What's your sensitivity?


2008-06-07 02:01:32

I've been doing some research into mouse speeds and specific mouse formulas, and I'm pretty sure this hasn't been posted here before, so I wanted to share the results with you.

With a simple formula, one can determine the exact mouse speed relative to your settings.

(DPI x Windows sensitivity Multiplier) x in game sensitivity multiplier = real sensitivity

After a lot of searching I found the windows sensitivity multiplier on a post in gotfrag, but I don't remember who I got it from, sorry!

The windows sensitivity multipliers are as follows with 1/11 being the notch furthest left and 11/11 being the notch furthest right.

1/11 0.03125
2/11 0.0625
3/11 0.25
4/11 0.5
5/11 0.75
6/11 1.
7/11 1.5
8/11 2.
9/11 2.5
10/11 3.
11/11 3.5

So to determine your real sensitivity you take your DPI, for example 1600, a common setting on the MX518, multiply it by the windows muliplier, let's use 5/11 in this example, which is 0.75, then let's take for example 1.125 as our in game sensitivity.

(1600 x 0.75) x 1.125 = 1350 real sensitivity

But wait, there's more. You can use this number to figure out the number of inches you have to turn to do a 180. Assuming you have no mouse acceleration, 1600 real sensitivity is 6 inches per 180 degrees. Double that, 3200, is 3 inches per 180 degrees, and half that, 800, is 12 inches per 180 degrees. You can figure this out with another formula,

(1600 / [Your Real sensitivity]) x 6 = inches per 180 degrees.
So what's your sensitivity!

Mine is 5.92~inches(15.03cm)/180 or 11.85~inches(30.07cm)/360

I'm curious on what the average sens for a hl2dm player is ;o



Player Inches/180 Inches/360

Seagull.. 5.92 ..... 11.85
Onti..... 5.33 ..... 10.66
SND...... 3.55 ...... 7.1
WT....... .68 ....... 1.36
Punk..... 3.2 ....... 6.4
Half-Past 8... ....... 16
Zman..... 7.74 ..... 15.48
Briggs.... 8 ... ..... 16
Cynips... 4.62 ..... 9.23
JellyFox... 4.1 ..... 8.2
Ko-Tao .. 2.3 ..... 4.6
Meekle .. 3.72 .... 7.44
Keefy ... 9.8 ..... 19.6


2008-06-07 02:27:55

I come from a long time of studying chemistry. Add to that the fact that I'm lazy, so I'm not gonna post everything done ... sry ;P
here u have my info in case u wanna find it out though

2000 dpi, 0.9 in game sens, 6/11 windows speed, with no accel and cpl fix.

I used to play at 1.6 in game sens, and I could do almost the same as now, only difference is I consider my bhop overall control better now with low sens, and maybe some better long range aim.


2008-06-07 02:36:27

mine is new one is
180 degrees per 3.55 inches funny thing i typed in my old settings and got the same figure

Onti 5.33

Walking Target

2008-06-07 02:42:03

2000 dpi x 1 windows modifier x 7 in game sens = 14000 real sens

0.68 inches to go 180 degrees.

...and before anyone says this is why I have hit reg issues, it's not. I have always had this sensitivity and I used to shoot much better than today. Lately I can't even register on thrown props most of the time, and that's when I am standing perfectly still and lining up the shot.

kthx :mrgreen:


2008-06-07 02:50:16

Onti 5.33
thx SND
2000 dpi x 1 windows modifier x 7 in game sens = 14000 real sens

0.68 inches to go 180 degrees.
wtf... I know sensitivity is really about personal preference, but wow that seems way too high.
You should check in cl_showpos how many "points" or frames you are skipping >.<


2008-06-07 02:53:00

4000dpi x 1 windows mod x .310 ingame sens = 7.74 inches per 180.


2008-06-07 03:24:53

1600 / 1200 * .6 = 8inches per 180


2008-06-07 03:31:30

Good topic seagull and good info. I have a question though, if I am using logitechs setpoint (which I have to as I have keystrokes bound to mouse, which I cant do with out) does windows mouse speed matter if you have use setpoint implementation checked? Although I think its the same as the windows settings I'm curious. I have windows settings on 6/11 and I also have the setpoint settings on 6/11 and as stated I have setpoint implementation ticked.

