Against morals?


2008-05-29 05:26:02

If you were paid millions to go against something you felt highly against in front of a fuckload of people would you do it?


2008-05-29 05:27:44

That would depend.

If it is something i think is immoral, no.
If it was a gray area, i might consider it.
If it is something i dislike, i would probably do it.

So, it depends what you mean highly against.
Those three decisions really sum up ethics.
If it is immoral, you become immoral if you do it. It never goes away. A no brainer.
If it is a gray area, deep thought needs to done. Judgements and weights need to occur.
If it is a taste or dislike, this is just preference, no weighty concerns are addressed
This Fear Factor time. How disgusting or frightening rules this decision.


2008-05-29 06:03:34

Nope. I've turned my back on that life style once. I won't go back to it.


2008-05-29 06:43:16

65 Impala SS wrote:That would depend.

If it is something i think is immoral, no.
If it was a gray area, i might consider it.
If it is something i dislike, i would probably do it.

So, it depends what you mean highly against.
Those three decisions really sum up ethics.
If it is immoral, you become immoral if you do it. It never goes away. A no brainer.
If it is a gray area, deep thought needs to done. Judgements and weights need to occur.
If it is a taste or dislike, this is just preference, no weighty concerns are addressed
This Fear Factor time. How disgusting or frightening rules this decision.
What do you think is immoral then?


2008-05-29 06:45:28

I'd never do something against my principles.
If what you ask me isn't against my own values, then I'd probably do it. What the fuck do I care what others think about me if you are giving me a million :D (always respecting the others around me, obviously ;) )


2008-05-29 06:52:49

Well, i don't decide what is immoral, society does. Murder, theft, robbery, wantonly inflecting pain of any type, cheating on your marriage vows, incest, bestiality, sex with aliens, racism, embezzlement...

You should know yourself.
There are not a lot of gray areas.


2008-05-29 07:01:20

Haha, nah, I think you do.


2008-05-29 07:31:48

badinfluence wrote:Haha, nah, I think you do.
You think i do what?
You think i decide?
No. Not possible.
One does not appear in the universe with knowledge of ethics and morality ingrained from day one. One is taught these things by society/family/mankind.
Its what makes us different.
See Aristotle.

How did you arrive at the notion you are a bad influence?
Did you decide what is bad and influential and then take that route?
If so, you need to teach me what bad means, as you have decided and i haven't and of course you see there's a problem with this.


2008-05-29 07:36:31

I think you could develope to the point where you don't care. You don't have morals. Some people were probably taught that stealing is bad, but they still do it. You create your own morals.


2008-05-29 07:43:45

That is called DE-evolution, not evolution.
Higher orders of Society actually quantify what is bad and bad for you and array themselves to this canon. It is called civilization.
Learn it.
What you describe is anarchy and evil and not AMORAL, but immoral. Amoral is really a useless concept. There is very little activity in the realm of man that are really amoral.
One makes moral judgements or one is worse than an animal, a monster.

And you are wrong. One does not create morals. One ACTS on their impulses or reason. They are deemed moral or immoral. Humans reside in a moral sphere. They do not individually create the sphere.


2008-05-29 09:01:43

We're in a semi-civilized society in the first place, I keep a backup of all of the potential consequences of doing something in the back of my head, but I think we have taken morals way too far, you know, those stupid fucking laws? I've learned a long time ago why exactly our gov't has banned any chemicals that make you -think-

All I'm trying to say is that in order for a true, one directional society, where everyone involved understands the communities goals and struggle, I'm saying that in order for such a civilization to exist, you have to be completely immoral first, you need to arrange things in such a way that prevents 'choice', that's what this is all about, 'choice.'

From one chooser to another, I can't say that I agree with all of your ideas about moral, it is a human made idea, yes we do need it in alot of ways, but I don't think our minds are limited to just 1 meaning of every word you hear.

According to the Christians I am immoral, according to some great friends I'm not, morality and immorality are indistinct and defined only by those who understand the concept. I'm not even convinced that a society that is 100% civil can exist, unless the community, parents, everyone influenced their children in such a way, but how immoral :)

edit: I have to agree with both of you about who defines morality.. ^ It's not like society just sprung into the universe with knowledge either, it was worked out by few people, I understand and agree with most of the things that most people agree on, yes rape is bad.. It in itself is alot like the notion of 'morality' though, causing to influence ones panorama in order for gain, willingly or unwillingly, makes no difference to me. Society lays out the backbones of 'morality', alot of times though there are really stupid fucking people (my opinion :( ) who try to speak for everyone and say that something "rational" (universally) is immoral, in this sense I think it's better to have it fully defined yourself, look at whats 'correct and incorrect' from a biological perspective, sadly no one seems to want to participate.


2008-05-29 13:52:04

I am with going with "against your personal beliefs", and I refuse to belief that all humans have a price, if it was completely wrong in my view .. I simply would not! I like to sleep at night without being overwhelmed by feelings of guilt. There is simply not enough money in the world for me to do things that I find wrong, forget "morality" since that is so abstract. We all have a sense of right and wrong, if you don't then you qualify for a defense of innocent due to mental defect or more like "affect".

I believe in "ever action creates a reaction" in essence KARMA, everything comes full circle.



2008-05-29 16:28:43



2008-05-29 20:45:04

What exactly is the question? I'm too lazy to get in a debate about philosophy. :?

[GoTg] everything enz

2008-05-30 10:27:54

65 Impala SS wrote: sex with aliens
Gray area...


2008-05-30 10:40:25

Capt. Kirk and the green hottie comes to mind. Seems acceptable to me, so APPROVED!


2008-05-30 18:28:43



2008-05-30 21:21:21

What???? Sex with aliens is considered immoral??? Well then, can somebody please tell those damn Martians to stop seducing me!?!?


2008-05-30 21:32:40

Line your cap with tin foil. That should solve the problem. They cannot mindmeld with you, unless of course you like a little Martian schtupping, in which case remember, it ain't illegal and it isn't in the Bible.


2008-05-30 21:46:12

I think everyone in fios immorality played crap like powerhouse and steam labs for a chance at 100k


2008-05-30 22:05:18

65 Impala SS wrote:Line your cap with tin foil. That should solve the problem. They cannot mindmeld with you, unless of course you like a little Martian schtupping, in which case remember, it ain't illegal and it isn't in the Bible.

I laughed because of the "Thought Screen Helmets"

Uncle Rico

2008-05-31 02:25:05

An old fav' of mine.


2008-05-31 04:12:00

WOW! That is what passes for Immoral to you?!?!?
Surely you kid.


2008-06-01 21:50:02

holymoly wrote:
badinfluence wrote:You create your own morals.
Try it and let me know how happy you are.
Well, if i were to create my own, I wouldn't be able to abide by the laws of our country.


2008-06-02 03:57:45

holymoly wrote:
badinfluence wrote:You create your own morals.
Try it and let me know how happy you are.

Not much point to being sentient if you let others think for you.


2008-06-02 06:50:56

Ko-Tao wrote:
holymoly wrote:
badinfluence wrote:You create your own morals.
Try it and let me know how happy you are.

Not much point to being sentient if you let others think for you.
I don't think anyone was saying not to think for themselves. My point is that He or me or you did not decide murder is immoral. We do not create morality. We act on it or not and are therefore moral or immoral.

There are universal standards of morality. Murder is universally immoral. Individuals CAN decide it is moral and they will be wrong in Man's eye, so to speak.


2008-06-02 10:08:06

65 Impala SS wrote:I don't think anyone was saying not to think for themselves. My point is that He or me or you did not decide murder is immoral. We do not create morality. We act on it or not and are therefore moral or immoral.

There are universal standards of morality. Murder is universally immoral. Individuals CAN decide it is moral and they will be wrong in Man's eye, so to speak.
This seems a bit contradictive to me, we don't create morality yet we act, and the morality of the content comes right out of a groups perspective of the situation? Meaning that a community needs morality in order to flourish, that's a given, but 'we' individually do not create it? Somewhere along the line we did create it, it was a concept that sprouted out of the fact that humans needed to get along in order to survive. And if murder is universally immoral then explain to me why the majority of this country (USA) is so confused in terms of knowing who's right and who's wrong. I think a better way to put it would be that 'Murder is immoral to more people than it is moral to the rest'.

