Wish list for OB


2008-07-08 18:47:53

What would you like to see in the OB update for hl2dm?
Game updates, Game modes, New maps? (dods's new map is a custom that valve took and made a bit better) Weapon updates.

1) custom server list. (listing that a server is a low grav server)
2) Make RPG able to be shot down by bullet fire (see HL2 single player, Maybe only using the ar2 or something) Or catchable, Or like the pyro update where the grav gun could pulse it away.
3) Make biohazard and lostarena stock
4) Make a GUI for entering the server, joining teams, and a bind in options and default key to bring that menu up so people can join spectator.
5) 1v1 game mode
6) ready team command
7) Take dm_caverns_r1 make it pretty and release it (with permission i guess)
8) Global rank system
9) take some ideas from pro The server admin gui was amazingly great
10) Bring back multi pulse when facing 90 degrees down.
11) Fix prop clipping
12) Make the slams one a piece
13) fix the jerky motion that hapens when you touch a wall and floor.

all i can think of for now, Let brain storm and then make a vote for a top 5 or 10. So real free to repeat any that you like


2008-07-08 19:26:00

oh gawd....there will be a custom server list. But it has already killed TF2 traffic and DOD:S traffic on the more popular servers. It's a mess.

Any simple cvar you change could take your server from the normal internet tab and throw it on the custom tab. And VALVe chooses which cvars do what.

nobody likes it, well almost nobody :D


2008-07-08 19:56:31

Keeper wrote:oh gawd....there will be a custom server list. But it has already killed TF2 traffic and DOD:S traffic on the more popular servers. It's a mess.

Any simple cvar you change could take your server from the normal internet tab and throw it on the custom tab. And VALVe chooses which cvars do what.

nobody likes it, well almost nobody :D
true, but that would likely be the way they would go. Also would give a rise to stock servers...i would think. As if you wanted low grav etc you'd have to goto custom section. which i would love, Like last night i was trying to pub and went to like 5 different servers that had low grav on stock maps....before just giving up and joining the war room.


2008-07-08 19:57:51

Adjustable FOV
Adjustable HUD much like in Warsow so we have full control over what goes where.
Add Steam ID in scoreboard so no need to take screen of console
Add Auto screenshot at end of round option cvar
Add Autorecord demo cvar named by map and date etc much like source tv demo autorecord.
Add Ability to remove weapon models without cheats
Add sv_maxupdaterate 66 to default server cfg
Cheat protect impulse exploit
fix shotgun treble shot
fix duckjump animations
fix RPG last rocket unguided
Fix magnum going back to origin when have high ping.
toggle_zoom in the option GUI.
Fix 100tick servers
Headshot icons
xbow does headshots


2008-07-08 21:50:55

umm, updaterate isnt 66 its 100, sv_maxupdaterate 100, so people that use 100 can use 100 if they want eh.
for mine umm.
Don't care
Don't care
Don't care


2008-07-08 23:56:59

you cant pull sv_updaterate 100 on a 66 tick server, as far as I know there are no 100 tick hl2dm servers up so 66 is all your gonna get. I think the reason he asked for that is by default its set to 60, and people who dont know any better have servers limited to 60.


2008-07-09 00:05:41

keefy wrote: Adjustable HUD much like in Warsow so we have full control over what goes where.
fix duckjump animations
fix RPG last rocket unguided
toggle_zoom in the option GUI.
Fix 100tick servers
Headshot icons
ninojman wrote: 2) Make RPG able to be shot down by bullet fire
5) 1v1 game mode
12) Make the slams one a piece
These are the ones that caught my eye. Also, some control over the footstep noises would be nice, to make team fights more fair.


2008-07-09 00:21:59

i would like alot of the stuff in promod basically i think the idea of more then just 2 teams is badass. Alot of you have the stuff i would like but the scoreboard would be awsome to


2008-07-09 02:03:15

L2k wrote:you cant pull sv_updaterate 100 on a 66 tick server, as far as I know there are no 100 tick hl2dm servers up so 66 is all your gonna get. I think the reason he asked for that is by default its set to 60, and people who dont know any better have servers limited to 60.
exactly the reason.
LOL I forgot about the dodgy scoreboard


2008-07-09 02:55:11

Allow admins to switch the team stackers back over to their original team (so annoying) when in team mode.


2008-07-09 02:56:30

fix the retarded amount of crashes in this game.


2008-07-09 02:59:31

Kyle wrote:fix the retarded amount of crashes in this game.
Hells YA!


