omfg D3


2008-06-28 18:18:48


Dudez and Dudesses,

Diablo 3 is on the way :O


2008-06-29 01:56:03

OH MY SHIT! HOLY GOD! when this comes out im taking a break from dm to play this!


2008-06-29 03:58:30

Noob here no idea what this is.


2008-06-29 04:40:30

:thumbsup: F :thumbsup: T :thumbsup: M :thumbsup: F :thumbsup: W :thumbsup:


2008-06-29 17:36:12

keefy wrote:Noob here no idea what this is.
some crappy game :D


2008-06-29 17:48:24


2008-06-29 18:34:50

Well it's on the website i posted in EVEN HIGHER resolution ;)


2008-06-29 21:08:00

Higher than youtube? :o

Tis what I get for not clicking the link in the original post. :sketchy:


2008-06-29 22:12:19


2008-06-29 22:39:31

That game looks like wicked fun


2008-07-02 20:47:52

d2 consumed mah life at one point, this will ruin it again xD i cant wait, looks like christmas came early this year boyssssss


2008-07-02 20:48:57

Coke. wrote: ... zk8ba1.jpg

fuck that :rofl: :cheer:
also if i see a fuckin rainbow in mah d3 ima slap a hoe down at blizzard :x


2008-07-03 17:05:15

PwNs3ttia wrote: also if i see a fuckin rainbow in mah d3 ima slap a hoe down at blizzard :x
Game takes place in Heaven and hell's taking over it. Rainbows there might be


2008-07-03 19:53:53

.conflict wrote:
PwNs3ttia wrote: also if i see a fuckin rainbow in mah d3 ima slap a hoe down at blizzard :x
Game takes place in Heaven and hell's taking over it. Rainbows there might be
nooooooooooooooooooo, its not diablo if there's rainbows and happiness :cry: maybe blizzard will listen to the renegade spam topic on teh d3 bords :D go post some real posts there and give our bot a break


2008-07-04 03:23:11

.conflict wrote:
PwNs3ttia wrote: also if i see a fuckin rainbow in mah d3 ima slap a hoe down at blizzard :x
Game takes place in Heaven and hell's taking over it. Rainbows there might be
That was just a random rumor. D3 takes place in the same world as D1/D2.


2008-07-04 07:24:38

Ko-Tao wrote:
.conflict wrote:
PwNs3ttia wrote: also if i see a fuckin rainbow in mah d3 ima slap a hoe down at blizzard :x
Game takes place in Heaven and hell's taking over it. Rainbows there might be
That was just a random rumor. D3 takes place in the same world as D1/D2.
Well it take place in a world called "Sanctuary, where warriors has once fought the evil and live in a world of peace, but now darkness forces has risen back up again and are striking the holy land"

not heaven but a nice looking place is going into shit. Rainbows there might be.


2008-07-04 10:46:16

finally a game I might play more than hl2dm! :shock: