In response to the U


2008-11-01 23:51:54

your hositily is duely noted walking target. thank you for clarifying that im an a potential asshole for posting that, and most likely this as well. obviously opinions don't matter here. I suggest you delete all the threads containing someone's opinion.

indefinately doesnt mean forever, i think, and if it does, i need to buy a Webster's. I intend to play, in moments of boredom like i mentioned. but competition is no longer a factor in this game for me. the fun is gone. when i play, i will try to get the fun back.

as far as your qoute about not posting topics such as this because they demoralize the community I suggest you review who exactly posts on this forum. People of old and thats about it. I dont even know half of you, mainly because I assume most of you just dont play that much anymore.

anyone with half a brain can see on the server list there is nothing happening, unless you like 200 gravity and poorly made maps/killboxes. there are no games to play, no one wants to scrim, no one wants to 1v1. it appears most are afraid to lose. and by the off chance that you do get to play someone and start to dominate them you are an instant hack. i dont play this game to be called a haxor, to be hated, or to constantly hear bullshit like wtf and wow during gameplay.

if the community could grow up, if the game could be fixed, if the people who have skills still played, if the server list wasnt full of killboxes with 3 people in each, then maybe it would be a different story.

if this DEMORALIZES the community like you say it can or will then I suggest you think a little about yourself and figure out why someone on a forum can persuade you to think it's true. Individuality is the only freedom you have, dont lose it because you can't think for yourself. Speaking of which, I give props to anyone whose an asshole because in fact they are an asshole and dont know how to act any other way. You are most likely the person who bugs the hell out of me when playing, but at least your true to yourself and not the mindless "rules of etiquette" that is being forced upon you by some in this game.

I try to remain respectful of other players, I think before I speak (most of the time), I try to congratulate awesome displays of aim and skill because this is also how I try to live my life outside of the game, with respect. I don't expect it in return, in life or in game because 90% of the time it doesnt happen.

why do i want to continue playing a game I invested so much time in getting better at, only to be shunned and turned down when asking for matches? to suddenly realize, holy shit, no one plays this anymore. i have 100 and some friends in my list, i am online every night, i see the same 5-15 people every night. where the fuck is everyone else?

and then theres the issue of VAC. this game is full of haxors and scriptors. I would love to see VAC do an few updates consecutively for this game and watch the people fall to VAC ban. maybe if they updated that to a degree I would feel better knowing that the 20 headshots on aimarena might be legit. But instead I wonder how the hell he knew I was there and why was that gun pre-firing at me, and how come this person doesn't seem to die, ever. This is the most frustrating part of the game for me. Ive played legit since day one and Ive come to the conclusion that there are many togglers out there. It's also amazing that if play around a few select people I crash consistently, maybe due to the fact someone is modifying the game engine at the moment with their haxs...low and behold, the whole fucking server crashed and its the same person left in there everytime.... one can only assume.

and then there are rates. fuck rates and fuck all who modify them to take less damage and to screw up the hit registry. these are the main reasons why I have the feeling of hate in this game. To invest time to become good and compete only to see that most of the competitive people in this game are dubious at best. When a guy stops playing with certain peeps, like half his friends list, and all of a sudden stops crashing and the gameplay smoothes out, one can only assume. so fuck this game, fuck all the people tweaking it, and fuck this website for fooling people into thinking theres an actual community out there worth being around.

how many times is there someone in the university, that is a designated trainer or whatever helping people? how many people that post here actually play this game on a regualar basis instead of maybe once or twice a week with a miniority of people, so the rest of us never have a chance to meet you? who the fuck is walking target, who the fuck is snipe it , who the fuck is ghostdog, who the fuck are any of you? no one will never know, all they see is bullshit posts like this one.

valve does not care for this game, they used it as a platform to get more people interested in their products, to download the steam client to buy real games. the university does not care for this game because they just sit here and babble. maybe if you old time elites or whatever you wanna call yourselve play this game I would be happier. To know hey, I just played somone from the fios tournament, or I just played someone who made cal 1v1 finals. but no, I have to contend with all the people who want to be the next greats of a dead game, whom use any means nescarry to achieve such status. I dont trust any good player in this game to be an honest player. some skills are just so unbelieveable thats exactly what they are, not real. i can sit here and name names, but most of us know who's suspect and who isn't. Im not that good, but im better than most out there, and worse than quite a few. If you want to call me a hacker, thats cool, but maybe you should look elsewhere at the person who goes 75 and 4 on maps. not the guy who goes 40-25. No one hacks to be a mediocore player. idiots.