2008-07-09 03:34:59

er idk how i forgot these

1) jump duck missing animation
2) jump duck glitch
3) world damage/team kill not counting as a death in teamplay


2008-07-09 05:35:01

A jetpack.
A twice-longer longjump than HL1.
A flamethrower and flaregun like Pyro.
A semi-automatic RPG like TFC.
An AK-103 and an M4.
Health up to 200 and suit 500.
Dual Mag357
Shotgun with infinite rounds (no needs to reload).
A full iPod compatible HEV suit.
An 100% precise AR2 with a 150% increase of actual damage.


Come on dudes, you can't wish those things. Don't wish HL2DM updates because they WON'T do that kind of updates. They're just going to port HL2DM to Source2007, that means we might get servers working at 100tick, a new LagCompensation system, graphic engine update, Stats/Achievements, score showing up with avatars, Friends name system, zoom-in-at-killer when got killed, etc. I hope they fix props, 100tick, jumpcrouch glitch, auto-reloading when switching to other weapon, xbox in the ground with no more bows when it has some, multiple SLAMs when picking one only, third RPG rocket unguided, etc.

If I wish something, it would be like nino said. Make GravGun able to reflect rockets and smg1_nades, or/and able to catch them. And make orbs able to kill their own thrower, or make a cvar enabling it. One-on-one mode, Spectator GUI (plus health updating and deathnotice self relocating), more multiplayer options in the actual one, dm_lockdown FAN-switch-activating kill recognizing and others. But the sad thing is that is not going to happend ;(


2008-07-09 06:29:54

how about making the "alias" command locked like a cheat command like impulse 101 might stop scriptors. Don't see any other valid use for it other than recharging team chat message. I heard that there are players that are able to do a triple shotty with a scrip if my source is correct.


2008-07-09 06:40:53

They use the alias command and joined commands in code, so they cannot make those cheats or disable them.


2008-07-09 08:04:00

Even if they do disable alias you still got people sporting programmable keyboards which can do the same thing. And valve has not touched it in way to long its unlikely they will now.
I agree with onty whats up with people trying to turn this into quake. I rather like the lack of FOV and all that crap that just makes the difference between a config tweaker and a normal player.
Also about including custom maps in the game why bother? I mean if you do that people will just get addicted to the stock ones then when we release a revision they will resist the change like lockdown. This game really has good acceptance for custom maps and vast majority of servers run them. So the good old including maps with the game really is not needed and may even hurt.

Stick to bug fixes I say then at least valve will have some consensus as to what people want. I think 95% of the people can agree that impulse * should be cheat protected, and models should stop glitching during duck jump. But you start to dive into highly opinionated things like map choice and client side rendering and you tread into controversial waters. then all valve sees is a mixed bag of fighting factions and they aren't really sure what to work on. And when you want added fluff for server admins and so on you get into they are dedicating time to that rather then fixing the real core bugs that effect every single game every day we play. Given how little valve does we should be conservative in what we ask for.


2008-07-09 10:28:05

ninojman wrote: 2) Make RPG able to be shot down by bullet fire (see HL2 single player, Maybe only using the ar2 or something) Or catchable, Or like the pyro update where the grav gun could pulse it away.
yea maybe ar2 shoot it down, but not every weapon. xbow can explode a rocket, im sure you guys know that. and i think that if you could catch smg nade or rocket would be cool, but not needed (maybe pulse). they would change the game play way to much so then it would make every weapon obsolete except for the shotgun and i guess mag...other than that fix the crashes...



2008-07-09 10:36:13

I agree with onty whats up with people trying to turn this into quake
D; I hadn't even posted yet xD

I do agree with you though. It's good to hear people's opinion and stuff, but I think we should concentrate on the stuff most want or the game needs right now. I wouldn't mind getting some of the stuff mentioned, but there are more relevant things than that .... like the impulse cheat for example...


2008-07-09 14:03:12

The only thing i would think ppl would want to be similar to quake in dm is explosion push.
As well as a secondary fire for rpg(non guided) but thats a small thing, would be an advantage to not have to stick around while ur rocket was in the air in certain situations, im not about giving more advantage to rpg but if the blast radius was less it would be ok.

[AgC] Flushthetoilet

2008-07-09 17:33:13

Fix the crashes.
Fix the sound bug.
Fix the damn scoreboard.
Fix the "timeleft" when restarting a game.
Reduce blast damage of RPG
Get rid of the "invisible slam" bug.


