The Worst HL2 DM Server Ever

[ELEA] Hyperion

2008-07-20 22:54:30

This is by far the worst killbox server I have ever witnessed a.k.a "SKILLBOX"

Why is it so bad?
1) There are two admins there ... and they both are <CENSURED>: Hieno Kaveri and Esa Vilectron ( :arrow: not so bad) . Yeah, I know <CENSURED> is a harsh word, but in this case it is not ... and you will agree if you go there. But hopefully, you will not go there ...
2) If you are better player than the admins, you will be banned. And you do not need much skills to be better ...
3) If you are ok player, they will change your game name to something stupid. Or they start blinding/slapping/killing you from admin console ...
4) The list would go on and on ... but I am lazy

Ofcourse it is their server and they can do whatever they like with it, but ... but it is kind of sad :cry:

:idea: If you somehow end up to this server and notice that the two admins are playing. Do not try to humilate them with crowbar, pistol or otherwise with your superior playing :idea:

This is kind of pointless thread, but I have seen worse :oops:


2008-07-20 23:36:56

OOO sounds like fun I'll check it out tonight.

lol same thing happened when someone tryed to boycott the KAT clan. Now I actually enjoy playing there from time to time.

Any publicity is good publicity, eh?

[ELEA] Hyperion

2008-07-21 00:02:20

the_big_cheese wrote:OOO sounds like fun I'll check it out tonight.

lol same thing happened when someone tryed to boycott the KAT clan. Now I actually enjoy playing there from time to time.

Any publicity is good publicity, eh?
Well, if you are any good ... and you are playing at the same time as "HIENO KAVERI", you won`t be playing there long. If they are not there, it is a decent server ...


2008-07-21 02:09:56

solution = don't play there.


2008-07-21 08:13:20

Blasphemy Squad wrote:solution = don't play there.
better solution=conflict followed by hurt feelings.


2008-07-21 12:37:22

I have been to plenty of servers with admins like you have described but never feel inclined to post about it. I may tell my steam friends about such a server if such a subject arises about lame players.saying "some lamer admins on server XXXX banned me"
I won't be going there becasue it means the server will be in my favourites. :)

[ELEA] Hyperion

2008-07-21 15:12:22

keefy wrote:I have been to plenty of servers with admins like you have described but never feel inclined to post about it. I may tell my steam friends about such a server if such a subject arises about lame players.saying "some lamer admins on server XXXX banned me"
I won't be going there becasue it means the server will be in my favourites. :)
Plenty of admins? I have only seldom seen admins that ban/kick/punish people randomly. Yeah, I gotten those "OMGZ you cheating, I shot you and you did not die ... *blah* ->Banned". And normally I do not whine about "Ouh, no they banned me x 3 times", but this is a special occasion.
Blasphemy Squad wrote:solution = don't play there.
Good solution. I do not know if it just me, but when someone says "you are cheating" / or starts slaying/blinding and such, I have sudden urge to beat them with crowbar or pistol ...


2008-07-21 15:31:45

hah i know that server and it sucks.. few time i play there and admin banned/kicked me ..
yeah worst server ever!!!
adultanimated3.gif (39.29 KiB) Viewed 564 times

[ELEA] Hyperion

2008-07-21 17:45:10

Kyle wrote: better solution=conflict followed by hurt feelings.
Because I liked this solution better I visited the server with ma other account. Also took a dem file of the visit, but because I was half of the time blind ... I edited out the blind part:
Poor quality clip, deserves them right ...


2008-07-21 18:58:01

[ELEA] Hyperion wrote:
Kyle wrote: better solution=conflict followed by hurt feelings.
Because I liked this solution better I visited the server with ma other account. Also took a dem file of the visit, but because I was half of the time blind ... I edited out the blind part:
Poor quality clip, deserves them right ...

OMG!!!!1 you not get banned or kicked :?: :twisted: :lol:
...really stupid admins....

[ELEA] Hyperion

2008-07-21 19:34:34

sava wrote: OMG!!!!1 you not get banned or kicked :?: :twisted: :lol:
...really stupid admins....
Actually I got banned. I just have multiple accounts ...


2008-07-21 21:04:35

the_big_cheese wrote:OOO sounds like fun I'll check it out tonight.
lol same thing happened when someone tried to boycott the KAT clan. Now I actually enjoy playing there from time to time.
Any publicity is good publicity, eh?
haha QFT
Lets get a group of people to join the server and compete to see who gets banned first :twisted:
Rules: No cursing or anything, just normal play :)


2008-07-21 22:19:04

Ok I managed to get a full game in with this Esa guy. My score ended up being 100-21 with 150 ping (not bad if I do say so myself). Next game we're playing for about 2 minutes and out of nowhere i get disconnected. BANNED: cheating/ using exploits. Darn, I was hoping he would at least screw with me for a while. Oh well.

Intresting fact: This is only the second server I've ever been banned from for cheating. And the first time, I actually was cheating (sv_cheats 1 and buddha on)


2008-07-21 22:48:40

yeah onti !! everybody rec dem and send here.. then vote best :wink:

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-07-22 00:17:37

Disgruntled halo players?


2008-07-22 04:15:11

[ELEA] Hyperion wrote:
Kyle wrote: better solution=conflict followed by hurt feelings.
Because I liked this solution better I visited the server with ma other account. Also took a dem file of the visit, but because I was half of the time blind ... I edited out the blind part:
Poor quality clip, deserves them right ...
What a bunch of pricks!! That music in the video sounded very familiar, the final battle in Final Fantasy III - ummm...a rock version anyway!

Walking Target

2008-07-22 08:43:51

We would prefer it if people didn't come here to flame/bash servers/clans/players. I hate to deny the right to vent when you have had a bad experience, but it has just caused too many problems in the past here.