So my set up would be 2000 dpi, mouse speed 6/11, in game sensitivity 1.5
I'm terrible at math so I won't even attempt that formula.

One more variable to add to this that was not mentioned, and that is screen resolution. I'm quite sure this has some impact as well. From what I see going up in resolution makes it seem the same as going up in sensitivity at least if you go way up such as at like 1920 x 1200. From being at a lower res for a long time, when I got this 24" wide screen (1920x1200 native) I felt like I was way to sensitive and had to come down in game to feel the same as before. Although it could also just be the increased FOV at 16:10 vs. 4:3 something there affected my sensitivity.


2008-06-07 03:35:07

0nti wrote:
Onti 5.33
thx SND
2000 dpi x 1 windows modifier x 7 in game sens = 14000 real sens

0.68 inches to go 180 degrees.
wtf... I know sensitivity is really about personal preference, but wow that seems way too high.
You should check in cl_showpos how many "points" or frames you are skipping >.<
Onti, shhhhh he doesn't want to hear that, but yes I highly agree.
The fact is that if you are doing a 180 with less than one inch of mouse movement, the pulse in your fingertip could be making your crosshair move many pixels, let alone depressing the mouse button to fire.

Walking Target

2008-06-07 03:57:12

I figured you guys would say that. I have tried turning it way down, but it doesnt help anything, the game still runs like a steaming pile of shit for me either way.

I have always played that way though, and if you think it's impossible for someone to shoot well at that sensitivity, ask Ko what my mag used to be like before I started having problems with screen lag and hit reg, and especially before my 6800GT died.

Facts are facts, my computer is a Dell that was purchased to run MS Office, and the card that is in it now cost $70 about 3 years ago and doesn't even have active cooling on it.


2008-06-07 04:30:43

mine is 8 inches for 180°

oh, and if anyone remembers the MEW vid for the low sens I found his settings: 360°/55cm, no acceleration.


2008-06-07 05:35:01

Sorry for the ignorance, is he supposed to be a known good player?


2008-06-07 05:54:02

Apparently a known good q3 player, heres the link to a video of him moving about a map. With the low sens he uses you can see the exaggerated movements it takes to move fast at a super low sens.
http://www.esreality.com/files/movies/2 ... ing_06.avi


2008-06-07 16:32:56

Broken link :(


2008-06-07 19:05:51

so far the average sensitivity id 4.30 ich per 180 if i have done my maths right.


2008-06-07 19:13:20


2008-06-07 19:22:48

4.62 (11.7cm) / 9.23 (23.4cm) (1600dpi, 6th notch in win, no accel., 1.3 in game sens, CPL fix)

edit: that's at 1280x1024 screen resolution if it matters

Jelly Fox

2008-06-07 21:07:54

What about the Razer software sensitivity? does that come into the equation?

I use: 1.3 @ 1800 = 4.10 / 8.2

Just wanted to see the difference between each ingame setting, here what I came up with:

1.5 = 3.55
1.4 = 3.80
1.3 = 4.10
1.2 = 4.44
1.1 = 4.84
1.0 = 5.33
0.9 = 5.92
0.8 = 6.66 <- the devils sensitivity :twisted:
0.7 = 7.61
0.6 = 8.88
0.5 = 10.66

@ 1800, win sen 6.


2008-06-07 21:17:19

I believe if you match that to windows (default at 6) than its negligible but I could be wrong.


2008-06-07 22:51:59

1.0 = 5.33

@ 1800, win sen 6.
Note that sens is the same I use. That's because I wanted to use 1 with a deathadder, so I set my copperhead to 2000 @ 0.9, which is the same.
Now I'm considering going lower when I get a deathadder, but not with the copperhead, it's no good for low sens =/


2008-06-08 01:13:07



2008-06-08 04:59:19

I thought i was using 3200 on my mouse but it turns out im using 2000 nd have been for about 2 months :o which is why i increased my sens to 0.61 anyway so as it is now...