2008-07-11 19:06:32

crashes or just admit everyone crashes and make the scores stay when you re-join a server

[EYE] Valar

2008-07-12 01:16:10

i agree we should consentrate on show stoppin bug rather on luxury additions to a game we're alread playing for years.
the crashes, the cheats issue, the floor-wall texture bug...those kind of things are what we need to focus on and stop asking for new feature.


2008-07-12 03:49:36

Restore my 65 Impala SS.
And less crashes.
I'll settle for a more stable smoother, less random game with improved netcode and memory handling and i'll take care of the rust.


2008-07-12 03:51:33

65 Impala SS wrote:Restore my 65 Impala SS.
And less crashes.
Well, restoration would be easier if you didn't crash it :!: :!: :shock: :D


2008-07-12 04:12:27

Shit it needs about 10 grand and lots of time to make it right.

Crashing it is a solution.
Edit: No way thats happening.


2008-07-14 02:04:46

ninojman wrote:What would you like to see in the OB update for hl2dm?
Valve to not it fuck up, the day of the update i would just like to start up the game, enter a server and play... doesn't seem like too much to ask does it?


2008-07-14 02:21:36

An Autorecord 1 cmd


2008-07-14 02:44:32

absolutely nothing but fixing obvious, easy-to-fix bugs without repercussions on other parts of the game, like animation issues etc


2008-07-18 17:46:57

Seagull wrote:absolutely nothing but fixing obvious, easy-to-fix bugs without repercussions on other parts of the game, like animation issues etc

good points, as with the fios update hitscan reg got completely fubared

and it wasn't a problem in the beta they gave us to test, but on release it was amazingly terrible net reg.


2008-07-18 19:06:15

How did you get the beta to test?
I blame you then for the crap state DM is in then, You suck at beta testing.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


2008-07-18 19:43:06

keefy wrote:How did you get the beta to test?
I blame you then for the crap state DM is in then, You suck at beta testing.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

CPL|Chris was working with valve and I For updates and fixes for the Fios tournament
Chris through valve requesting a bunch of demos of different things including Bhopping, multi-pulsing, nade cooking, fast shottie, Flying mode, and a bunch of other exploits or tricks in the game at the time. Then when they made some fixes and updates, He sent the code to me to test out and invite some other players to play around on the server. Me and about 8 other players the were on my x-fire played for about 5 hours or so on and off.

I still have the demo.... i'm sure it doesn't work, didn't try it with the demo-loader...


2008-07-18 22:02:48

I have a wish for them to NOT put something in.... Achievements and the Death Cam. They recently added both to DODS and a large portion of the community did not like it all and I think it would ruin HL2DM. I do want a graphical update... I'd really like to see some ultra-high textures and stuff like that.


2008-07-18 23:37:17

[EYE] Valar wrote:i agree we should consentrate on show stoppin bug rather on luxury additions to a game we're alread playing for years.
the crashes, the cheats issue, the floor-wall texture bug...those kind of things are what we need to focus on and stop asking for new feature.
true.fix the crashes the hit reg and animation issues,leave the weapons alone except maybe 1 slam at a time.


2008-07-19 02:20:08

hi i hope we all can fix it


here we have a link to the group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/STGHL

Also invite all your friends thx


2008-07-20 02:33:02

GEARS wrote:hi i hope we all can fix it


here we have a link to the group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/STGHL

Also invite all your friends thx

I like the idea, but that is what this thread is about....
post some bugs you would like to see fixed, by wednessday i'll make this a poll.


2008-07-20 16:01:58

thx when you get a chance sign up http://save-hl2dm.net/phpBB3/


2008-07-20 21:01:28

Reset the shotgun to its defaults handling like in 2004 @ gamerelease. Faster shooting, preloading. Mostly i die some ms before i shoot, bcs this weapon is too slow.


2008-07-21 23:51:04

To the above poster, I think that was a bug lol. Most the stuff I would like to see has already been posted, but if there was one thing I would like to see It would be the addition of a func_ladder entity for mappers. The ladder system in dm is retardo and slow. Notice that I said an addition, not change. I dont want older maps to become unplayable so they would need to add it as another option for ladders and not a total rehaul.


2008-07-22 15:32:58

A not so big wish, but would be cool...

