The World Series of HL2DM!


2008-07-04 10:57:04

This was briefly discussed in irc a bit back, but I am bringin it here to get approval from everyone else 1st. It's gonna be a showdown between the top usa players vs the top canadian players on the best maps. Everyone can vote on who they want to see play in this battle royale and what maps, etc from polls. Getting all these people together and agreeing on an actual match is the difficult part. Let's just see who we can get for this and what kind of outcome it could have. This is what my quickly picked teams would look like...

Team USA: A Seagull, LukeGT421, InvX001, Blasphemy Squad, Constipator
Team CAN: poor_billy, NutriGrain, 2QuicK, Toad, col.kurtz & mertz?

Sorry to anyone I forgot, I couldn't really think too much about this. I just want everyone's opinions so we can start some polls going. I also made a steam group to support this event. I might need your help for this one to organize it all master nino! :mrgreen:


2008-07-04 11:41:29

I would gladly play for USA...


2008-07-04 12:15:54

Why are you calling it The World Series? Sounds more like you're trying to arrange a North American Series of HL2DM (except Mexico isn't in), or am I missing something here?


2008-07-04 13:18:24

Just because I think the pings would make it not as equal, but maybe we should involve every country. Sorry that was a pretty stupid title, but thats what I came up with quickly. Just copying Major League Baseball I guess, they have the same kind of World Series also with poker even though its usually americans and canadians.


2008-07-04 13:22:24

herbalizer wrote:Just because I think the pings wouldn't be cool, but maybe we should involve every country. Sorry that was a pretty stupid title, but thats what I came up with quickly.
worldwide FiOS?


2008-07-04 14:09:01

everyone meet on hl2 island, its somewhere out in the middle of the ocean... gl hf :lol:

Jelly Fox

2008-07-04 15:58:32

I agree, stupid title.

It would be nice to see some euro players get some much deserved coverage. If we can find (even rent) a server in Greenland the pings should be equal :idea:


2008-07-04 17:03:56

I think this was like vals east vs west idea, might work if everyone could agree on who should play.


2008-07-04 21:19:25

World series eh 2 teams?


2008-07-05 00:30:52

good idea. make a list of all the canadian/usa players and then people can vote.


2008-07-05 02:35:33

well its a small world but even smaller if its only 2 countries :? :? :?: :?: when i was on pidgin the other day we discussed same as i was gettin 150 ping on us servers which i was told was well playable so come on maybe a limit on playable pings would be a good place to set the bar


2008-07-05 03:00:13

for competitive play, anything over 100 isn't playable.


2008-07-05 03:16:34

only if the euros are also allowed to play


2008-07-05 03:22:28

i was gettin 150 ping on us servers which i was told was well playable
for competitive play, anything over 100 isn't playable.
Anything over 100 isn't the same... until 200 is "playable" if you want to join a pub and have a good time. If you plan to compete even having 100 is a bit disadvantageous.
I'd like to see a match like this happen, and also record sctv demo if so ! :D


2008-07-05 05:53:42

herbalizer wrote:everyone meet on hl2 island, its somewhere out in the middle of the ocean... gl hf :lol:
lmao,me and herb own an island shaped like the hl2 logo and we grow weed on it :lol:


2008-07-05 06:11:12

umm euro has had quite a few nations cups never to invite NA, seeing seagull want to play in that and getting turned down made me start the states cup which didn't work since if was to many players loosey organized. Which then i switched it to the draft. I think a large poll and people can vote on 4 players would be good, Might have a thread for a USA and CAN teams and have the players say they want to play, Because from Herbs list i would say team CAN would end up forfeiting. mertz and kurtz will not play and toad is busy playing css. So most important thing is to get active players. Open community voting or a small 1v1 touney would be good ways to get on the team. Not a bad idea at all.


2008-07-05 06:20:52

ninojman wrote:umm euro has had quite a few nations cups never to invite NA, seeing seagull want to play in that and getting turned down made me start the states cup which didn't work since if was to many players loosey organized. Which then i switched it to the draft. I think a large poll and people can vote on 4 players would be good, Might have a thread for a USA and CAN teams and have the players say they want So most important thing is to get active players. Open community voting or a small 1v1 touney would be good ways to get on the team. Not a bad idea at all.

So erm anyway is this world series just NA then :?: :?: which if it is then it ain't a 'world series ' is it ?


