DiskKeeper corrupting files?


2008-10-05 23:30:04

alot of the clips for my video got corrupted when I defragged using diskkeeper (I had to re-export them), and the last time I used it, after the clips were off, a lot of my maps got corrupted.

does anyone know why this happens? can anyone suggest a good defragger that doesn't corrupt files?


2008-10-05 23:54:18

http://www.flexomizer.com/PermaLink,gui ... c1957.aspx

Never had an issue with this one. And its free.


2008-10-06 00:29:21

Wjhat is wrong with the one built into windows?


2008-10-06 00:30:09

because it windows


2008-10-06 00:43:24

keefy wrote:Wjhat is wrong with the one built into windows?
agreed. i do a defrag everynight. keeps my HD nice and neat. i've never used anything but the windows defragger


2008-10-06 01:37:35

The one built into windows is nothing but a scaled down Microsoft licensed version of Disk Keeper. If o-dog is having issues with Disk Keeper there is a good chance he would have issue with what is built into Windows. Further there are some limitations to the one built into Windows that the free one I linked to above can over come (read the link to find out what those limitations are).

If you wanna get real complete then use the one above in conjunction with this:

http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysi ... 97426.aspx

which will defrag registry hives and page files (which almost all other defrag utilities can not touch).


2008-10-06 06:45:50

The thing that makes me mad about the windows defrag utility is that if you don't have 15% free space on your hard drive it wont do it properly. Diskeeper and some others dont have that issue.


2008-10-06 08:06:59

these are the ones i use.

O&O Defrag

i just switch between them. :)


2008-10-07 08:25:53

the main problem I have with the Windows Defragger is that the GUI is missing from mine for some reason. the buttons and the menu options are all blank and I cant tell what I'm doing.

plus as Bucky said it's a scaled-down version of Diskkeeper and will probably give me the same problems Diskkeeper is.

I will try one of those others thanks guys.


2008-10-07 15:17:42

o-dog wrote:the main problem I have with the Windows Defragger is that the GUI is missing from mine for some reason. the buttons and the menu options are all blank and I cant tell what I'm doing.

plus as Bucky said it's a scaled-down version of Diskkeeper and will probably give me the same problems Diskkeeper is.

I will try one of those others thanks guys.
I think you proably have a more serious problem if stuff is missing.