

2008-06-20 14:55:31

So.. one of the reasons I started gaming was basic brain re-mapping, I have read about how good it is to keep the brain active and busy, learning new things and that is why I started playing DM. I have attention and memory problems (ha.. I'm sure no one noticed) and being able to focus on one thing for longer than 20 minutes had been impossible, then I started playing DM. (more on the subject of the benefits of video games

What started as an experiment or exercise soon became so much more than that for me, getting involved in the community and making tons of friends was an unexpected benefit. It has been a very testing year from me, getting mono, computer crashing, mouse defunked, having to move and now a true gamers injury some sort of tendonitis (More on gaming injuries and how to prevent them ... 11864.aspx)

I have not been very good about staying away from playing (said the addict) woke up this morning and just stretch my hand just a bit and had this horrendous pain. I am going to the doctors today probably getting a steroid shot into the hand, probably incredibly painful so I figured I share (more on causes and treatment ... i=ccs00033)

My attempts to Bhop is what really cause the most pain, also why I have been so reluctant to do most of it, this may have just been aggravated by the fact that I have small hands and some of the movements I had been using were simply unnatural and stressful, so word to the wise, do not play through pain! Pain is the body's signal telling you something is wrong, painkillers just mask it but if you keep doing the same movement , eventually something has to give.



2008-06-20 17:12:19


pain is just weakness leaving the body

Uncle Rico

2008-06-20 18:05:59

I used to get pretty bad wrist pain and some numbness in my fingers using default keys for hopping so I switched 'em around a little and it made a big difference. I use WASD movement but SPACE is my crouch and MWHEELDOWN is my jump. It took alot of getting used to when SPACE has been my jump key for every FPS I've ever played, but it seemed to ease alot of the twisting of the wrist I had to do to jump then crouch. Move things around a bit and see if your movement becomes more comfortable then practice that until it becomes natural. If hopping is causing discomfort or you have to think about it at all it takes your concentration away from what's going on ingame.
bahlk wrote:pain is just weakness leaving the body
No, farts are fear leaving the body, and I'm not scared of much. :D


2008-06-20 19:52:58


Agreed, kinda didn't listen to my own advice do what works best for you. I went back to wasd keyboard settings from keypad setting because I was told that was probably the reason why I wasn't able to bhop, should have stuck to my guns and said no. I realized after the broken bones thread that must likely my inability to hit the keys in the right order is that i can't tell what the hell my pinky is doing do to nerve damage. I was jumping MUCH better before my mouse crapped out when i had 2 of the movement keys on the mouse, jump and crouch, again I listen when i was told I shouldn't have 2 movements keys on the mouse. Now I am trying something different, I have set 2 movement keys on the mouse (diff mouse so i adjusted) speed and jump, I have also set up jump in my keypad as my thumb key and crouch still my pinky but I am not trying to do bhoping anymore, or at least until i have healed fully. :?

Balhk.. come visit.. I will introduce you to pain since you obviously have no concept.:shoot:



2008-06-20 19:55:09

Sometimes tendonitis IS something you have to work through. I have had it in my shoulder, elbow, and hands and sometimes it hangs around for a year. Eventually some of these things fix themselves.

Walking Target

2008-06-20 20:51:14

I highly recommend taking a break if you experience any kind of hand or wrist pain. If you want to bhop, put at least one movement key on your mouse may reduce some of the stress. I recommend sprint on your thumb button for maximum comfort. When you bhop, try to relax, dont tense up because you are finding it hard, just stay relaxed and move however you currently can without forcing it.

Learning to relax is important in DM, if you tense up you play worse and cause these kinds of problems too.


2008-06-21 05:33:32

Ty WT, yes it has been very hard to relax when people are constantly in my case about it, forgetting of course that I have already accomplished a lot this year just by switching from lefty to righty. I originally said I wasn't going to be ready for this season and thats before I got mono, so drilling me and annoying me got nothing accomplished, it put more stress on me to do things in a way I was not comfortable and the result of all of that is injury (like with any sport, you rush something, you do it wrong, you hurt yourself) I am not built like you guys even small guy hands are bigger than mine, so like everything else I must try to figure things in a way that best fits my size and style. (Sorry, Yard Guy is I am "difficult to teach") :|

I can't allow myself to go into pain like this Impala, like everything else with me I have some quirky but true story about that. I suffer for nerve pain, it takes a lot to make it go away. Once you have started a pain cycle it is very difficult to get back to a comfort level where I don't want to jump off a cliff. If it was true that I would only be in pain for a year, then maybe I would go for it, I been in what is consider severe chronic pain for at least 10 years, I can get any pain killer I wish that is how bad it is, so things do not always work themselves out. :?

