

2007-05-24 16:39:12

{Link removed by site admin}

ROFL, a friend found it. that's REALLY lame.

edit: I had originally posted the web page with the description and everything, how to buy it, etc. But i decided to take it out and post the vid, lol.


2007-05-24 17:30:43

The sad thing about that video is it didn't seem to help the player any. The no recoil was probably nice. The rapid fire 9mm was nice. But what about the ar2 and the mag?

As far as the cheats telling you where people are, that's kind of pointless since anybody with sound can tell when somebody's coming. If any of those players had advanced movement skills, that video would have shown how useless the cheat was.

And what kind of loser would buy a cheat to play dm? Of course, I play for fun only. But you wouldn't be able to use them in competitions. I guess I just don't understand the cheating/exploiting mentality.


2007-05-24 18:48:02

wasnt there a leak from that company's forum database? and a list of users who purchased it along with there ips and emails were given out to the black list community? i know several cs players got popped, and i guess a quake player or too aswell.


2007-05-24 20:45:27

lol that kid is getting wrecked

i like how he threw the nade at the guy, must be a cs.s guy. Its so funny when they still get their shit wrecked and they have every single hack.

the smg and ar2 are dead give aways if anyone ever kills you in 3 shots with the smg at range ban that fucker

i bet he couldn't understand why he still couldn't hit anything with the x-bow hahahah

He never usd sprint and only jumped once and got owned despite knowing a person is coming sooo many times it's not even funny

LOL this should almost be givin to those terrible cs.s players he would be 0-45 b4 he gets a kill without it, and might barely go poistive with it


2007-05-24 22:51:36

Sorry guys, I hate to censor stuff, but I had to remove it because the video advertises the site where the hack can be obtained.

Even though this is fairly well known in the community, I do not want this site to get a reputation for openly disclosing or distributing hacks or information that directs players to them.

I will also update our advertising policy to reflect the fact that any links to hack sites or or to sites promoting hack sites will be removed.

HL2DMU Admin


2007-05-24 23:20:17


someone posted a pic of that hack in the dods forums and got a 1 year ban from cal


2007-05-24 23:50:05

I had to remove it because the video advertises the site where the hack can be obtained.
I'm sorry :(
I should have been more careful. I'll take it into account next time I want to post something. :wink:


2007-05-25 01:14:23

0nti wrote:
I had to remove it because the video advertises the site where the hack can be obtained.
I'm sorry :(
I should have been more careful. I'll take it into account next time I want to post something. :wink:
No need to apologize, there was nothing on the site about it.


2007-06-26 22:38:12

I get my hacks from Hacks-R-Us. Best self-killing hax ever.


2007-06-26 22:45:06

ninjins wrote:I get my hacks from Hacks-R-Us. Best self-killing hax ever.
stop bumping old threads get on IRC noob :)


2007-10-21 22:08:51

[quote="ninojman"]lol that kid is getting wrecked
the smg and ar2 are dead give aways if anyone ever kills you in 3 shots with the smg at range ban that fucker

people like that should be sacrificed to the Gaming Gods