of has been working reliably for the entire time. This is why I won't endorse everyone starting to hang out in the steam chat because at anytime given valves track record it could just stop working or it may even cause severe lag in game and so on. Thinking about it realistically valve has only had this community thing up and running for about a year or so. And thats enough for us to dump all our eggs in valves basket given they broke them in the past?

Steam friends and xfire both of which I have used simply don't offer the flexibility I want either. In order to use them you basically have to add everyone to your buddy list, and then you have hundreds of people but you can't control if those people can message you in game, see your in game status and so on. With steam it is especially annoying because they have a limited number of friends you can have. Plus every time someone tries to add me as a friend with out reading my profile which clearly states only my clan members can add me it kicks me out of game.

In IRC you base things around channels though you can have a friends list as well. You want to be found you join the channel want to not be found you exit it. Want to talk privately do it, make a private group create a new channel. Just like any program if people dont participate it slows it down. If only 10 people were on steam friends you wouldn't get a game. The reason the poster wanted people in was because IRC is simply a better more flexible medium and he wants it to be useful so it needs people. When FIOS was around the people who used IRC had a big say in how the tournament was run those who didn't were just left out. If you learn to use IRC it will not be a waste of time no matter what because you will use it in the future maybe not for this game but trust me you will. All the guys who went over to TF2 and tried to play competitively had to use it, all the guys who tried q4 used it. So it's not like even if the worst case was you did not end up liking it you would still now how to use it for the future. For some reason though HL2DM is slow to advance, just about every game out there uses heavy IRC for communication, and just about every game out there uses some sort of forum as their main community. But for some reason it took us years to get to something like the HL2DM U, but now we are here and we are trying to push it forward. I guess HL2DM players are really addicted to steam even their junk forums.


2008-03-07 07:43:08

Here are the cliff notes to Fearsomes post: IRC good. Steam Bad. :wink:


2008-03-07 11:09:31

LOL cliffnotes!! :mrgreen:


2008-03-08 01:06:11

HL2DMpro has irc built in.
My old ctf clan did use irc, well aboiut half did because the others didnt want and didnt know how but now steam has the group chats we all use that instead.
But yes steam is less reliable.


2008-04-09 00:24:57

Ok, I've been reading up on this irc stuff. I think I'm still confused as hell. But I'm willing to give mIRC a try. I'll be d/ling it sometime this week. Some quick questions:

1. Is mIRC free or do I really have to register and pay after 30 days?
2. Do I still have to register an account with gamesurge or do I just put this in the client,
/server -a -g GameSurge -d

I'm sure I'll still have to PM you mIRCers for some special ed instructions.


2008-04-09 00:30:23 is free, it will ask you pay, but you can still use it after 30 days, i've had it for ....3 years now without paying shit


2008-04-09 03:12:29

Jesus, Xfire, Ventrilo, AIM, IRC, Mirc, Teamspeak, and a Pidgin!?!?!
G*****it, can't i just have one!

What do i need? What can i do without.


2008-04-09 03:33:18

It's easier for me Impala. I don't have a mic, and I have no friends. So, mIRC for the #hl2dm idling win! :?


2008-04-09 05:24:57

No friends? :cry: I am sure that is not true. Add glezzery and at least you have one.

Uncle Rico

2008-04-09 07:16:04


2008-04-09 11:51:58

PShaw Cellar, I am already on your friends list... Impala and I will come break you out of that cellar and INTO THE LIGHT!!!!


2008-04-09 17:18:34

hehe... I guess what I really meant is that I just don't chat. No AIM, Messenger, ICQ... etc. I don't email much either. I still prefer phone calls and actual letter writing. That's why I rarely know wtf some of you people are talking about. <3 ??? That's sposed to be a heart I guess? :P