ill will


2008-10-23 23:23:02

Until this "Ill Will" character is revealed, wont respect team v :?


2008-10-23 23:33:21

Ok, fair enough, not like you respect any other good players that have been cleared in the past so why even bother. If the powers that be in Warzone felt convinced that this player was authentic and the games could continue it will have to be enough.

Team Veracity is now competing for third place in Warzone, I wish the guys best of luck!


2008-10-24 00:08:37

phantom wrote:Until this "Ill Will" character is revealed, wont respect team v :?


2008-10-24 01:12:05

This accusation will not destroy Team Veracity just like past accusations against other clans and league players did not destroy them, we know we don't so really your opinion is irrelevant. Ill Will was cleared, Team veracity received no punishment because we did nothing wrong, end of subject.

Thank you for spamming our recruiting, good to see instructors join in too Zman.
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2008-10-24 01:13:31

I wasn't talking about his hacking accusation, I was referring to the fact that you have someone on your team who is *obviously* aliasing hardcore...


2008-10-24 01:16:49

Indeed, so?


2008-10-24 01:17:46

Shinigami wrote:Indeed, so?
its just kinda lame...I wouldnt let anyone on my team unless I knew who they really were...


2008-10-24 01:20:12

can we really trust pomp to admin a league when she has people aliasing on her hl2dm team? can we?


2008-10-24 01:24:59

I knew, end of story, did I break any rules? No, will I break any, NO!

If me being trustworthy ever becomes in question as a possible admin, I will let AGAIN the powers that be decide, I am not submitting to public opinion.

I will respect their decision, I will still support the LG-KB League and assist in whatever I can.

Thank you!


2008-10-24 02:02:27

ill will is luke.



2008-10-24 02:11:34

Poor_Billy wrote:ill will is luke.

Every member of Team V is actually Vdrei


2008-10-24 02:43:48

I really dont give a shit about the acusations just wanna know who he is and why alias on another account just for a league


2008-10-24 04:05:26

Interesting stuff...

#1 name guessed for Ill Wills true identity = Poor Billy
ill= Poor
Will= billy

Team V= Vdrei

Phatom- It really is a conspiracy to drive you mad and all FLAS is really the almost supernaturally skilled Ill Will.
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smallestv (2).jpg (65.26 KiB) Viewed 589 times

The Argumentalizer

2008-10-24 04:21:06

poconut wrote:
Poor_Billy wrote:ill will is luke.

Every member of Team V is actually Vdrei

"Ghost Dog_TSGK: I once saw poor_billy shoot a shotgun round in aim_arena and it killed a guy in lockdown"
hahahahahahahahahahaaaaa that was me.

Ill Will is actually ME and i have pretended to suck till now.


2008-10-24 04:28:07

ill will aint shit compared to poorbilly.


2008-10-24 05:00:26

just dont know why you have to hide something like this


2008-10-24 06:09:07

phantom wrote:just dont know why you have to hide something like this
you missed pb revealed it was luke a few posts up


2008-10-24 06:23:48

dudes im Ill Will :spy:

sike :welcome:


2008-10-24 06:46:24

Nope .. Okay.. *I* am Ill Will.. knew you wouldn't respect me as Pomp so i went to the poor_billy school of rapeage for two weeks and came back as Ill Will... :lol:
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2008-10-24 06:50:58

pb in irc said it was ip matched, why are you still trying to play it off? im still friends with luke, im just sayin give up already...


2008-10-24 07:16:19

see pomp, the point that you are really missing here is not that ill will isnt good, or maybe he passed a hacking test(which is still in question), the reason why ppl are losing respect for you and V is because you put ppl on your roster that are aliasing. its lame beyond lame. any team can load there roster with aliases and disguise who is on there team, but there is a certain unwriten rule that when you play in a league such as CAL or warzone that you at least have the dignity to state exactly who it is you have rostered. nobody cares who you recruit for your team, good for you and odog that you have worked hard to build that team. the thing that is killing your rep is that you have admitted that ill will is an alias. the irony is you want to be a CAL admin and help grow the community but at the same time you are doing something that is not right, its not technically against the rules to have aliases on your team but its fucking lame as shit. here is a quote for you on the Kb league

