2008-06-07 02:01:32
So what's your sensitivity!I've been doing some research into mouse speeds and specific mouse formulas, and I'm pretty sure this hasn't been posted here before, so I wanted to share the results with you.
With a simple formula, one can determine the exact mouse speed relative to your settings.
(DPI x Windows sensitivity Multiplier) x in game sensitivity multiplier = real sensitivity
After a lot of searching I found the windows sensitivity multiplier on a post in gotfrag, but I don't remember who I got it from, sorry!
The windows sensitivity multipliers are as follows with 1/11 being the notch furthest left and 11/11 being the notch furthest right.
1/11 0.03125
2/11 0.0625
3/11 0.25
4/11 0.5
5/11 0.75
6/11 1.
7/11 1.5
8/11 2.
9/11 2.5
10/11 3.
11/11 3.5
So to determine your real sensitivity you take your DPI, for example 1600, a common setting on the MX518, multiply it by the windows muliplier, let's use 5/11 in this example, which is 0.75, then let's take for example 1.125 as our in game sensitivity.
(1600 x 0.75) x 1.125 = 1350 real sensitivity
But wait, there's more. You can use this number to figure out the number of inches you have to turn to do a 180. Assuming you have no mouse acceleration, 1600 real sensitivity is 6 inches per 180 degrees. Double that, 3200, is 3 inches per 180 degrees, and half that, 800, is 12 inches per 180 degrees. You can figure this out with another formula,
(1600 / [Your Real sensitivity]) x 6 = inches per 180 degrees.
Mine is 5.92~inches(15.03cm)/180 or 11.85~inches(30.07cm)/360
I'm curious on what the average sens for a hl2dm player is ;o
Player Inches/180 Inches/360
Seagull.. 5.92 ..... 11.85
Onti..... 5.33 ..... 10.66
SND...... 3.55 ...... 7.1
WT....... .68 ....... 1.36
Punk..... 3.2 ....... 6.4
Half-Past 8... ....... 16
Zman..... 7.74 ..... 15.48
Briggs.... 8 ... ..... 16
Cynips... 4.62 ..... 9.23
JellyFox... 4.1 ..... 8.2
Ko-Tao .. 2.3 ..... 4.6
Meekle .. 3.72 .... 7.44
Keefy ... 9.8 ..... 19.6