no more dress


2008-06-30 20:43:42

Shotgun killed it for me, people run around with that crap blasting you from miles away, lame as fuck.

I'll come back if it's getting fixed, if not, been fun :D

Love y'all


2008-06-30 20:50:48

Wow you posted basically what i was going to lol... I wont hijack tho.
dude you were awesome, ggs always and always lulz. whatever game we find ourselves in next ill hitchu up for some games. :cry: :wink:


2008-06-30 21:03:51

It's better anyway than unnameds sprinting dressed up as Combine and spamming cballs and immolating themselves in your face with explosive-barrels/grenades/RPG/smg1_nade.


2008-06-30 21:12:01

The shotty seems way overpowered and i seem to be the one getting overpowered by it. Its annoying to get killed from clear across a large area by the shotty. The whole game seems to be RPG, SMGnades, and Shotty and the Orb is fun compared to the others.

Oh well, ain't leavin anyways! Anyone tell me the secret to super devastating shotty?


2008-06-30 21:13:55

.conflict wrote:Shotgun killed it for me, people run around with that crap blasting you from miles away, lame as fuck.

I'll come back if it's getting fixed, if not, been fun :D

Love y'all
It's always been that way, I don't see anything getting changed there since it hasn't already.
I think the main thing is that players have learned how to optimize there settings as well as how to use the shotgun in a more effective way. Also more players are starting to realize just how powerful the shotgun can be if used properly, so its just getting used a lot more now. It's really not any worse than some of the other spam in the game.


2008-06-30 21:17:03

eitheir way i hate the gameplay now so shotty exploit or not, its fucking annoying.


2008-06-30 21:18:42

65 Impala SS wrote:Anyone tell me the secret to super devastating shotty?
There is no secret, everything has been discussed here before. Optimize your net connection settings, aim for the head upper body area, some say charging forward while firing helps, some say hitting both mouse 1 and mouse 2 gives you a more concentrated blast, while others say its a placebo (but still do it anyway, lol)


2008-06-30 21:27:23

.conflict wrote:Shotgun killed it for me, people run around with that crap blasting you from miles away, lame as fuck.

I'll come back if it's getting fixed, if not, been fun :D

Love y'all

agreed... GG... <3 you


2008-06-30 21:37:06

what size iz yer dress?

err, cause the wife needs a new one.

yeah, thats it.

so, umm what size????


2008-06-30 21:39:24

HL2DM has too many one shot kill weapons. It would be a lot more popular if it wasn't that way.

Hate to see y'all go over just another weapon that does the same as so many others...

I miss our killbox times con.


2008-06-30 21:40:06

i was thinking the same thing not to long ago.


2008-06-30 21:44:54

you too conflict! keep in touch for the lulz.
[email protected] <-- for the lulz, and come play gta4 multiplayer on xbox360 with me!


2008-06-30 22:19:11

glhf in real life dude, had a lot of fun with you. add meh [email protected]


2008-06-30 23:22:03



2008-06-30 23:34:10

God dammit, and I only got to play with you maybe once. Fuckin' shotty!!

Jelly Fox

2008-06-30 23:55:55

CellarDweller wrote:what size iz yer dress?

err, cause the wife needs a new one.

yeah, thats it.

so, umm what size????
LOL :lol: bet it reeks of conflicts sweaty under gusset


2008-07-01 00:04:21

Always had fun playing with you Conflict. You gave me a good challenge and some good advice...thank you.


2008-07-01 01:57:11

lately i find my self getting way to bored of other games nothing seems to compare to the pace of this game so i was always stay and come back.

cya latter con i hope

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-07-01 04:54:34

It must not be true!

Say it ain't so.


2008-07-01 08:42:02



2008-07-01 23:06:30

I know for certain double barrel shotgun does 100/100 damage at most and that was at point blank range to the face. That's some serious damage and I've never been killed from a long range distance with it while having 100/100 or less. There may have been an instance where some1 was 10 ft. or so away and might've done 100 damage to me with the shotty.

I'm unsure if this triple shotgun thing is present in the game cause I've just heard talk and haven't seen demos or hard proof it does some outstanding damage from even long distances as some say. More shotgun kills may be frequent nowadays cause ppl started to realize the effectiveness of the shotty at close combat and never really saw it as a powerful weapon in the past.

I don't see reason in leaving the game because of the shotgun. There are many ways to go about the game imo. Working on magnum accuracy, bow prediction shots and ricohets, and of course the g-guns, which acts as an offensive and defensive tool (defensive as in reflecting orbs/objects back at your enemy) And really? Do maps focus just on shotgun kills not physics, nades, smg nades, rpg, orbs, etc? Strategy and tactics are still relevant in this game. Many maps offer amush spots or blind spots you can hide to assasinate your enemy.

Other than that, movement is key. Do you wanna sit and stand there like a duck or an easy target as your enemy gives you a shotgun facial? Or you could just run away and/or move your feet and dance a little as to give yourself leverage to best your enemy? The shotgun is not an automatic weapon after all and has recoil and works well ONLY in close combat and does take skill/aim to knockout your enemy (headshot)


2008-07-02 06:25:55

im going to lawl what happens to the game when ppl figure out the infamous luke 100/200 shotty across icepick on me and ninjins ( yes its true if u didnt read the the post's )


2008-07-04 22:53:35

Leveling the playing field by letting everyone in on settings is necessary... not fair to stay lete based on settings... Like I tell people what I've been told about setting up the game... just to give em a fair shake. Not even sure if I'm on the right path sometimes... not many like to share. Shotgun is tough... but I see guys staying grounded and strafing like a mofo to counter it.