2008-07-05 06:36:21

well, like herb said Major league baseball's final game is 'world series' NFL super bowl champions are called 'world champions' same for NBA all 3 only have teams from US and CAN. I thought he was calling it that after the world series of poker but w/e


2008-07-05 06:59:30

they didn't invite NA to their nationscup but then again why should that mean that we shouldn't invite them in this thing (if it even happens), it'd be stupid if we didn't


2008-07-05 07:09:33

#1 - ping
#2 - making a new event to complex

if herbs wants to make i happen, a short 1 game with the top players from US/CAN would be best imo, After having everything work. And thus drawing in more interest, then try to expand it. I'd be neat to have EU teams RUS teams and SA teams but starting small is a good idea. As we Get more EU on #hl2dm it will be easier to get these bigger world wide events to happen


2008-07-05 08:01:08

I knew about the NA cup probably before anyone else, cause my bestest fwend rayzor was telling me about it, i even had Team America in my name for like a day. :D

then i saw vdus and sw tried to play in the na and i wasn't even on the 2nd list they made which made my heart sad. :(

Walking Target

2008-07-05 10:31:25

Past is past, yeah CU didn't allow team USA to play in their nations cup, but that's all ancient history, and we would be hypocrites if we complained about it then and then did the exact same thing.

I say we have a true world series...3v3 so the smaller countries can field a team. Pings...hmm not sure.


2008-07-05 16:42:00

I dunno, a true world series seems a bit optimistic. You'd have to fight not only pings, but time differences and players being used to 3on3 and ff on vs. 4on4 and ff off, and so on...

Why don't you go ahead with an American Series. I'm sure there won't be too many teams signing up from the South Americas, making ping diff less of a problem.


2008-07-05 17:12:49

I'm sure there won't be too many teams signing up from the South Americas
I don't know anybody else apart from my mates and players in brasil. And apart from this, USA players get around 100-150 on euro servers right? (not in every of them, I know, but you can manage to get that on some), same for EURO players on USA servers.
For me it's 200+ in USA, and 300+ on EURO servers, maybe even =/


2008-07-05 19:57:00

woot canada


2008-07-06 04:27:51

Stupid title, lol.

To be a world series it should be a LAN inviting people from all over the world, not from the States and Canada only.


2008-07-06 06:13:24

Ping shoudln't matter as long as 2 maps are played 1 on each server. (USA, Euro or whereever)


2008-07-06 08:11:42

Should be called the HL2DM Olympics. Not world series. You could set up actual events that doesnt just involve killing. Such as, long jump, grav toss, barrel shooting, S.L.A.M jenga, 357 and xbow sharp shooting. LOL, could even use a buggy map for bhop racing and even racing with the buggies.


2008-07-06 09:24:27

Thats also a good idea, but I just want to see the top players playing eachother and it seemed like usa vs canada was the best balance. Start making a list of people, since the inactive guys probably wont be playing.

Canada: pb, grain, ace, foz, ko-tao
USA: luke, gull, blas, invx, con

help me think of more people that would be suitable for this!


2008-07-06 09:46:49

this sounds like a job for the drunken bahlk phenomenon

i also live in vermont so im basically canadian


2008-07-06 10:29:06

I'm from Canada, as well as Conflict, and probably others too.


2008-07-06 12:03:31

[quote="herbalizer"] QUOTE This was briefly discussed in irc a bit back, but I am bringin it here to get approval from everyone else 1st. It's gonna be a showdown between the top usa players vs the top canadian players on the best maps. Everyone can vote on who they want to see play in this battle royale and what maps, etc from polls. Getting all these people together and agreeing on an actual match is the difficult part. Let's just see who we can get for this and what kind of outcome it could have. This is what my quickly picked teams would look like...

Team USA: A Seagull, LukeGT421, InvX001, Blasphemy Squad, Constipator
Team CAN: poor_billy, NutriGrain, 2QuicK, Toad, col.kurtz & mertz QUOTE

Look, I have never liked teto's attitude or the respect he gives this game but if Teto replaced Toad I think the canadian team would be unstoppable no question. I mean kurtz, mertz, teto and 2quick on one team will drop a USA team in 2 minutes, this is coming from a proud USA patriot.