"Yes, Fearsome a lot of talk is going on doesn't mean this is part of the plan, please consider this everyone is getting a say who is truly interested to play the league yet it doesn't mean that every idea is even being considered. My main concert ATM is the amount of leets trying to get in and make it theirs, which I really like to discourage."

oh really? how about if everybody just makes teams full of "leets" aliased as others? by your own statements thats cool with you. when i signed up to be an admin for warzone, it was to help out dallas with a league of honest player looking to have a good time. Dallas has gone out of his way to make the league, run the site, put his own money up for the new site/forum, all the while he asked you straight to your face (as did i) who Ill will is, and you wouldn't tell him or me. word is around, so you can see, that everybody has heard about this, and it makes your CAL/warzone team look bad, really bad. many teams put players on their roster that were not in their clan, or built a team of players from other clans just for CAL, but atleast they had the dignity and honesty to tell everybody who their players actually are. thats fine if you wanna keep your little secret, its just making you look bad.


2008-10-24 10:49:21

Have you guys ever consider I was simply NOT at liberty do discuss this? Did you guys consider Ill Will came to be because of this very attitude, because of this drama? Call me every name on the book, you already have, I have lost MORE than you guys will ever know because of this BS and has nothing to do with HL2DM, has to do with people.
Team Veracity was doing great, this season of Wazone we wanted to have fun, we didn't care about winning, we were just a bunch of players hanging out, practicing, having fun and that's what attracted Ill Will to us, he was never recruited.

Ok so you guys win, I suck, let's dismantle team V, one less for both Cal and Warzone, allow me to withdraw from any effort towards making a KB division which was reviving the attention towards Cal, you guys win... or did you?


2008-10-24 10:52:44

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:oh really? how about if everybody just makes teams full of "leets" aliased as others? by your own statements thats cool with you
Already happened that team was EC, all leet players, no real EC clan players played... and this is the team that complained, so spare me YOUR hypocrisy. That was fine with YOU, two 911 teams, that was fine with YOU... I still have yet to know what RULE I broke.


2008-10-24 12:50:03

Shinigami wrote: I have lost MORE than you guys will ever know because of this BS and has nothing to do with HL2DM, has to do with people.
I have a hard time grasping that one. :popcorn:


2008-10-24 14:54:11




2008-10-24 15:58:00

Shinigami wrote:Have you guys ever consider I was simply NOT at liberty do discuss this? Did you guys consider Ill Will came to be because of this very attitude
He came because we were annoyed about him aliasing? im sorry but what? :sketchy:


2008-10-24 16:10:55

couldnt have put it any better chem


2008-10-24 17:25:13

aliasing is not allowed in CAL, perhaps there will be a similar rule in warzone in the future.

While I don't think aliasing in a league is the right thing to do, if you think about it would it have changed anything as far as the match outcome goes if you knew who it was?


2008-10-24 17:32:53

L2k wrote: While I don't think aliasing in a league is the right thing to do, if you think about it would it have changed anything as far as the match outcome goes if you knew who it was?
Lol good point.


2008-10-24 19:03:34

Shinigami wrote:
{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:oh really? how about if everybody just makes teams full of "leets" aliased as others? by your own statements thats cool with you
Already happened that team was EC, all leet players, no real EC clan players played... and this is the team that complained, so spare me YOUR hypocrisy. That was fine with YOU, two 911 teams, that was fine with YOU... I still have yet to know what RULE I broke.

you're just not getting it are you? i dont know why you arent understanding this. yes EC loaded their roster, but they are NOT aliases, do you see the difference? again, nobody cares who you put on your roster, all we are saying is that you put ppl on your roster that are who they say they are. let me put it to you this way. here is the EE roster for the warzone

chemicalburn - nutrigrain - rico - cerberus - bot - joeynova - josey wales - that_guy - 2snails - poor_billy - Fresca - chard - ....that is our real roster.

now what i could have done is this

chemicalburn -Ill Bob - Ill Dan - cerberus - bot - joeynova - josey wales - that_guy - 2snails - Ill Steve - Fresca - chard - alliased our best players and told ppl i cant tell you who they are. sorry.

do you see the difference here? technically, yes i could have done that in warzone since there is no rule against it, so could have every team. nobody does because its just not something that is excepted. a lot of these games are won and lost by knowing your opponents, knowing who you are playing. i guess this is falling on deaf ears tho.

dont get all defensive about your KB division, nobody is saying they dont want you to lead it up. i think you would be a good person to get that going, you're oganized and well motivated, you built MF from the ground up, i just think ppl are questioning your integrity right now. thats all. AND whether Ill Will came to you or you recruited him is a mute point. you are the co-leader of Veracity and with that comes a responsibility of running that team, and part of that is being honest to your fellow team leaders and league admins about who you are rostering, im sure you knew this is something that was not going to fly from day one.


