Wow...Microsoft screws gamer.


2008-03-22 07:33:36


2008-03-22 07:54:47

haha, I wonder if they fired that dolt who washed it off. I disagree with to many posters though , permanent markers usually sharpie can be cleaned to almost perfection very quickly with ethanol. It would have taken a guy all of 5 minutes to do it if the xbox cover is not highly porous.


2008-03-22 17:18:47

They did make it right though..


2008-03-22 19:29:08

Wow thatas a pretty crazy course of events there. That dude has some choice merchandise there, talk about cash in the bank. I dunno if I would sell any of that shit, but the helmet and the xbox he got in the end are probably worth A LOT of money, or at least they will be. 10yrs down the road when xbox360 is a relic all of that stuff will be very valuable no doubt. I want the signed picture of Bill Gates lol. Its like the ultimate computer nerd collectible ahahaha.


2008-03-22 19:48:57

And Microsoft subsequently unscrews the gamer as well. Good on ya.


2008-03-22 20:33:52

Epoch wrote:Wow thatas a pretty crazy course of events there. That dude has some choice merchandise there, talk about cash in the bank. I dunno if I would sell any of that shit, but the helmet and the xbox he got in the end are probably worth A LOT of money, or at least they will be. 10yrs down the road when xbox360 is a relic all of that stuff will be very valuable no doubt. I want the signed picture of Bill Gates lol. Its like the ultimate computer nerd collectible ahahaha.
I Doubt it would be worth much more, Genesis and SNES cost practically ntohing these days.


2008-03-22 21:05:28

Hmmm yeah your right, thats in teresting. Guess he'll have to wait more like 50+ years lol. Might as well just pass them down to the grand kids, maybe make their kids a fortune. hehe


2008-03-22 22:44:40

keefy wrote:
Epoch wrote:Wow thatas a pretty crazy course of events there. That dude has some choice merchandise there, talk about cash in the bank. I dunno if I would sell any of that shit, but the helmet and the xbox he got in the end are probably worth A LOT of money, or at least they will be. 10yrs down the road when xbox360 is a relic all of that stuff will be very valuable no doubt. I want the signed picture of Bill Gates lol. Its like the ultimate computer nerd collectible ahahaha.
I Doubt it would be worth much more, Genesis and SNES cost practically ntohing these days.
Keep in mind of Wii's VirtuaConsole.


2008-03-22 23:33:04

Yeah but if you had a NES that was signed by the nintendo CEO and a bunch of dev team members from games like Super mario bros, it would probably be worth a couple hundred.

What I find interesting is how the console generation is, they are so much more like fans of a sport. Do you know any PC gamers who really get into it like that. I mean that guy must have done some traveling to pick up those signatures. This is why consoles are destroying PC games. Dark times lay ahead for us thumbing tiny joy sticks on lame consoles with only 10 buttons to use.


2008-03-23 00:03:35

Eek a gaming world dominated by consolers...dark times indeed. There really is no substitute when it comes to a keyboard and mouse, it pwns all console controlers. I don't think computer gaming will every be in danger of being overshadowed by consoles. What makes more sense? Buy something you can only play games on or something you can play games on + do a million other things. More people today use gaming console than ever before thats true, but more people also have a computer than ever before. Theres just no doubt in my mind that computers will always be at the forefront of gaming.


2008-03-23 02:26:24

Charles wrote:
keefy wrote:
Epoch wrote:Wow thatas a pretty crazy course of events there. That dude has some choice merchandise there, talk about cash in the bank. I dunno if I would sell any of that shit, but the helmet and the xbox he got in the end are probably worth A LOT of money, or at least they will be. 10yrs down the road when xbox360 is a relic all of that stuff will be very valuable no doubt. I want the signed picture of Bill Gates lol. Its like the ultimate computer nerd collectible ahahaha.
I Doubt it would be worth much more, Genesis and SNES cost practically ntohing these days.
Keep in mind of Wii's VirtuaConsole.


2008-03-23 05:36:43

Grape wrote:lol @ bill gates signing it :roll:
Bill fucking Gates signed it and they think its a good thing :lol:


2008-03-23 18:14:16

Dreamcast kicked ass! I don't know why t did so bad, I think it was a release date snafu. I got a dreamcast shirt with the first playstation i ever bought lol.


2008-03-23 22:35:45

Would you pay $300 for a 10 year old xbox 360 with bill gates sig on it?
It is never going to be worth more than what you pay now.


2008-03-24 01:19:48

Think about antique collectors, once that baby is concidered a relic its gonna be the uber relic of xbox 360s. Eventually it will be worth more than it is now.


2008-03-24 04:16:59

Epoch wrote:Think about antique collectors, once that baby is concidered a relic its gonna be the uber relic of xbox 360s. Eventually it will be worth more than it is now.
not in our lifetimes.


2008-03-24 05:49:01

Value is whatever people will pay for something and given this guy travels enough to get that box and people are now purchasing collectors editions games, and some people paid near a thousand for xbox on release I am sure if this guy ebays that he will collect on it, there has to be at least 1 guy out there willing to drop 1500 on it right now, in the future there will be some too, because there are just that many gamers with enough money and care. Just cause you would not do it does not mean someone else will not. I wouldn't waste my money on a BMW but the consumers prove me wrong every day.


2008-03-24 15:55:26

A BMW is woth the money though :)

{Rx}Major ownage

2008-03-24 18:23:04

BTW The Dreamcast is still the shit.....
I have pretty much all the 8 bit nintendo games on one cd
All the 16 bit games on one disk
all game boy games one disk
all sega genesis disck one disk


Sure you can emmulate these on your computer but u can play games from different systems on one console..... Theres no onther console who has this ability.

{Rx}Major ownage

2008-03-24 18:23:04

BTW The Dreamcast is still the shit.....
I have pretty much all the 8 bit nintendo games on one cd
All the 16 bit games on one disk
all game boy games one disk
all sega genesis disck one disk


{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-03-24 19:28:28

About friggin time you joined, Major. :lol:


2008-03-26 20:10:35

{Rx}Major ownage wrote:Sure you can emmulate these on your computer but u can play games from different systems on one console..... Theres no onther console who has this ability.
Wow I never knew that, I always just emulated them on my comp hehe. That totally revives the Dreamcast in my mind, thats such a cool feature. Dreamcast FTW! indeed.