[ELEA] Hyperion
2008-07-20 22:54:30
This is by far the worst killbox server I have ever witnessed a.k.a "SKILLBOX"
Why is it so bad?
1) There are two admins there ... and they both are <CENSURED>: Hieno Kaveri and Esa Vilectron (
not so bad) . Yeah, I know <CENSURED> is a harsh word, but in this case it is not ... and you will agree if you go there. But hopefully, you will not go there ...
2) If you are better player than the admins, you will be banned. And you do not need much skills to be better ...
3) If you are ok player, they will change your game name to something stupid. Or they start blinding/slapping/killing you from admin console ...
4) The list would go on and on ... but I am lazy
Ofcourse it is their server and they can do whatever they like with it, but ... but it is kind of sad
If you somehow end up to this server and notice that the two admins are playing. Do not try to humilate them with crowbar, pistol or otherwise with your superior playing
This is kind of pointless thread, but I have seen worse a.k.a "SKILLBOX"
Why is it so bad?
1) There are two admins there ... and they both are <CENSURED>: Hieno Kaveri and Esa Vilectron (

2) If you are better player than the admins, you will be banned. And you do not need much skills to be better ...
3) If you are ok player, they will change your game name to something stupid. Or they start blinding/slapping/killing you from admin console ...
4) The list would go on and on ... but I am lazy
Ofcourse it is their server and they can do whatever they like with it, but ... but it is kind of sad

This is kind of pointless thread, but I have seen worse