2008-10-24 19:12:49

No, I get it, there was no rule for aliasing in Warzone, I didn't break any and I am not submitting to you bullying, end of story.


2008-10-24 19:20:52

Shinigami wrote:No, I get it, there was no rule for aliasing in Warzone, I didn't break any and I am not submitting to you bullying, end of story.
then no, you dont get it. also wtf huge bold type to emphasize HOW ANGRY YOU ARE?


2008-10-24 19:34:02


{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-10-24 19:57:29

Seriously guys... cut the fucking drama. =\


2008-10-24 20:10:29

He signed up as Ill Will and played as Ill Will what is the problem?


2008-10-24 20:30:28

Shinigami wrote:No, I get it, there was no rule for aliasing in Warzone, I didn't break any and I am not submitting to you bullying, end of story.

OMFG< OMFG<. for the 2 thousandth time, we KNOW you didnt break any rules. read what i wrote about the EE roster again, cause you really ARE NOT getting this, you say you are but you aren't.


lets say the admins of CAL found grain quilty of hacking during that dispuit and suspended him for next season. BUT he signed up for ewr under a different account (aliased as another player called Bob) and played the whole season. because he signed up as Bob and played the whole season as Bob, would that be ok? Im not saying Ill Will was or is suspended, im saying this is one of the issues you can have with aliasing in leagues.


2008-10-24 20:38:17

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote: Nino,

lets say the admins of CAL found grain quilty of hacking during that dispuit and suspended him for next season. BUT he signed up for ewr under a different account (aliased as another player called Bob) and played the whole season. because he signed up as Bob and played the whole season as Bob, would that be ok? Im not saying Ill Will was or is suspended, im saying this is one of the issues you can have with aliasing in leagues.

Css players try that all the time, and it is easy for admins to catch and give longer suspensions for trying to re-enter the league.


2008-10-24 20:43:35

the unspoken rule thingy, i agree with

in a community this small, it is totally lame


2008-10-24 21:54:49

Ok.. Think what you want, but I've been Ill Will for a while now. The main reason I used the account in the first place was to escape all the drama that was going on at the time and just play hl2. When I did this, I found a group of people who also just wanted to play and get better, but not be associated with any drama. So I decided to help them. I am not usually one to alias, as many of you know, but I will make an exception if I feel it could help someone or a group of people. So was it illegal doing what I did? no. Was it against what most people would have done? yes. I made a judgment call, and I think that it was more important to get a new team active, involved, and improving rather than to bring a spotlight of negative attention to them. So if you disrespect anyone after this whole ordeal, it should be me for not revealing my name, not Team V. In any case, my goal wasn't to trick people and enter a league just to anonymously beat everyone up, but rather to help decent people with potential who otherwise might not have been given a shot.

Walking Target

2008-10-24 22:02:50

Fair enough, but aliasing to escape drama is likely a bad idea, it will just catch up with you and create more.


2008-10-24 22:12:08

Remember: Rule #1 is to Have Fun! :D


2008-10-24 22:12:43

lol... since u are the biggest anti-aliaser will ban on site person in this game but

i understand it was all in good heart. but you are not helping them by playing on there team in a league. A person of your caliber can totally change the outcome of every match you would play, becuase yes, you are that good. The point of playing in a league, ill use me in cs for example and can same be applied to hl2dm, you start as complete newb, join cal-o, get owned by newbs, get better, next season barely make it to cal-im, get destroyed for another 2-3 seasons, make it to palyoffs and get moved to cal-main, and get owned some more. Thats how it should be. I have no objection to helping, but league play is league play. If you had just joined them under luke, that would have been more honorable and bad ass.