and the excuse of sound, thats why i killed you, or thats how i knew. fuck that. anyone can say that. oh yeah, i got the best sound card made at the moment with surround sound and i got 200 dollar headsets, i can hear mice piss in my walls. lies. i could find some wall haxs and use em, and claim the same shit and its all good, then its all believable. what a crock. sure nutrigrain didnt wall hack, because most were proven legit becuase of sound, becuase the guy viewing them most likely did have awesome sound equipment, doesnt mean nutrigrain did. sorry for using you as an example nutrigrain, but i figure your that last person in this game who would care at this point.

and now i sit here hating myself for writing this long ass stupid post whom i suspect most wont read. now i have pretty much destroyed any chance of nice relations with anyone in this game, thus forcing myself into a new game, one with good anti cheats and fresh updates, with good graphics and no bullshit shotgun deaths from a mile away. maybe it was all planed. im not even going to proof read this bullshit because im sure I contradicted myself numerous times. and Im aware I strayed way of the subject. Fuck it. its hl2dm right? Isnt that what valve thinks? so why not me. there, back on track, bitches.

oh, and if you plan to ban me from here, by all means. I dont want to sway the masses with my ranting about the sky falling or whatever the hell you said. remember, opinons mean nothing.


2008-11-01 23:58:48



2008-11-02 00:11:41



2008-11-02 00:20:44

dude its just a game....

you need to take a


plus do whatever you want..


{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-11-02 00:21:08

BlackRaven wrote:tl;dr


2008-11-02 00:30:55

Seriously, is anybody going to read all that?


2008-11-02 00:38:58

i did as i read all on here now.
but i wasted my time i see:sigh:


hey dood,
we are trying to save the community here.
some of us really like the "game" still.
and want to have fun with it and we do.
we all know all about everything you just posted about
see thats the dif we want the game to be better (weather it will be or not)
you just want to kick dirt in our faces because of what?
telling you not to say you're going to quti?
if you didnt care at all would you have made such a long post?

no ill will intended here.
and i personally think WT is an outstanding guy and i dont
have to go to his house to know that i see what he does here!!
i guess hes just trying to be mean though? what do i know? its
pure unadulterated BS is what it is. GLHF!!


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-11-02 00:43:35

s0iz wrote:Seriously, is anybody going to read all that?
I did.


2008-11-02 00:53:07

Just another I quti thread with added hatred thrown in.
Bastards i keep typing quti when I mean qu!t :lol:


2008-11-02 00:54:36

This is just furstration that most of us do come across time to time in this game. I know I been there too tho i would not call my self a good player at any means.

You brought up some good points apart from the rates thing which is actualy your fault for have losy hit reg sticking to default rates.

Allot can be picked from that long post but rely im not too bothered you basicly said what most of us do think about. Apart from WT who has good sound judgment and has done allot for this community.


2008-11-02 01:05:28

I read it.


Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-11-02 01:34:07

It can get pretty frustrating at times no doubt, I read it and it doesn't offend me so I wouldn't worry about that we're all human and people get pissed.

And yeah I can't lie I have been offline a lot lately and usually only playing in our server or with our team, but that won't last long all of us have our breaks and binges, so just have a break it always gets a little stale around here after a season ends, but it will pick right back up and you will find all of us with ease during the evening hours.

But I must say, I've been online gaming for a long time and spotting a hacker comes without question to me, not one regular player from here I've played on this game was suspect to me and this game attracts and holds onto, people that demand skill and high learning curve of a game for satisfaction which in turn is fun (to such a personality) so you can certainly expect to see extreme skill and control.

Hopefully you come play again after your break, I don't mind what you say everybody has rants just sometimes you don't see them.

The Argumentalizer

2008-11-02 03:18:50

Whats really eatin at you?
Something besides this little game.
Figure it out.
Come Back.


2008-11-02 03:26:28

I feel ya rachkir.There is alot of bullshit players out there.


