how to


2008-03-20 22:33:57

well i've been doing a bunch of these
pug = pick up game
they are fun and a good way to introduce new players i find in the pub to comp play, not to mention a different level of play. I use to do these all the time back in the STA's day. As it brought in a bunch of new players. So if you see anyone as you pub around and they aren't half bad, add them to friends. Even if they are one of the complainers. Just be chill and be friendly. Then message them sometime for a game. 2v2 or 4v4 have them as a partner or w/e.

server info

connect;password gyro

is the console command for joining a server


2008-03-21 08:29:03

I really enjoy your pugs that you get together nino :) I think they are ALOT better than draft night.

Keep it up d00d :wink:


2008-03-21 09:31:43

Your Pick up games are awesome.
I am up for that anytime i am free.


2008-03-21 09:54:54

when do you usually do these pickup games?

i'd play depending on the time.


2008-03-22 01:03:40

Hooray for Nino's PUG's! If anyone every needs another man or wants to start a pug, drop me a line, cause I'm game 90% of the time. the other 10% of the time im either playing poker or am too fucked up lol. We should have a drunken pug night bahahahah


2008-03-22 03:27:59

Drunken Picup Nighht is a darmned shmashing idear.


2008-03-27 23:41:24

whoever has the highest
kill to death plus alcohol to blood wins


2008-03-28 00:18:45

Does anyone make a USB Breathalyzer?


2008-03-28 19:01:13

Ahahaha awesome idea Nino! Bahlk would win everytime though cause he can drink an 18 rack a still manage to play. He would win by shear domination in the blood alcohol catagory lol. I dunno but that would be Teh winzor Impala. We should just start having a universal drunken hl2dm night, where everyone from here initially and and eventually other communities meet in like a steam chat and organize pubs, pugs, and other fun stuff. It would have to be like every friday or saturday night or even thursday.


2008-03-28 20:22:42

Please Drink and Play Responsibly.

Save a Life, again and again and again...


2008-03-28 20:43:02


I got a PUI for bhopping too fast in a 400u zone. (PUI=Playing under the influence)

the fine was 20 spawn kills.


2008-03-28 21:05:24

Epoch wrote:Ahahaha

I got a PUI for bhopping too fast in a 400u zone. (PUI=Playing under the influence)

the fine was 20 spawn kills.
LMAO!! Funny.


2008-03-28 21:14:34

Talking of spawn kills I find it funny when one gets acuse of spawn killing on a spawn kill protected server :roll:


2008-03-28 23:26:14

Ahahaha that is funny. I once got a ccused on just such a server, and to spite all the whiners I would wait out so sight of a spawn, wait for them to spawn and make their first movements to kill the spawn protection, and then go and lay down the rape. I figured I might aswell really giv'em a good spawn killing if they were gonna complain. :lol:

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-03-28 23:30:55