One day I will tell you guys my entire story, I think that it would change a lot of peoples perception about me (for those who are thinking I am making excuses and whining) and it has nothing to do with age. :x

POMP :sketchy:


2008-06-21 06:05:32

yeah I had nintendonitis for a while too... first started getting it in my SOF:Platinum days before starting up on HL2DM... it flares up occasionally that's when I know to take a break hahah

getting a gaming mouse that allowed for less wrist movement helped me a lot, and a mousemat with a wrist rest helps too cause that forces your wrist and hand into an ergonomic position. I also find that I have less fatigue in the fingers on my left hand with a keyboard with low profile keys (like the Fatal1ty keyboard, which is what I have). I would change my config but I wouldn't be looking forward to relearning bhop on a new config.


2008-06-21 06:09:44

CAL frowns on steriod use.


2008-06-21 08:16:43


forget about what anyone says and just do whatever setup you want, it does not matter

i play with wsad and C as crouch & 1-5 as my weapon slots, i highly doubt anyone here can actually use that for long amounts of time without experiencing some sort of pain/discomfort, but for me it's actually really comfortable and I have never experienced any sort of pain in that hand, same with my mouse hand (with the exception of maybe once every few months when combined with school stress or other factors)


2008-06-21 08:44:50

I never really had any problem with the bhop or anything like hand was pretty use to weird positions because I use to play piano for like 5 or 6 years.


2008-06-21 09:06:08

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


2008-06-21 09:07:36

i play the guitar which i think helps, cause ive never really had any pain in my left hand from playing with wasd.


2008-06-21 15:13:53

I have at times though how much like playing the piano it is to hit the keys (I tried the piano, bass and violin with dismal results) and it probably sets you for more flexibility. Since I switch back to my keypad, my hand is healing if it starts to hurt I stop, for right now I am just going to have fun for a couple of weeks, then I will probably start my attempts at better movement overall but I am kinda burned out on all of that.

I love my lachesis mouse too, I still have to truly get use to it and playing with the settings, between 2000 and 4000 very little difference... weird..



2008-06-22 00:45:57

Walking Target wrote:I highly recommend taking a break if you experience any kind of hand or wrist pain. If you want to bhop, put at least one movement key on your mouse may reduce some of the stress. I recommend sprint on your thumb button for maximum comfort. When you bhop, .


2008-06-22 12:50:10

bahlk wrote:correction....

pain is just weakness leaving the body


2008-06-22 15:33:25

From what I hear, when you are actually dying (in real life) in a slow way such as drowning or freezing your body release enough chemicals, you do not feel pain. Pain is the body's alarm signal, however it is smart enough to know when there is NO point. :|

I would love for Bahlk to feel my pain for one day, I can already hear the whining!! :x

POMP :sketchy:


2008-06-22 17:26:40

I would expect you to get more pain in the mouse hand to be honest, i think all u need is light fingers, light fingers = no strain = good. Basically this means pressing the buttons as lightly as possible. But then again i dont know ur situation and didnt read all the posts so there may be more to this story, so just ignore me if im wrong pretty much :D
I can and have played 30+hours straight without getting any kind of pain in my keyboard hand, its my mouse hand that gets a little sore, but not till about the 24 hour mark XD


2008-06-22 18:30:09

interesting theory you have about "not playing through the pain" pomp, i'm sure the millions of people going through physical therapy would love to hear it.

Infact you should tell my dad who was in a halo about how intense the pain is in your hands, and how you frown on the use of pain killers, I'm sure he'd have plenty of sympothy for you. I mean, mono must be terrible, how many years did you sleep in a hospital bed? What were the chances you'd never walk again? How often did your loved ones have to sponge bathe you and clean your open wounds?

I'd find all your posts highly offensive if I didnt consider you such a fucking joke.

Feel free to message WT and say your done with these forums as a result of me to, because if me being banned puts your sympothy trolling to an end: This isn't such a bad post to end on.


2008-06-22 20:17:56

st00pidity wrote:interesting theory you have about "not playing through the pain" pomp, i'm sure the millions of people going through physical therapy would love to hear it.

Infact you should tell my dad who was in a halo about how intense the pain is in your hands, and how you frown on the use of pain killers, I'm sure he'd have plenty of sympothy for you. I mean, mono must be terrible, how many years did you sleep in a hospital bed? What were the chances you'd never walk again? How often did your loved ones have to sponge bathe you and clean your open wounds?

I'd find all your posts highly offensive if I didnt consider you such a fucking joke.

Feel free to message WT and say your done with these forums as a result of me to, because if me being banned puts your sympothy trolling to an end: This isn't such a bad post to end on.
I love you will you have my babies?


2008-06-22 20:37:48

MF'erPOMP wrote:From what I hear, when you are actually dying (in real life) in a slow way such as drowning or freezing your body release enough chemicals, you do not feel pain. Pain is the body's alarm signal, however it is smart enough to know when there is NO point. :|
I thought when drowning there was very little pain felt while conscious, in most cases it's a type of strong anxiety, you're forced into submission after so long of trying to struggle and once you no longer control the basic mechanisms of breathing or holding your breath, lack of oxygen will have you passed out before experiencing the real pain in advanced cardiac arrest, no?