just my 2 cents

The Argumentalizer

2008-10-24 22:19:05

bahlk wrote:lol... since u are the biggest anti-aliaser will ban on site person in this game but

i understand it was all in good heart. but you are not helping them by playing on there team in a league. A person of your caliber can totally change the outcome of every match you would play, becuase yes, you are that good. The point of playing in a league, ill use me in cs for example and can same be applied to hl2dm, you start as complete newb, join cal-o, get owned by newbs, get better, next season barely make it to cal-im, get destroyed for another 2-3 seasons, make it to palyoffs and get moved to cal-main, and get owned some more. Thats how it should be. I have no objection to helping, but league play is league play. If you had just joined them under luke, that would have been more honorable and bad ass.

just my 2 cents
Yeah, they might actually be competitive against 911 and its roster and PB playing for EE...
I disagree with the aliasing generally, but its sorta funny and many playing with Luke and getting some of that inner clan/semi-pro stuff likely helps Team V get better.


2008-10-24 22:41:33

so the "unknown" is "luke gt"???


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-10-24 22:54:12

Considering all the past drama and unwanted attention Luke has had to endure, I think its completely understandable that he may want to play the game and not be recognized. It's too bad all that had to happen in the first place and he became exploited or this wouldn't even be happening right now, it's also his right to play for whatever team he feels like.

On another note its also a sign of how small this community really is when ip addresses are known and can be used to identify someone who is trying not to be identified. Next time someone wants to be unknown they are going to have to ask their ISP for a new address first.

If there is a lesson here it is that when you play in a league you always put your best team out and you don't underestimate any teams, because you never know who might be playing for them. The only reason I can see why any of you would be legitimately mad about this is if you put your B team in to play against Team V and they lost because Luke was playing. Even then its still your own fault for not putting your best team in the match, or just not being as good as team V's current players.

Uncle Rico

2008-10-24 23:05:09

L2k wrote:Considering all the past drama and unwanted attention Luke has had to endure, I think its completely understandable that he may want to play the game and not be recognized. It's too bad all that had to happen in the first place and he became exploited or this wouldn't even be happening right now, it's also his right to play for whatever team he feels like.


2008-10-24 23:17:05

k, idk why luke didnt just play under his own name. ive only been to the $w server a couple of times but i think i remember one of the rules being no aliases. i guess they should remove that now. I dont think any of us in the warzone, certainly not me, would have had any issue what so ever with luke playing with V under his real name. you can help a team with your real name, i think playing with them under an alias caused more of a negative result as far as V's reputation, but it sure made everybody aware of their existance, thats for sure. I can understand why Luke would do this, i guess, but i think in reality this was going to be leaked at one point or another. i do know that luke is somebody who is always willing to help, he has helped me out with a few things, so if he says he did it for that reason then i believe him, but like i said i think he could have done it under his real name, i know none of the warzone admins would have cared.


2008-10-24 23:29:07

Well, i kind of understand Luke, everyone has been on his back almost the whole cal season, so I understand that he just wanted to play the game without any bs. But I also agree with the people that are "mad" at him or team V because there was an "unknown" player on their roster that was obviously aliasing, all team V knew who he was but wouldn't tell anyone, that was kinda lame, in my opinion this whole thing that team V just didn't want to create drama is just going to go right against them, and create a lot more drama than if they would've said who he was from the start, even if he keeps Ill Will as a name, at least let others know who he really is. But finally, I don't blame Luke at all for doing this, because I have endured pretty much the same thing as he did in the past, and I seriously thought about just quitting the game, or doing another account and just join a different team, not getting involved in any of the drama, just playing my matches, but I just decided to change name and just don't get involved in anything, so overall I don't blame Luke one bit for anything, I mostly blame all of the guys that were on his ass the whole season.

Trouser Snake

2008-10-24 23:34:58

Who gives a fuck who his other alias is?

He wasnt hacking, I know cuz i watched the demos. And he was very respectful and professional in the match we had against them.

So if he wants to play anonymously, its none of your fucking business.

Everyone is such a drama queen.


2008-10-24 23:38:25

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:
do you see the difference here? technically, yes i could have done that in warzone since there is no rule against it, so could have every team. nobody does because its just not something that is excepted. a lot of these games are won and lost by knowing your opponents, knowing who you are playing.
Not really...


2008-10-24 23:45:36

Trouser Snake wrote:Who gives a fuck who his other alias is?

