

2008-03-16 06:16:40

Aw. Despite all of our little word battles, which you pretty much owned me in. It was fun.


2008-03-16 06:22:10

holymoly wrote:...and going to start applying to graduate schools.
I spent a good deal of my time as a grad student playing quake. Why not have the best of both worlds?


2008-03-16 06:37:38

Oh noes holymoly! You will be missed, but I'll bet some years down the road, maybe sooner, you'll have that little part in the back of your head going "Man I'd like to own some nubs on a pub right now."

I know how you feel though, I just turned 21 and feel like I've wasted a lot of my free time playing this game. But in the end I dont regret any of it. So yeah, good luck in your travels sir.


2008-03-16 06:43:53

The only reason for quitting hl2dm, the only good reason, is if hl3dm came out :P
I agree with the fun..happy go lucky half arse attitude to hl2dm then the giving up on it completly.


2008-03-16 06:55:07

oh man ... sad news...
I believe you will eventually come back :), just not really soon =(
GL with whatever you do.... and try keeping in touch ...the fact that you aren't playing anymore doesn't mean you can't post here once in a while :D

Uncle Rico

2008-03-16 07:00:58

holymoly wrote:I need to start spending more time in my life trying to change the world
Like you can't do that playing DM...sheesh.

Seriously, it's been a pleasure HolyMolyRolyPolyOly. Good luck out there...you're gonna need it.


Walking Target

2008-03-16 08:23:15

GL Holy. It's been a pleasure sir.


2008-03-16 08:48:48

Instead of some bullshit reply.....

Iam going to say your doing the right thing. Games will always be part of your life though, but a break is well needed.

Good luck man, you won't be forgotten.


2008-03-16 10:12:57

Grape wrote:Instead of some bullshit reply.....

I can't say it's been a pleasure. You're nearly as much a cunt as Rejected. Good riddance. :D
Instead of some bullshit quote.....



2008-03-16 19:00:06

Well holy certianly sounds like you had a good run, didn't know you as a player but you certainly contirbuted a lot to the community, thanks. You might regret selling that $2000 rig but thats just my inner nerd talking lol. GL with grad school, fuck bitches do drugs, travel, meet interesting people,....do drugs, oh yeah and study. Just slackline and spin poi during the day and frag the night away, helps me feel like im not wasting my life lol. Thanks for the dope frag vid, gonna be a classic i tell yah. Peace.


2008-03-16 19:53:48

RL is scary! Stay here! :cry:

Well, if you really can't find a compromise between your life goals and playing the game, then good luck in all your endeavors. It's been a good ride. We didn't get to play much, but it was a great time engaging in those silly stunstick standoffs in lostvillage. You've had a definite impact on the community and it's very sad to see you go.


2008-03-16 20:21:38

I wouldnt sell the computer, you are gona need it in Grad School. If its up to gaming it should be able to handle anything grad school can throw at it.
Also you might find being able to play DM once in a while a good stress relief. In any case you will be missed. Good luck to you!


2008-03-16 22:32:13

your in a clan?


2008-03-16 23:05:50

Oh you'll come back. They always come back.


2008-03-16 23:06:59

GG holy, i will certainly miss having the funniest player in the game around, but gl in future plans man. :) :cry:


2008-03-16 23:18:10

Good Luck to you and get into film school or study cinematography, where you have obvious talents.