2008-07-06 12:06:43

And im drunk so and have played with all the players mentioned and when I'm drunk I speak the truth. Trust me I had the time to see a mertz demo and he is the best magger hands down, even kurtz and invx dont compare to the demos I saw. Out--- GG


2008-07-06 12:31:43

looks like you've made up your minds but the UN won't recognise it :p


2008-07-06 16:32:42

didn't know teto was Canadian.


ohh i think bio would be decent, i think hes Canadian.


2008-07-07 00:27:59

sure they can come. as long as they are willing to travel to NA to play :P... Pings are pings... just the way it goes.


2008-07-07 01:27:55

Whoa wtf am i doing on that list lol? O.o

I think the most agreeable usa team would be: luke/fear/yard/seagull and boom there ya go


2008-07-07 02:26:46

You really think Yard is better at tdm? And I heard Fearsome quti...


2008-07-07 08:12:12

yea i wouldn't say yard is all that great at tdm.




I don't think i should post screenies of tdm matches with fearsome, then it would look like i am gloating, which i am sure it already looks that way.


2008-07-07 11:45:45

Well those are 2v2 screens. This tournament would be 4v4 right? 4v4 play is different than 2v2 play and thats my ideal 4v4 team if fearsome would wanna play.


2008-07-07 13:08:37

2 3v3 teams was brought up and that kind of makes more sense, but we will see what happens. Anyone else you guys want to see play in this match? :|


2008-07-07 13:58:50

if you seriously think yard is a bad tdm player off of those screens then i give you a big fucking LOL.


2008-07-07 14:40:48

Seagull wrote:if you seriously think yard is a bad tdm player off of those screens then i give you a big fucking LOL.
nah i got more screens/demos.


2008-07-08 01:37:45

the point is that k/d or what he's doing in general doesn't matter if it's good for the team


2008-07-08 02:24:13

Iirc Seagull + Yard won CAL 2v2 last season... kinda says it all.


2008-07-08 02:51:54

Ko-Tao wrote:Iirc Seagull + Yard won CAL 2v2 last season... kinda says it all.
says a lot more then random scrims, he might have been eating popcorn during that scrim


2008-07-08 05:32:44

Well I guess the teammates should have their say who they want to play with them. The only problem is this match is being played right now pretty much ($W vs eWR).


2008-07-08 21:58:24

it is kind of being played, but $W isnt even really "trying" eh. luke doesnt even play anymore, seagull doesnt really play anymore either, fearsome "quti" conflict quti, and yea so on


2008-07-08 22:39:05

CoNfuSed wrote:it is kind of being played, but $W isnt even really "trying" eh. luke doesnt even play anymore, seagull doesnt really play anymore either, fearsome "quti" conflict quti, and yea so on
hey confused get good so you can talk shit for yourself
Cuz $w didn't say anything other then Good game. Like anyone with some self respect would say


2008-07-08 22:49:01

pwnji sauce


2008-07-08 23:59:17

I didn't quti that was just a little parody but it is true that my ability to play has been fairly limited this summer the little time I do have tends to be consumed developing and testing lockdown_r4 and testing and critiquing the new zeta. Once those are done hopefully I can get a little more time in. But I'm not quitting don't add me to the list of reasons people repeat when they say hl2dm is dieing.


2008-07-09 00:10:33

CoNfuSed wrote:it is kind of being played, but $W isnt even really "trying" eh. luke doesnt even play anymore, seagull doesnt really play anymore either, fearsome "quti" conflict quti, and yea so on
you're a joke.

and not a funny one.


2008-07-09 02:59:38

lol wtf guys. you think i said that to be some kind of bitch? haha, you take this shit too seriously dudes, i said that because its true, dont come and tell me that seagull still plays a lot and that luke plays a lot lol...

Tip: You should stop taking everything people says so personally. its a game and internet eh..


2008-07-09 05:44:50

CoNfuSed wrote:lol wtf guys. you think i said that to be some kind of bitch? haha, you take this shit too seriously dudes, i said that because its true, dont come and tell me that seagull still plays a lot and that luke plays a lot lol...

Tip: You should stop taking everything people says so personally. its a game and internet eh..

no you did say that to be a bitch, true statement or not doesn't hide the fact that you would be shooting unwanted children into socks if flas was able to do the same thing.