I agree with everything else you wrote.

One key factor to morality and immorality is that one cannot exist without the other, Virtues, Vices, Benevolence, Maliciousness, you cannot Murder everyone, although you can bring forth more people into the world, general morality was 'chosen for humanity' for much more reasons than general immorality.

I still argue whether or not the human mind is even able to fully understand Good and Bad in full forms, whatever those may be, even if human created. There is also the argument where in certain cases murder would be needed in order for something else needed, it's paradoxical to think that murder is universally immoral.


2008-06-03 05:18:54



2008-06-03 06:05:41

Ko-Tao wrote:
holymoly wrote:
badinfluence wrote:You create your own morals.
Try it and let me know how happy you are.

Not much point to being sentient if you let others think for you.

Who are you agreeing with ?

Uncle Rico

2008-06-03 06:31:00

Well, for 2% of Bill Gates net worth, I'd let him bend me over on the 50 yard line during the half time show of the Super Bowl. I made lose some friends, and I may be sore for a few days, but that's ok, I can buy new friends later. You'll see me driving around in my Ferrari Enzo screaming, "I'm rich biatch!" out of the window. People will be like "Hey, there's that guy that let Bill Gates pound his pooper. What a homo." That's ok though, I'll forget about it when I crawl into my bed at night with 3 girls and have sex on a pile of money. :D


2008-06-03 18:08:02

Pooper, not as classy as butthole.

Uncle Rico

2008-06-03 19:08:46

dbanimal wrote:Pooper, not as classy as butthole.
Damn it. True, but having sex with Bill Gates isn't so classy anyway. :(


2008-06-03 23:17:58

So basically what I said, morality is needed for a community to progress and get shit done. That doesn't fully mean that morality exist only out of individual interpretation though.. Part of raising a child is getting what not to do engraved in their skulls, they do very immoral things, although they're 'just kids' so it's okay right? :P

Also you've cliched the whole thread with even mentioning Nietzsche :lol:

All in all there is no 1 trajectory in a community unless everyone in that community is taught not to do 'immoral' things, if they all comply then morality fully exists on a much higher and consistent level than individual structured 'morality', but I find that saying 'one or the other does not exist' is a childish argument like any other.

(The philosophy curriculum is so closed off to ambiguity and annoying)

Edit: lmao Rico :rofl: :lolz:


2008-06-04 06:16:26

badinfluence wrote: Who are you agreeing with ?
The "you create your own morals" comment- and more specifically, how im quite happy to have done so.

Walking Target

2008-06-04 06:21:52

holymoly wrote: I'm a philosophy major, so I know the create-your-own-morality argument, and I don't buy it. You can sit and read Nietzsche until your eyes bleed German, but you can't get past the fact that Nietzsche was miserable and was eventually put away in an insane asylum.
Just because he was miserable doesn't mean he was incorrect. To cliche it even more, you can't explain away Satre with misery and mental illness either.


2008-06-04 06:37:28

Nietzsche and Sartre were so miserable for two reasons: 1. Modern philosophy is a complete pile of horseshit that leads nowhere and to no higher concepts. It leaves one groveling and trapped in their own internal nothing. The Cartesian turn in philosophy leads to nothing. It is false. These philosophers imagined up any number of complex systems to explain the universe and existence and they all start from the false premise that Holy mentions- we create reality- I think, therefore, I am.

The truth is you are and therefore you think!
You existence doesn't depend on your thinking. Look at Paris Hilton!
Humans perceive reality, we do not create it.
Also the greater issue of morality is seen in Ethics, the acts that take place.
Morality, just the concept, is an example of the highest form of sentience.
This concept is as old as cavemen and hand down and molded, refined by generation after generation. Morality of a culture is not decided by individuals.

Reason 2: Bad Weather.


2008-06-04 18:49:37

I blame the weather - all these storms and days of rain have really bummed me out!! It's immoral!!