He wasnt hacking, I know cuz i watched the demos. And he was very respectful and professional in the match we had against them.

So if he wants to play anonymously, its none of your fucking business.

Everyone is such a drama queen.


2008-10-24 23:49:06

Hi. I havent posted in awhile so I thought I would spam this one.


2008-10-25 00:49:10

L2k wrote:Considering all the past drama and unwanted attention Luke has had to endure, I think its completely understandable that he may want to play the game and not be recognized. It's too bad all that had to happen in the first place and he became exploited or this wouldn't even be happening right now, it's also his right to play for whatever team he feels like.

I would add "it's his right to play for whatever team he feels like under whatever name he feels like."

Trouser may have actually said it best.


2008-10-25 00:59:36

Anthym wrote:ill will aint shit compared to poorbilly.
L2k wrote: On another note its also a sign of how small this community really is when ip addresses are known and can be used to identify someone who is trying not to be identified. Next time someone wants to be unknown they are going to have to ask their ISP for a new address first.
I just said he got ip matched so he would admit it. I've never even played in the same server as him under ill will.


2008-10-25 01:07:13

Unless you experience the daily attacks and the drama that some of us have you really do not understand. Being a constant target is exhausting, that is in fact how Luke and I became friends, because we share the same "weird fame"
can't go into a pub without being followed, can't be online with 1000 IM's shooting at you and people demanding stuff. People think for some crazy reason that I love this and call me an attention whore and nothing could be further from the truth, I hate aliasing myself, if you were ever on my server under an alias YOU KNOW this; But guess who has 2 other accounts now, one that NO one knows to just come in and play, I love being no one, no one cares, no on follows, no one feels the need to school you and I can refuse every invite without drama.

You guys have no idea what it is to sign on to yourspace, or open your e-mail, read a forum and find all this hatred towards you, the lies that people tell because they feel they can "it's the internet" but the internet is made of real people, we are real people and all of this not only hurts us but those that love us. Why is there so much drama in a freaking online game? I thought playing with guys was going to be easier than playing with girls, but I was wrong.

Anyway, that's all I am going to say on the matter from now on, hope you guys got what you felt you needed.


2008-10-25 01:12:04

What the hell, I will put my 2 cents in as well...

The whole thing is stupid. Yea aliasing is taboo. We all view people that do it constantly with some suspicion. I have deep sixed a previous account because of drama in this game and started again with a new name and account. I will admit I do alias in pubs on occasion once in a while because sometimes I just dont want to be fucking bothered by anyone and I just want to play. The aforementioned drama is so fucking stupid its beyond belief. Get off it already. Do we really want to drive another good player and good person out of this game? Would that make anyone feel better?

I understand why Luke did what he did, sometimes you just dont want to deal with the BS. He has never done it before so get off his and Team V's back already. Its not like he was playing for Team V as Ill Will and $W as Luke. He probably asked that it not be revealed and I cant blame him although it backfired and Im sure he might regret his "judgement call" right about now. In any case, Team V is damn lucky to have him mentoring them. I wish I had been playing for with so I could have learned a few things too.


2008-10-25 02:17:39

Shinigami wrote:Unless you experience the daily attacks and the drama that some of us have you really do not understand. Being a constant target is exhausting, that is in fact how Luke and I became friends, because we share the same "weird fame"
can't go into a pub without being followed, can't be online with 1000 IM's shooting at you and people demanding stuff. People think for some crazy reason that I love this and call me an attention whore and nothing could be further from the truth, I hate aliasing myself, if you were ever on my server under an alias YOU KNOW this; But guess who has 2 other accounts now, one that NO one knows to just come in and play, I love being no one, no one cares, no on follows, no one feels the need to school you and I can refuse every invite without drama.

You guys have no idea what it is to sign on to yourspace, or open your e-mail, read a forum and find all this hatred towards you, the lies that people tell because they feel they can "it's the internet" but the internet is made of real people, we are real people and all of this not only hurts us but those that love us. Why is there so much drama in a freaking online game? I thought playing with guys was going to be easier than playing with girls, but I was wrong.