-insert poorbilly dolphin cry here-

you're just crying because even "not trying" you wouldn't beable to lose to sw by as much as they lost to ewr, and all "not trying" aside, sw was pretty confident adding seagull to the roster would be enough to take the win. sw was undefeated in cal, seagull took the 1v1 last season... shit helk even came back, and omg undefeatable roster was defeated.

it was an epic battle, and an impressive win for ewr and your the only one who thinks differently so go sit in the corner by yourself and cry while obsessing over poorbilly and masturbating with your own tears as lube.

and we all know how much you care about this game and how serious you take it conf:



2008-07-09 05:54:56



2008-07-09 09:23:27

Seems like everywhere you look in both sports and gaming the changing of the guard is happening everywhere you look, football, tennis, baseball, CSS, HL2DM. So yeah I'm also eating my words a bit at my own preditcions, but caverns is ewR territory, I'll be much more impressed to see if ewR can strike down the kings of lockdown.


2008-07-09 09:31:20

Anyway, I sent Herb a pm on irc i guess he didn't get it, I'd say make a thread for team usa and team Can, Team Mex may happen there is foz and hertz right? But make these threads have people post would they'd like to see, then make a poll with the people that got the most votes. Ya just like how i do the maps...seems fair anyway.


2008-07-09 23:26:52

well first of all they werent undefeated because VDuS beat them last season. second well they were undefeated before because they actually played other than cal matches. So, if you want me to be a bitch well I will, then you'll see what me being a bitch really is. I would like to see you beat them when Seagull, Luke, tlc, and Fearsome are all in there top forms hah.


2008-07-10 00:09:36



<3 Confuser!


2008-07-10 00:20:32



2008-07-10 00:46:32

All of you shut the fuck up. all of you. :!:


2008-07-10 00:47:10



2008-07-10 00:59:33

ninojman wrote:Anyway, I sent Herb a pm on irc i guess he didn't get it, I'd say make a thread for team usa and team Can, Team Mex may happen there is foz and hertz right? But make these threads have people post would they'd like to see, then make a poll with the people that got the most votes. Ya just like how i do the maps...seems fair anyway.
get on topic.

team mex

any others people know about?


2008-07-10 01:19:19

i think odin but i havent seen him around ina while


2008-07-10 02:03:08

Well maybe this isint the best idea, looks like I am starting a war here rather than a "friendly" scrim. I don't even think people's schedules are going to work out especially during cal season. This could be an offseason thing, thats if people are still playing then... :?


2008-07-10 02:04:22

oddly enough, odin aka currican, is vacationing with family in mexico


2008-07-10 03:19:42

Odin will be back next week or so


2008-07-10 03:21:18

Odin will be back next week or so.

What is all this about, anyways?
Something about a clash of the awesome?

How about some folks field their team in CAL to start.

Walking Target

2008-07-10 10:51:43

Yeah everyone talking smack can stop now, it's getting tiresome. Those of you who still cant figure out what "no flaming" means will be shown the door.


2008-07-10 16:35:22

65 Impala SS wrote:Odin will be back next week or so.

What is all this about, anyways?
Something about a clash of the awesome?

How about some folks field their team in CAL to start.

hmmm, ya, might wanna do this after the season.
I could put together something like dods does, Flags and frags although we'd need a new name.


2008-07-10 21:20:03



2008-07-10 21:30:10

shun me if you will but I fully stand by confused here... $W doesn't play that much anymore, luke and seagull both only have like 5 hours and 7.5 hours, tlc has 7.7, and fearsome* with 10.9, and I'll bet all or half of those hours you see there, are the hours they spent actually playing the cal matches... and maybe a few pubs here and there. I don't think them playing with that much time, will really allow them to keep their full skills. I'd say they surely haven't played enough imo


2008-07-10 21:38:03

Slick.Fr0 wrote:I AM BLACK !
Slick keep telling yourself that but it ain't gonna make your dick any bigger : /


2008-07-10 21:50:04

I know right.



2008-07-10 22:19:02

ninojman wrote:I think a large poll and people can vote on 4 players would be good, Might have a thread for a USA and CAN teams and have the players say they want to play, Because from Herbs list i would say team CAN would end up forfeiting.
I thinks that's a brilliant idea nino, I say we should do that, I DON'T think however, that people should base their votes on popularity, but instead skill... I am saying this because I do feel I am eligible for the 4v4 world series, I am not canadian ace, I was not in fios ace, but nino brought up a very good suggestion. Do you have anymore? Please share m8 :D!