9.8 per 180 (my mouse mat is only 11 inch wide.)
19.67 per 360

Ineed a bigger mouse mat.
I am going to use my max sens now of 3200 from now on soallthis will change.


2008-06-08 12:50:26

Cynips wrote:4.62 (11.7cm) / 9.23 (23.4cm) (1600dpi, 6th notch in win, no accel., 1.3 in game sens, CPL fix)

edit: that's at 1280x1024 screen resolution if it matters
I tested this in-game and arrived at about 9 cm for an 180 turn, which seems significantly less than the theoretical 11.7. Not sure how to interpret this though.


2008-06-08 16:05:20

1600 dpi | 6 windows notches | 2.625 ingame sensetivity

2.3 ~ 180
4.6 ~ 360


2008-06-09 02:09:49

can someone figure out mine for me? thanks

x1 windows middle default 6.0 sens.. (the middle thing)

2000 DPI

but.. razer software set to 4.5 sens

and in game hl2dm set to 2.5

LOL.. yeah it's kind of retarded.

edit: if i were to guess it would be probably 3.5 inches for a 180.

Jelly Fox

2008-06-09 02:56:13

MeekMeekle wrote:dit: if i were to guess it would be probably 3.5 inches for a 180.
I got 3.72 for 180


2008-06-09 04:03:04

Can you wipe my bum?


2008-06-09 06:21:11

Jelly Fox wrote:
MeekMeekle wrote:dit: if i were to guess it would be probably 3.5 inches for a 180.
I got 3.72 for 180
thanks man


2008-06-10 07:00:49

keefy wrote:Can you wipe my bum?
You have a bum? How much do you pay him?

I've always wanted a bum. Like this guy..


Jelly Fox

2008-06-11 03:28:12

holymoly wrote:
holymoly wrote:mine is 9 inches and very sensitive
no one lols at me anymore :*(


2008-06-11 21:51:01

holymoly wrote:
holymoly wrote:mine is 9 inches and very sensitive
no one lols at me anymore :*(
i will always lulz at you. :thumbsup: :hahaha:


2008-06-12 18:20:46

sens 6000 ? hmm :?

windows = 6/11
G5 = 2000
game = 3.0

(2000x1.0)x3.0 = 6000

is that right ? :sketchy:
ejtuc7rk79l_assrapeman-vi.jpg (37.68 KiB) Viewed 299 times

Jelly Fox

2008-06-12 19:19:43

Yup thats right.

(2000 x 1.0) x 3.0 = 6000
(1600 / 6000) x 6 = 1.6
1.6" per 180
3.2" per 360

p.s. are you aware you don't have to post an attachment/picture every time you post?? :?
0nti wrote:
1.0 = 5.33

@ 1800, win sen 6.
Note that sens is the same I use. That's because I wanted to use 1 with a deathadder, so I set my copperhead to 2000 @ 0.9, which is the same.
Now I'm considering going lower when I get a deathadder, but not with the copperhead, it's no good for low sens =/
I've been using this sen for the last couple of days, my aim has improved massively but my movement isn't quite up to the level it was before, I'm going to stick with it though as I definitely feel more in control.

So cheers for this thread and it's input :D

Uncle Rico

2008-06-13 00:49:16

holymoly wrote:
holymoly wrote:mine is 9 inches and very sensitive
no one lols at me anymore :*(
I still less than three you. :wink:


2008-06-13 02:34:50

p.s. are you aware you don't have to post an attachment/picture every time you post?? :?
I found it funny :D
I've been using this sen for the last couple of days, my aim has improved massively but my movement isn't quite up to the level it was before, I'm going to stick with it though as I definitely feel more in control.

So cheers for this thread and it's input :D
:) If you have a big mouse pad, you might wanna try going even lower ^^

Jelly Fox

2008-06-13 23:09:15

Yeah I'm going to, I've updated the table I made on the first page, have a look :mrgreen:


2008-06-13 23:34:27

ok ty