Grav gun Color

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-09-11 20:25:36

So.. Ive been wondering this for a while... is there any way you can change the color of your grav gun? Kind of tired of always looking at the same yellow. So.. is there any? Not looking for all the weapons re-skinned just the one.


2008-09-11 20:48:21

I believe you can do just the one weapon. Try checking fpsbanana.


2008-09-12 03:05:38

Yellow? I thought it was orange =o

Isn't it?


2008-09-12 04:13:07


2008-09-12 06:17:13


2008-09-13 01:00:41

Remember they probably won't work on pure servers though.

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-09-13 07:45:07

badinfluence wrote:Remember they probably won't work on pure servers though.
I know that. I just want something different for when I'm not in a pure server.


2008-09-14 00:02:25

you can, but sv_pure 2 servers will be a pain in the ass !


2008-09-14 11:38:19

Don't you just love those servers that kick you if you if tyou use custom content :sketchy: