2008-07-08 21:55:47
Statistically, i find this interesting.
From the Warroom: Kills by weapon.
shotgun 16,964
357 13,934
physics 12,810
grenade_frag 9,412
crossbow_bolt 8,869
smg1 6,256
rpg_missile 5,244
combine_ball 4,751
ar2 3,363
smg1_grenade 3,081
crowbar 2,656
pistol 931
stunstick 903
slam 361
physbox 30
From the Warroom: Kills by weapon.
shotgun 16,964
357 13,934
physics 12,810
grenade_frag 9,412
crossbow_bolt 8,869
smg1 6,256
rpg_missile 5,244
combine_ball 4,751
ar2 3,363
smg1_grenade 3,081
crowbar 2,656
pistol 931
stunstick 903
slam 361
physbox 30