2008-07-10 22:32:54

well like it said lets get a big list of players and put it to a vote. Another idea i was thinking was a Cal All-star game, after the season might be the best for both, but during the season might be a better idea since people are around and would want a break right after the season.


2008-07-10 22:41:06



2008-07-11 00:18:58

Nutri-Grain wrote:ummmm...teto...canada wouldn't forfeit, we'd kick ass.

oh and also maybe SW wasn't at the top of their game during our caverns match, but that still doesn't mean that they weren't good. If you want to go around saying that we only beat them because they weren't at the top of their game and other teams could beat them as well, you better have some screens to prove it, because so far i haven't seen a clan beat SW in awhile. Please, icon or flaS, beat SW in a match or scrim...then you can say what you want.
lol nutri, me and you have good blood haha, it wasn't offensive at all... I didn't say canada would probably forfit, that was me quoting nino, and I just didn't want to cut the sentence off mid-way, I wanted to just put it in there to finish the sentence lol. I didn't say they had to suck for you guys to win either I actually meant that they just weren't at the prime of their game though :\... sure we're not the best team, I'll be the first to admit that... but these guys have been playing to learn. but hey, you do deserve a congrat's so here it is ;)


2008-07-11 03:56:38

i <3 how this game has turned into im the best; and im gonna talk all the shit i want. Not to point out to anyone....
But look at what you guys are fighting about its rediculious.


2008-07-11 07:10:52

thatguy wrote:i think odin but i havent seen him around ina while
Odin is from TX iirc...he is just of hispanic background.


2008-07-11 08:33:29

Nutri-Grain wrote:so far i haven't seen a clan beat SW in awhile. Please, icon or flaS, beat SW in a match or scrim...then you can say what you want.
raises hand hehe even though me and ace aren't really in a clan together. :drink:


2008-07-11 11:27:57



2008-07-11 13:34:35

I </3 how this game has turned into im the best; and im gonna talk all the shit i want. Not to point out to anyone....
But look at what you guys are fighting about its rediculious.
QFT :cry:


2008-07-11 22:24:54

0nti wrote:
I </3 how this game has turned into im the best; and im gonna talk all the shit i want. Not to point out to anyone....
But look at what you guys are fighting about its rediculious.
QFT :cry:


2008-07-12 12:19:45

can't wait to see who wins this north american world series after all the hot air:D :D :D :D :D


2008-07-15 06:31:17

I think it's gonna be the USA vs CAN hl2dm all star game which seems more appropriate, shall we start our ballots or just wait for cal season to end 1st?


2008-07-15 07:21:49

idk about not canada but canada's team should be pb,grain,ace,confused


2008-07-15 07:22:09

Think we could get the teams lined up, so they at least know who they are. How should the maps be decided, Vote?


2008-07-15 08:40:01

Ohh, I want to play


2008-07-15 17:59:29

i vote pb, ace, confused, seagull for canada, and luke, teto, blas, invx for usa.


2008-07-15 20:46:50

Zman42 wrote:i vote pb, ace, confused, seagull for canada, and luke, teto, blas, invx for usa.
seagulls canadian now???


2008-07-15 23:11:23

thatguy wrote:
Zman42 wrote:i vote pb, ace, confused, seagull for canada, and luke, teto, blas, invx for usa.
seagulls canadian now???
oops fuck lol
i would revise to read luke seag teto invx america, pb, ace, confused, grain for canada


2008-07-15 23:13:46

thatguy wrote:
Zman42 wrote:i vote pb, ace, confused, seagull for canada, and luke, teto, blas, invx for usa.
seagulls canadian now???

I vote Canadian, PB, Ace, Nutri and confused. For USA I vote Seagull, InvX, Teto and Herbalizer. LukeGT as far as most people know is done playing for quite awhile and Herbalizer is the best 4on4 player you've barely seen yet.


2008-07-16 00:38:09

canada:ace, grain, pb, confused
us: teto, invx, seagull, luke


2008-07-16 05:09:25

im flattered by that vals, but I don't think im quite cut out for a starter possibly a backup. anyways, I am starting votes in the draft section so start your picks now!


2008-07-17 00:42:11
