2008-07-08 18:47:53
Game updates, Game modes, New maps? (dods's new map is a custom that valve took and made a bit better) Weapon updates.
1) custom server list. (listing that a server is a low grav server)
2) Make RPG able to be shot down by bullet fire (see HL2 single player, Maybe only using the ar2 or something) Or catchable, Or like the pyro update where the grav gun could pulse it away.
3) Make biohazard and lostarena stock
4) Make a GUI for entering the server, joining teams, and a bind in options and default key to bring that menu up so people can join spectator.
5) 1v1 game mode
6) ready team command
7) Take dm_caverns_r1 make it pretty and release it (with permission i guess)

9) take some ideas from pro The server admin gui was amazingly great
10) Bring back multi pulse when facing 90 degrees down.
11) Fix prop clipping
12) Make the slams one a piece
13) fix the jerky motion that hapens when you touch a wall and floor.
all i can think of for now, Let brain storm and then make a vote for a top 5 or 10. So real free to repeat any that you like