

2008-03-25 22:01:16

The steam community chat can be used for resolving differences no? (No one uses it - Differences can be solved by not pressing ENTER.) :roll:

All I see happening is people flaming eachother, acquiring some grudges, and bringing it on into the civilized forums :P

Plz flame me in game about this post :lol:

Walking Target

2008-03-25 22:12:21

The cafeteria is our off-topic. Depite what some parties may believe, we do have standards here and I wont host an unmoderated sub-forum that will just be negative for everyone.

Look for an announcement from me soon regarding this, it has been on my mind but I haven't had a good chunk of time available to flesh it all out.


2008-03-26 01:30:04

man all of you guys need to just take your trolling and other bs somewhere else

i like to troll forums as much as anyone else, but i'd feel guilty trolling here - this place ought to be above trolling


2008-03-26 01:59:24

tlc wrote:man all of you guys need to just take your trolling and other bs somewhere else

i like to troll forums as much as anyone else, but i'd feel guilty trolling here - this place ought to be above trolling

Whole heartedly agree. It doesnt really belong here. The purpose of the U is to bring the community together, not flame it to death and tear it apart.


2008-03-26 04:20:43

I want btarded, go to 4chan, youtube, or gamefaqs.


2008-03-27 03:17:06

Labeling stuff as NSFW would be nice as I usually browse the forums at school....

And what is trolling?

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-27 04:01:34

oh. i was under the impression the forum has been somewhat remedied of late. not really seeing any flaming and such going on..being the Goody Two Shoes that i am (HA!) i would think i'd notice them?. ..but i might be missing something..
what made you post this, holy? PM me links to where you reference lost.

Jelly Fox

2008-03-27 04:29:00

What TLC said.
cyber_clash wrote:And what is trolling?
Fishing I think. :|


2008-03-27 04:43:23

TLC for president (?)
Ok ...seriously ..he is right ... take all that bullshit somewhere else.
IMO, as soon as someone starts with that stuff...a mod should Edit his msg with something like
"Edited by mod for not respecting the rules bla bla bla, please if you have anything to say send a pm".


2008-03-27 06:44:10

holymoly wrote:hl2dm-u may want to create a separate forum for random nonsense/trolling/flaming/adverts and NSFW material. we can call it the hl2dm-b board (rules 1 and 2 still apply)
I second this idea.


2008-03-27 07:06:04

LOL Onti

Yea thats one type: with a hook and line

The other is deliberatly putting flammatory posts hoping someone will "bite" and start a flame war.