The Revolution : A Manifesto


2008-10-15 18:54:43

By Ron Paul

i think everyone should read this book, i did not know anything about this man before stumbling across a quote from him bout a week ago in one of his earlier debates in 08 something like " we were attacked becuase were live in a rich free democratic government??? no they were angry that we are over on there grounds, we did it to our selves" which after he said another senator asked him to retract his statment ( LOLOLOLOLOLOOL ) he didn't.

I have lived in Vermont my whole life being spoon feed the "ideals" of the liberal agenda, even in my high school 1/2 our classes were taught by hippies teaching about sprawl and corporate corruption, and it was on a very biased view.

but this man is a straight up conservative and the thing with these parties that i have always been confused about, and how there portrayed is that the core basis of being a republican versus a democrat is that less government is better government. foreign and domestic, which ... makes sense no?

"Though written constitutions may be violated in moments of passion or delusion, yet they furnish a text to which those are watchful may again rally and recall the people." Thomas Jefferson 1802. I think these words may be significant in near future (from The revolution : A manifesto)

Another thing i heard him say in an interview is how a large number of his supporters are very young like my self (20) because its easier for them to grasp the idea of right / wrong and basic principles which our country was founded on, like... the constitution......which older generations may have scured sights on now. which was the the very reason i was interested by him and if anyone else who knows of this man agrees.

end rant


2008-10-15 20:43:30

First off, corporate corruption as well as political corruption, does exist and in a big way has led to many of the problems we are facing today.

Secondly I think its a shame that our system prohibits people like Ron Paul from having any real fair chance at running for president (likely caused by corporate and political corruption) I honestly think that if Ron Paul would have gotten a chance to be in the presidential debates he would likely have put both Mcain and Obama to shame, as he IMO is the only one (out of the candidates) who has any real common sense when it comes to financial matters and the economy.

I've seen videos of this guy standing up and blasting people in the house of representatives for passing bills which make no sense and likely led to the recession, we are currently in. This guy should have had a chance to be heard by the general public.


2008-10-15 21:00:51

Lol I can't believe you were so blind to see these things now (no offenses)...

Personally I consider a terrorist someone who blows a bus or something being abroad. Now, if someone is fighting in his land against an invasor army I don't consider him a terrorist. Do you?

old time no.7

2008-10-15 21:29:48
ron paul is a libretarian

while i agree with some of their ideals, i think some of them are a litle backward thinking.
ie. lets return to the gold standard to fight inflation.

that's just insane.

lets adhere to a document(the constitution) that was written over 200 years ago.
yes i love my personal freedoms and feel that the current administration is slowly robbing us of our civil liberties, but we need order. at what cost is what is open to debate. i went to jamaica for a wedding two weeks ago and upon landing in Charlotte, NC to go back to US customs the foriegn nationals have to give their finger prints and take photo's.
how do you feel about that/? at what price is the fear of your personal safety compromise the privacy of those who may or may not try to harm others?

the world is changing rapidly to a global village, and like it or not we need a strong presence in the sandbox, both financially and with military strength. it would be nice if it was all gravy trains and biscut wheels, but our planet isnt getting any bigger, but our global population is...
in what capacity do you think we're to let one soverign nation invade another (loaded/hypocritical question since we invaded iraq)?

what i like about RP is his refusal to take bullshit from the current system in place. his disapproval of lobbyist and calls for reform are something i agree with, just his style of speaking and manner of presentation are not popular.
i agree with those that say our elected officals today are more showpieces who's succeses are based upon their ability to speak well and entertain us, rather than lead us with intergrity and intellegence.

Ron's financial ideals are drawn from austrian schools of thought.
check this site out for further readings.


2008-10-15 21:31:51

ive always said, if the bronx or downtown la got invaded by foreign persons, how unterrorist do you think we would look? fuck, see they do againts the vt boys in the hills with there 30yat

and what do you mean, unaware? i just couldnt even vote untill this term ne ways hahahaah


2008-10-15 21:39:01

[GoTg] old time no.7 wrote:
ron paul is a libretarian

while i agree with some of their ideals, i think some of them are a litle backward thinking.
ie. lets return to the gold standard to fight inflation.

that's just insane.

lets adhere to a document(the constitution) that was written over 200 years ago.
yes i love my personal freedoms and feel that the current administration is slowly robbing us of our civil liberties, but we need order. at what cost is what is open to debate. i went to jamaica for a wedding two weeks ago and upon landing in Charlotte, NC to go back to US customs the foriegn nationals have to give their finger prints and take photo's.
how do you feel about that/? at what price is the fear of your personal safety compromise the privacy of those who may or may not try to harm others?

the world is changing rapidly to a global village, and like it or not we need a strong presence in the sandbox, both financially and with military strength. it would be nice if it was all gravy trains and biscut wheels, but our planet isnt getting any bigger, but our global population is...
in what capacity do you think we're to let one soverign nation invade another (loaded/hypocritical question since we invaded iraq)?

what i like about RP is his refusal to take bullshit from the current system in place. his disapproval of lobbyist and calls for reform are something i agree with, just his style of speaking and manner of presentation are not popular.
i agree with those that say our elected officals today are more showpieces who's succeses are based upon their ability to speak well and entertain us, rather than lead us with intergrity and intellegence.

Ron's financial ideals are drawn from austrian schools of thought.
check this site out for further readings.

whats the point in having the Constitution if you don't listen to it? or change it with the times, its the founding beliefs this country was built on? even our founding fathers new that besides healthy trade and non isolationism foreign presence was a bad thing.

as for our nations security, its just a big joke. Think about it, if we really wanted saddam out that bad? we could have just thrown a giant missile down his palaces ass. there hes out of business. still in the same situation we are in right now, just 10 trillion less in debt and 5000 alive soldier