So what is your reaction time?

old time no.7

2008-04-09 22:20:32

This is...well, kinda fucked up
here is my score.
basiaclly will you shoot a black man more than a white man depending if he has a gun or a cellphone.

Game Over
Your Score: 460
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:601.68ms
Black Unarmed:715.52ms
White Armed:654.68ms
White Unarmed:716.36ms

I got this from nytimes editorial yesterday. ... ei=5087%0A


2008-04-09 23:03:53

Game Over
Your Score: 600
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:650.72ms
Black Unarmed:718.96ms
White Armed:667.92ms
White Unarmed:695.72ms

this isn't a really fair test... some of the pictures were just hard to tell what they were holding... especially with how they were posing..


2008-04-10 00:50:36

Game Over
Your Score: 605
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:704.8ms
Black Unarmed:816.44ms
White Armed:763.56ms
White Unarmed:781.8ms


2008-04-10 01:06:39

the first time I tried it I messed up right off the bat trying to move my mouse cursor off the pictures, so I restarted it and tried to only focus on the hands and the objects in ithem, I did not mess up once. The reaction times are interesting considering I was only looking at hands.

Game Over
Your Score: 750
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:604.4ms
Black Unarmed:715.04ms
White Armed:617.88ms
White Unarmed:678.64ms


2008-04-10 01:23:09

I Phailed!

Game Over
Your Score: -1660
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:83.48ms
Black Unarmed:106.36ms
White Armed:121.64ms
White Unarmed:51.16ms


Supposed to be a reply not a topic
damn buttons


2008-04-10 01:39:28

Fixed for ya Neo!


2008-04-10 02:02:49

Game Over
Your Score: 285
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:586.24ms
Black Unarmed:736.48ms
White Armed:575.24ms
White Unarmed:699.4ms

FF wasn't engaged, thankfully.

Jelly Fox

2008-04-10 02:08:19

I'm a dunce, first time I was aiming with the mouse and I didn't even notice they were holding different things, just shooting people yeah, he's my second attempt after reading OTno.7's post

Game Over
Your Score: 670
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:625.04ms
Black Unarmed:739.32ms
White Armed:661.36ms
White Unarmed:687.36ms

If was in the fashion police I'd shoot em all :twisted:

Jelly Fox

2008-04-10 02:33:56

This is my score from spamming the gun:

Game Over
Your Score: -500
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:92.4ms
Black Unarmed:92.16ms
White Armed:111.48ms
White Unarmed:85ms

Technically everything should be equal as my key presses were all the same...but they're not and therefore this test is BS and totally pointless as it proves nothing. :roll: I'd like to test it out with an auto key presser but at this moment I cba :P
But try it out for yourself and see what you score.


2008-04-10 03:16:30

Game Over
Your Score: 495
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:671.4ms
Black Unarmed:784.04ms
White Armed:697.96ms
White Unarmed:704.64ms

and that\s with a load of whisky in my blood :D

Seems most ppl take longer to decide on the Black Unarmed, no?


2008-04-10 03:22:04

Game Over
Your Score: 675
Average reaction time:
Black Armed:591.64ms
Black Unarmed:703.6ms
White Armed:603.76ms
White Unarmed:638.48ms

Walking Target

2008-04-10 03:57:20

I don't trust the methodology. I love how the writer of the article says "gee whizz guess I'm a racist" without even questioning the validity of the experiment, how controlled the MANY other variables are, the correct conclusion to draw from the data, and if the sample size is big enough to draw a significant conclusion given the other variables involved. Not only does he not sound surprised that he would shoot black people quicker than white people, he shows a complete lack of faith in his values as a human being.

I reject this test without a full explanation of how it was developed and how it overcomes bias and the MANY other factors involved in evaluating threats.


2008-04-10 04:05:51

Walking Target wrote:I don't trust the methodology. I love how the writer of the article says "gee whizz guess I'm a racist" without even questioning the validity of the experiment, how controlled the MANY other variables are, the correct conclusion to draw from the data, and if the sample size is big enough to draw a significant conclusion given the other variables involved. Not only does he not sound surprised that he would shoot black people quicker than white people, he shows a complete lack of faith in his values as a human being.

I reject this test without a full explanation of how it was developed and how it overcomes bias and the MANY other factors involved in evaluating threats.


2008-04-10 04:10:06

yeah I dont trust the results much as far as the black white thing, the only thing I took from it was the ability to correctly identify the gun and weather to shoot or not, which I had no problem doing.