I find this interesting


2008-07-08 21:55:47

Statistically, i find this interesting.
From the Warroom: Kills by weapon.

shotgun 16,964
357 13,934
physics 12,810
grenade_frag 9,412
crossbow_bolt 8,869
smg1 6,256
rpg_missile 5,244
combine_ball 4,751
ar2 3,363
smg1_grenade 3,081
crowbar 2,656
pistol 931
stunstick 903
slam 361
physbox 30



2008-07-08 22:03:25

hmmm, interesting. what exactly is a physbox? is that like a squeezebox??? :mrgreen:

the shotty seems high at first glance. but i would probably need to see stats from similar servers (similar map rotation?) to compare before drawing any conclusions.


2008-07-08 22:06:47



ah phys box is a custom prop that makes a skull and cross symbol


2008-07-08 23:00:33

Dude, I love that freaking shotgun!! :woah: I have BOTs on my server set to the hardest setting and it pays to kill them quickly up close with a double head shot with the shotgun. It is good aiming practice. :D


2008-07-10 04:51:38

Oh crap, Shotgun used to be my favourite. Nowadays it is everybody's favourite.

*gotta find a new fav weap*


2008-07-10 07:30:36


Funny, down in the neighborhood I live in there's a person who drives a Nissan Titan same year, same brake light covers and same steel balls hanging off it except the color is red. Guess you really can classify people into subpockets of similar if not identical other peoples in the end.


2008-07-10 07:38:39

I really think that SLAM and stick/bar need to be higher on the list.:)


2008-07-10 11:33:38

Shotty is up top for numurous reasons, 1 being its THE finisher for any half experienced player, another being that noobs are so easy to splat with it, etc.

old time no.7

2008-07-10 18:04:50

can we change the splash page of HL2DM U to have a shotty instead of a Mag? :cry: :lol: