2008-06-26 09:02:24
CARMAGEDDON NEXT GEN: sounds cool heh? well EIDOS killed it. For those who never played 'geddon, it was pretty sick.there was a next gen version planned and eidos decided not to do it.
POSTAL 3: It's Alpha, no first person footage so far, and since it's coming out for 360 and PS3, expect it to be way more politicly correct (GTA without cars? sounds dull)
Fallout 3: Now i know fallout wasn't sick, but if you wanted, you coulddo some pretty wicked shit ( getting kids hooked on drugs so they folow you around then sell them to a slavery) but Fallout 3 looks pretty damn amazing so far. If there's any fan out there, this one looks good. But still, since it's on console, prolly won't be as intense and crazy than the good ol PC fallout 2.
DUKE NUKEM FOREVER changes of developpers; 3DREALM just couldn't get their shit together so the project has passed over to this company:

Good day now
POSTAL 3: It's Alpha, no first person footage so far, and since it's coming out for 360 and PS3, expect it to be way more politicly correct (GTA without cars? sounds dull)
Fallout 3: Now i know fallout wasn't sick, but if you wanted, you coulddo some pretty wicked shit ( getting kids hooked on drugs so they folow you around then sell them to a slavery) but Fallout 3 looks pretty damn amazing so far. If there's any fan out there, this one looks good. But still, since it's on console, prolly won't be as intense and crazy than the good ol PC fallout 2.
DUKE NUKEM FOREVER changes of developpers; 3DREALM just couldn't get their shit together so the project has passed over to this company:

Good day now