Allow melee with most of the weapons. Sometimes I think it would be cool to use the rpg like a bat :D


2008-07-22 16:17:33

keefy wrote:...
Adjustable HUD much like in Warsow so we have full control over what goes where.
Add Steam ID in scoreboard so no need to take screen of console
The HUD can be adjusted, just play around in your hl2mp folders
I put the speed bar between the health and ammo info and set the
Team display to non-fading, so it stays on screen to which team you belong,
I couldnt think of anything else that would be helpful... tell me if there s something
that would be interesting to change

And I made me a button in the Game Menu that when pressed it opens console,
types status and does a screenie :)

I hope I can soon release my customizing tutorial, but the admining of clans-united
is quite time-consuming :)


[EYE] Valar

2008-07-22 17:15:38

adding melee to DM's weaponry is a brilliant idea IMO


2008-07-22 17:33:02

Keeper wrote:A not so big wish, but would be cool...

Allow melee with most of the weapons. Sometimes I think it would be cool to use the rpg like a bat :D
i lol'd at first but then i thought of game play and that would take out the one big disadvantage the RPG has which is close range combat. As stunstick > RPG if you can keep close and the RPGer doesn't wanna die


2008-07-23 04:01:10

I don't want it to become an orange box, how about like a red box?


2008-08-28 20:52:04

unguided rpg!


2008-08-28 21:11:37

that would be nice but also the rpg makes this game unique and u just gotta learn to not hate it :)


2008-08-29 01:42:16

no way being able to guide the RPG is part of what makes it awesome, think about all the cool RPG curves you can do with guiding.

being able to toggle the guiding on and off like in Pro Mod, however, would be awesome.

also, CPMA movement.

f it, just put the Pro Mod team in charge of the OB update plz.


2008-08-29 03:23:01

what i would like is to have the opion to guide the rock or have unguided rockets. Like i hate shooting the rpg and having to wait for it to explode would be cool if like i hold down the trigger buton to guide the rocket and release the button for it to continue unguided.
Any way im happy with the rpg as it is but would be interesting may be if we could un guide it it will be shots like in quake with rpg mid air shots allot making it easyier since of with our one u have to keep the crosshair on target unlike shotting it like the xbow.


2008-08-29 03:43:34

I personally don't know why they removed the feature from HL where alt-fire would remove the red dot and let the rocket dumbfire. Maybe you don't need that in hl2 single player, but in dm it would sometimes be handy.


2008-08-29 04:57:55

in order of importance:

id really like to see improved hit registration.

we should be asked to send our dump files to valve for analysis and then valve could finally do something about the crashes.

the number 1 cause of pausing a game is the looping sound bug. fix it!

fix the scoreboard! a team should be punished for a team kill, not awarded! lol!

fix the impulse bug!

fix the rpg reload bug that causes the third rocket to fly in a straight line.

when you join a server a gui should pop up asking you to choose a team (combine, rebel, spectator). this gui should also be made accessable at all times.

fix the missing model animation (aka jesus pose)

the in game options menu should have a wide range of crosshairs with differents shapes, sizes and colours.

we want new maps. if you cant be arsed, at least put some of the popular custom maps in the game so more people get to play on em!

sorry if i left something out. :D


2008-08-29 04:59:25

guided rpg is just too overpowered.


2008-08-29 23:13:59

yang wrote:
keefy wrote:...
Adjustable HUD much like in Warsow so we have full control over what goes where.
Add Steam ID in scoreboard so no need to take screen of console
The HUD can be adjusted, just play around in your hl2mp folders
I put the speed bar between the health and ammo info and set the
Team display to non-fading, so it stays on screen to which team you belong,
I couldnt think of anything else that would be helpful... tell me if there s something
that would be interesting to change

And I made me a button in the Game Menu that when pressed it opens console,
types status and does a screenie :)

I hope I can soon release my customizing tutorial, but the admining of clans-united
is quite time-consuming :)

Coool but for speed i meant cl_showpos 1 and that it ONLY shows the speed.


2008-08-30 19:30:54

CS 1.6 is getting updated now :( obvious;y not to the OB engine but the same features that the OB brings
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/s ... p?t=720337

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-08-30 20:41:29

All I wish for is the ability to throw the crowbar at someones face. Like in S-Mod.


2008-08-31 04:30:40

lols ninja.
Crowbar ninja, on his last hp, goes to shoot smg "shit out of ammo", pulls out pistol "damn only one bullet" *misses......Allright, ill get this fucker yet *swoosh* Pwns face!


2008-09-06 10:38:02

Guided rpg has been part of the game since release.
I don't think that should be changed. It will change the gaming dynamic all together.