how to good at yoyo with Props,grenade?


2008-07-31 04:38:57

yoyo with orb is fairly easy every1 can do dad.
but with props and grenade is difficult.
last night i saw yoyo-master
he said "bounce on the wall and grab it"
i tried but hard to grab it when im bhopin
is there anytips to do better yoyo with grenade?
keybind or something anything!!


2008-07-31 05:17:57

its actually easier when youre going fast, try shooting at the floor then picking it up again


2008-07-31 05:19:34

well the best way for my is just to strafe jump and yoyo it so im moving into it and thats basically it but yoyo'ing isnt all that useful yes there are some advantages but your likely not going to be using it all that much


2008-07-31 05:51:37



2008-07-31 06:17:10

haha yeah I saw you grain using it on our cavs match.
I was like "I can't with this ping :cry: "

Basically, it's easy (if you got it kinda mastered) on servers with 50 ping and below.
Between 50-100, I'd advice you to move as some people have already said.

My way, is using f as gravity gun and q as crowbar/stunstick ( you will always have that weapon ;) ) so just shoot it, and press Q-F and catch it again.
I believe it's more reliable than double pressing q. As you use, 2 fingers, you can do it faster, and you have less chaces to fuck it up ;P (at least it works better for me ^^)


2008-07-31 15:42:49

bayern1 wrote: last night i saw yoyo-master
oh yea that was me sup Dazzle dude.


2008-07-31 17:50:32

hey! glad to meet u here :D :D


2008-08-01 21:29:48

i have q bound to grav gun and when i have nade out i switch between 3 which is machine gun (always have that) then quickly switch to q.
so..toss nade grab with grav gun then throw it and i switch between 3 and q uber quick and grab ita gain.