Nokill option


2008-06-28 13:48:32

Hey guys,
I would like to add a nokill option to 2 of our training servers (jump training and surf training). Is there an addon or mod that would allow this. If any of you know of anything, please let me know. Thanks, kbaxter1

Jelly Fox

2008-06-28 16:32:36

The U server needs nokill as well, I don't think there's a way to stop it apart from stripping the weapons (like on briggs map)
forcing everyone to join rebels (like in coop)


Your jump server needs more maps, and doesn't need 2 versions of stylejumps back to back in the cycle. whats about ultimatejumps and briggs_jumps??!

Your Surf server needs to be properly config'd for surf maps,

At the start of surf_ny_resistance, it says:

sv_airaccel 100
sv_grav 700
sv_maxspeed 1000

what are you using? default :|


2008-06-29 10:36:22

The maps we are running on our jump server are as follows:

1) im_ggunjump01
2) im_ggunjump03
3) stylejumps_v2
4) tr_briggs_jumpmap_r1
5) ultimatejumps
6) wp_jump_v2p
7) ptrain

The only other map I have that hasn't been loaded yet is: im_ggunjump04 which is also a ggun jump map. If you know of others, please let me know.

Numbers 1, 2 & 6 are ggun jump maps and the others are strife jump maps. If you saw the other stylejump map then maybe an admin was on and changed it because only 1 is in the mapcycle.

For our surf map server these are the settings that were recommended to me:

mp_timelimit 10
mp_flashlight "1"
mp_footsteps "1"
mp_teamplay "1"
mp_fraglimit 0

sv_cheats "0"
sv_gravity "600"
sv_maxspeed 420
sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time 10
sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time 10

sv_unlag 1
sv_maxspeed 400
sv_pushscale 2000
phys_pushscale 3000
sv_airaccelerate 2000

If you saw other settings load then maybe they are settings in the map itself.

If these settings are not what is needed, please let me know what settings would work better.

These are the maps loaded on that server:


The only other surf map that I have is : surf_rebel_resistance_final3 , but it sometimes crashes the server so only an admin can access it.

Also, I have seen some rp servers and build servers where when you add nokill infront of your name, then other players can't kill you. Is that a mod or something special to those servers?

Any help here would be great. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions. Take care, kbaxter1