Anyway, that's all I am going to say on the matter from now on, hope you guys got what you felt you needed.
at least you're not flatering yourself here. you dont like all the pm's and ppl following you? is that why you created IHOP, international house of Pomp? lmao. you're so inconsistent with your comments. big dolphin cry for poor you

Walking Target

2008-10-25 02:38:58

You wanna try running this site sometimes and see how many invites you get. I can barely run friends anymore because I am instantly juggling about 15 chat windows.

(Dont let that stop you messaging me btw people I will just go offline if I dont want to be bothered)


2008-10-25 03:00:13

Don't you guys know it takes two to tango? When I used to get shit, I would just ignore it.


2008-10-25 03:04:50

Walking Target wrote:You wanna try running this site sometimes and see how many invites you get. I can barely run friends anymore because I am instantly juggling about 15 chat windows.

(Dont let that stop you messaging me btw people I will just go offline if I dont want to be bothered)
thats why i only have a few people on my friends list and for the most part they don't bug. :mrgreen:


2008-10-25 03:13:22

I'm sure some people might take offense to this but here it goes, normally I'm not one to get into this shit but...well I am.
Shinigami wrote:Have you guys ever consider I was simply NOT at liberty do discuss this?
That's stupid, you can say anything you want. Unless of course luke threatened you with your life if you talked. But I doubt it.
Shinigami wrote:No, I get it, there was no rule for aliasing in Warzone, I didn't break any and I am not submitting to you bullying, end of story.
If you seriously think anyone is bullying here you need to get a hold of yourself. I mean really. Everyone here is stating facts and simply telling the truth, and having an obvious/natural reaction to what happened. If anything, I think the people here are being NICER to you than I'd expect. I don't know why you don't understand that. You were wrong and acted childish(to put it nicely) when avoiding everyone's questions in the beginning of this thread. I mean look, if you think this is bullying....good luck surviving in the real world...people are a lot less sympathetic when you make mistakes when they actually matter and are not related to a game we all play on the internet.

And let's not lose sight of that people....a GAME we all play on the internet.

It's just a game...which makes my above post rather irrelevant. But reading it my immediate reaction was to get it off my chest.

Have a nice day pomp, luke, hl2dmu, everyone else. (not sarcasm, i really mean have a nice day)



2008-10-25 03:18:24


im pretty much a joke among the leets

if i cried and blocked and made a bunch of drama about every shot i took about being a newb , even by people you look up to in the community, i would prob have uninstalled this game by now because there would be no 1 to play with, but instead i just try to get better

just do what your mommy told you to do when u were a lil kid and just ignore them... its pretty simple

The Argumentalizer

2008-10-25 03:19:02

L2k wrote:Considering all the past drama and unwanted attention Luke has had to endure, I think its completely understandable that he may want to play the game and not be recognized. It's too bad all that had to happen in the first place and he became exploited or this wouldn't even be happening right now, it's also his right to play for whatever team he feels like.

On another note its also a sign of how small this community really is when ip addresses are known and can be used to identify someone who is trying not to be identified. Next time someone wants to be unknown they are going to have to ask their ISP for a new address first.

If there is a lesson here it is that when you play in a league you always put your best team out and you don't underestimate any teams, because you never know who might be playing for them. The only reason I can see why any of you would be legitimately mad about this is if you put your B team in to play against Team V and they lost because Luke was playing. Even then its still your own fault for not putting your best team in the match, or just not being as good as team V's current players.
The heart of the matter, succinctly put.


2008-10-25 03:19:25

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:
at least you're not flatering yourself here. you dont like all the pm's and ppl following you? is that why you created IHOP, international house of Pomp? lmao. you're so inconsistent with your comments. big dolphin cry for poor you
Did you see the the date IHOP was made? And NO I am not flattering myself, but I have the feeling that it will never matter with someone like you, I almost did not come back from my x country trip, I had already switched everyone over to another acct NOT the acct that holds all my games and my secret acct has NO friends and NO groups. I only came back to the U for the killbox league, same with IRC, I only deal with certain people IF I have to; AND not all that follow are nice BTW, right now there are 2 people in IHOP who are there just to hassle me, one already done it, I have NO IDEA who this guy is nor what his beef with me is. I have some Euro writing shit about me on the Skulshock Forums, what is up with that? I have a hate group and the guy that's started it leaves me a message in the servers I frequent everyday "say Hello to POMP from the laughing man" yeah that's FUN, not creepy at all. People telling you everyday they wish you would die. I can't stay in a server for more than 1 map, then I jump because towards the end of the map I will start people coming in just to hassle me, would you like to take over being POMP? because at this point I do not wish this kind of weird fame on ANYONE.