Freezing to death to me is just absolutely horrible, unless I had a cowbell.

When it comes to actual rapid fear, the body switches off blood flow to the respiratory system, and on to musculature system, it's hard to interpret pain when in this state because you're so focused on either getting the hell out of the situation, fighting the situation, etc

In my accidental case my body shut off (fade to black, hearing went mute, very numb, loss all sense of everything, a rush of adrenaline saved my life), after what seemed then to be eternity I woke up in mild suffocation, I could just barely feel myself trying to breathe, after 2 very short lived and very hard-to-take breaths, the 3rd became a bit easier, then when the 4th came I was able to open my eyes, by the 6th breath I could focus (The most beautiful thing I've ever experienced was seeing the sunset after that experience), by this time my hearing started to come back to me, heard my friend calling my name louder and louder. At the hospital the whole experience was just playing over and over again in my head, I couldn't perceive the actual crash, only the fall up until when my body shut down, and it did so before anything even happened, this is what is called "Scared To Death", it's not just some expression that people use. Found myself lying 5-6 feet away from the vehicle, I didn't even feel myself smashing against the ground that far away, but when I came back I had a broken rib, spine aches and a bleeding lip (bit myself?)

As for details on the accident, the internet isn't the proper place to talk about it, you people are god damn insane when it comes to emotion :lol: I'll just word it in your language: "We did a barrel roll", quite funny now that this meme has become big :P

Anyways yeah, every cell in your body reacts to your perception in the world, and they'll act on what needs to be done to keep you alive and well, anyways, I'll end my petty emotional rant now, cya!


2008-06-23 00:40:44

st00pidity wrote:interesting theory you have about "not playing through the pain" pomp, i'm sure the millions of people going through physical therapy would love to hear it.

Infact you should tell my dad who was in a halo about how intense the pain is in your hands, and how you frown on the use of pain killers, I'm sure he'd have plenty of sympothy for you. I mean, mono must be terrible, how many years did you sleep in a hospital bed? What were the chances you'd never walk again? How often did your loved ones have to sponge bathe you and clean your open wounds?
I'd find all your posts highly offensive if I didnt consider you such a fucking joke.

Feel free to message WT and say your done with these forums as a result of me to, because if me being banned puts your sympothy trolling to an end: This isn't such a bad post to end on.

I am sorry about your dad, I do not know what is wrong with him but I am sorry either way, no should suffer pain. (I don't know because I do not read your posts) And I am sorry you are such an ass, okay well here it goes, my pain so freaking severe from my car accident almost 20 years ago, which has lead to all kinds of problems, also the fact that I am a person LIVING with Multiple Sclerosis, which cause me terrible pain and fatigue finally prompted my pain management TEAM to make me high tech and installing a pain PUMP inside of my stomach, it dispenses morphine and baclophen (baclophen is a muscle relaxant) The relaxant is a higher does because must of my MS pain is from what is called spasticity, it feels in like a boa constrictor is constantly trying to suffocate me by wrapping itself around my ribcage. Thankfully I am mobile, and I can do almost everything except anything too physical, I tire very easily both from medication and illness. The current pain treatment has me fairly comfortable, except for my legs which feel like I am wearing tight fiberglass pants and my feet feel like I am walking on broke glass, that never goes away. Most of that is what is called nerve pain, I also have it traveling down my left arm (the one that I am having issues with at the moment) As I posted before, playing video games started as a brain re-mapping excercise for my memory and issues with concentration.

What are the chances that I will never walk again? Everyday that I am not afflicted further with MS or debilitating spinal issues, is a good day. Think I am more like Monte Williams than Richard Prior as far as how I am physically affected, nothing clearly visible on the outside BUT things can change at any moment. I have woken up completely blind twice, I have been on a wheelchair for a year once and practically bed ridden for another year before my pain pump and operation which BTW had to be done twice, nothing like the feeling of doctors ripping into your spine to pull out what they had put in a few months earlier due to infection.

Obviously I know nothing about being afflicted, I know nothing about pain and misery.You know I did not want to share so much right away but since YOU felt it necessary to insult me yet one more time, I guess I will, I was not asking for a pity party TRUST me, I can get one off those any time anywhere (Most people when they find out they gasp "OMG YOU HAVE MS, I am so sorry" and treat me like I am dying anyway)

I can feel good about what I am doing everyday, I am still trying to have fun and have a life, with all that I have endured an that is just the tip of it, I manage to laugh every single day. I am not a bitter, angry man who at half my age all he can do is dispense hate and ignorance, you have a great future ahead of you.

As far as messaging WT, I am sure he will get to read this post, am I done with the forum? YOU bet , I can't be or will no longer be associated with anything that allows people like you, in the world to cause other people pain as their members.



2008-06-23 00:50:13

You guys are noobs lol :P I never got any kind of pain while playing this game, except sometimes head aches...


2008-06-23 04:36:33

To sum this thread up:


And to all participants... thanks for coming out. :thumbsup: