Keyboard wont allow me to strafe jump to the left and beeps


2008-07-17 12:02:38

Hello, ive noticed this problem for a while now which doesnt allow me to strafe jump to the left, whenever i hold in w+d+leftshift, it works fine i can strafe jump to the right fine, but as soon as i press w+a+leftshift, i keep strafe walking to the left but sprint doesnt go on, and then after a second the keyboard or computer starts beeping in 1 secodn intervals.

Has anyone had this problem and been able to fix it? I desperately want this to be fixed.


2008-07-17 12:43:12

Seems like a keyboard issue some keyboards do not allow more than 3 keys pressed at a time. I had this problem with the standard packardbell keyboard my 1st pc came with.


2008-07-17 13:33:00

Which is why you should go with one of Logitech's gaming keyboards, but many simpler ones do fine for not too complicated stuff. Usually you're fine with modifier keys and a few regular keys, but most keyboards can't take many regular keys at the same time. Just try this (or it may be some variant of it): hold down both shift keys while typing the alphabet. My result using a Logitech Ultra-Flat isn't too good but at least I can strafe jump without any problem:



2008-07-17 19:12:21

yea i have this problem with my shit keyboard but its only for right strafe jumps that it fucks up

Jelly Fox

2008-07-17 20:05:34

Have you tried moving sprint to a thumb button on your mouse? Or ESDF for movement?

I done the little test Cynips mentioned and this was my result: ABCDEGHIMNOPQRSUVWXZ

Razer Lycosa 8)

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-07-17 23:34:27

I had this issue to, if you're short on cash just buy a HP multimedia USB keyboard it will allow more buttons at the same time and it's cheap + durable.


2008-07-18 06:44:51

you have 2 options
1) change your whole config to see how you can manage to do everything needed without any problems
(will surely take a while testing stuff and will be a pain in the ass, if it is even possible)

2) Just buy a new one ;P