The Argumentalizer

2008-10-25 03:26:44

All Team V did not know who he was and i never pushed it, being such a small thing. If a team fields anyone and that makes them more competitive, what the fuck difference does it make?

Team V is NOT a clan and Team V does not have 10 upper level players like some out there (hmmmmm?).
In fact, Team V is about just this sort of situation.
Maybe some didn't bother to check out the mission of TeamV.
To field a team from those who are not in a clan or a clan that cannot field a team consistently, or singles that want to play.
So you didn't KNOW it was Luke, so what?
Would you have played better or won if you knew?

Still, to lambast a team that isn't even in first place... wtf.
Like it is a big deal.


2008-10-25 03:30:20

ok well, seriously this is getting way farther than it should go, I never had a problem with you pomp, but now seriously I think that your taking this whole thing (not only about this subject) but the whole gaming thing WAY too personally, this is an internet game meant to play and have fun with some internet friends. Your taking this like it's real life, it's not... If you want people to stop "harrassing" you, you should really stop taking every single thing people say so personnaly and just ignore them and play the game or else you'll just make your life fucking miserable because of an internet game, and that's something that would just be incredibly ridiculous to let happen. So, saying this as a friend, you should really stop taking this game so seriously and take it as a game like it really is.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-10-25 04:19:18

The Argumentalizer wrote:
"Ghost Dog_TSGK: I once saw poor_billy shoot a shotgun round in aim_arena and it killed a guy in lockdown"
hahahahahahahahahahaaaaa that was me.
Woah woah woah woah let me fully assure everybody, that was Poor_Billy.

My response to this thread is, PB 08

No confusion needed here about Poor_Billy being a thoroughbred at badassery.


2008-10-25 04:56:13

For the record, I am not the one that started this thread or started this 'drama', I am more than happy to step away from all of this and I am.



2008-10-25 05:13:39

Shinigami wrote:
{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:
at least you're not flatering yourself here. you dont like all the pm's and ppl following you? is that why you created IHOP, international house of Pomp? lmao. you're so inconsistent with your comments. big dolphin cry for poor you
Did you see the the date IHOP was made? And NO I am not flattering myself, but I have the feeling that it will never matter with someone like you, quote]

my point was, if you dont like ppl following you or bothering you why would you make that group in the first place. i get invites from a lot of groups, i rarely take part in them because they are pointless and meaningless, most of all provide nothing positive to the community.

The Argumentalizer

2008-10-25 05:56:43

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:
The Argumentalizer wrote:
"Ghost Dog_TSGK: I once saw poor_billy shoot a shotgun round in aim_arena and it killed a guy in lockdown"
hahahahahahahahahahaaaaa that was me.
Woah woah woah woah let me fully assure everybody, that was Poor_Billy.

My response to this thread is, PB 08

No confusion needed here about Poor_Billy being a thoroughbred at badassery.
No, i am saying he killed me on LD with the shotgun. i never would insinuate i am PB. That is obviously false. I reek


2008-10-25 06:20:53

G wrote:If anything, I think the people here are being NICER to you than I'd expect.
This is truly a sad commentary on this community.


2008-10-25 06:25:48

Quick question.


The Argumentalizer

2008-10-25 06:32:53

Really, enough of this BS. Does Chem have a real point that is not three paragraphs?
And yeah OMG there should be room for individuals in DM.
So you dont like pink? So what!!

God forbid someone be different than you!!! OMG
Team V will play and w/o Luke and with no aliases and within the rules, as usual.

See you there and GG


2008-10-25 07:04:58

The Argumentalizer wrote:Really, enough of this BS. Does Chem have a real point that is not three paragraphs?
And yeah OMG there should be room for individuals in DM.
So you dont like pink? So what!!

God forbid someone be different than you!!! OMG
Team V will play and w/o Luke and with no aliases and within the rules, as usual.

See you there and GG
OMG, i write in complete sentences and paragraphs instead of making random pointless comments. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Walking Target

2008-10-25 07:17:43

I think this thread has run out of gas.