2008-11-02 03:32:03

Lots of good points in your rant, but one of the best things about the U is that people that play and enjoy
different styles(KB vs stock) can interact in a nuetral site. I have dropped in a server several times and played
a stock map because someone that I have had some contact with through the U was in there. People enjoy
playing with someone they know more so than strangers. So drop in and meet some people you don't know and
pretty soon you won't have a shortage of peeps to play with.


2008-11-02 03:50:40

I do not know what tl;dr means. but thanks for your reply.

seems like only one person who posted didn't read it, but I bet he really did.

I was upset with walking targets reply to me in the "make valve aware" thread, which sparked this. I was going to leave dm before this huge rant of bullshit, but his comment made me go into a "fuck it" rage.

My life is hetic at the moment, I feel cheated for some reason that I am not better than I am in this game, for the time invested. I have to get my shit straight in life. I hate my fiance, I love my son, I go to school full time, my un-employment is about to run out so I need to find a job.

I spend to much time in this game, only to be beaten down by people who are not good yet get odd strings of kills minutes before the match is over. Maybe all the hack talk is because I just suck, maybe its halfway true, maybe you all hack. I will never know. Hacking is not why Im leaving this game, but it's what ruins it, and it's what pisses people off, because you will never know if you were good or not because some hacker(s) always beating you.

About the University, your mission is a simple one, yet extremely unachievable. You tell us not to post "I quti" threads because it demoralizes the community, yet you expect this website and forum to help control the dm players into a well mannered community. So, I cant say I quti here because it may make others quti, or at least think about it, but you can sit here and try to make people nice players. Sounds like horse shit to me. I know its your website and you can do what you want. But like stated above, it upset me and sent me into a rant. I do however think what you do here is honorable, and it's how Ive always tried to play the game. Just dont tell me what I can say. I apologize to walking target on this matter.

As far as all the other shit in my message, it just felt good to say it. I am aware that most of us are aware of all the b.s. involved in this game, of the good players who are actually good, but may pull a few tricks outta their sleeve in moments of need. I dont think anyone in this game is a full time hacker, only when needed. All the bugs and glitches are frustrating to encounter. All the shit talk is annoying and makes you want to just leave a server but you don't because you dont want people to know it gets to you. Shit like that.

I got enough complications in life where I dont need a complicated life in DM. Makes me wish I never got good in a way, shit was so much simpler back then, when i didnt know dick and was oblivous to everything. But then again, I wouldve never played this game as long as I did if I didn't. To be young again, then I would have all the time in the world for these internet games and flame wars and what not. But then I would turn out like slick fro...scratch that.

thanks for listening to my crap. and if u read this long ass post, thanks for wasting your time again.

oh, and ghost dog. your signature animation thing is friggin awesome. funny stuff man.


2008-11-02 04:15:34

I just sat here an pisssed myself laughing at that fucking cat, XD.

So fucking random..


2008-11-02 04:21:10

Yea, your not one of those ppl who mistakes bugs and lag for hax are u?

There cant be that many hax out there?
Correct me if im wrong ppl. I dont play foreign servers.


2008-11-02 04:43:44

Rachkir I know we never have played much maybe a few pubs here or there, I always thought you were a decent player for whats its worth. It's obvious things must be eating at you but you need to remember a few things;
1. None of us are going to make money playing this game, or probably any game for that matter.
2. The idea is to have a good time playing and challenge yourself at the same time also to blow off stress not create it.
3. There will always be someone who comes along who is better or can beat you at any given time, no matter how much time you spend playing.
4. Hacks will always exist and even the best anticheats will never be able to stop it completely.
5. In every game there will always be asshats and those who are there to cheat.
I've been playing First person shooters for over 15 years now and I buy just about every new game that comes out to see what they have to offer. To this day I just haven't been able to find a game that can offer so much diversity in game play or at a minimum offer the same type of feel that this game has, I also think this games community is pretty good and is part of what I like about playing hl2dm. Sure the numbers are not the highest in this game but what you have here is people who can appreciate this type of gameplay and for the most part everyone still playing has gotten to a pretty high level of skill.
Take a break work out some of your issuses and if you can come back later and play some more, the people who love this game will still be here.


2008-11-02 05:22:36

I think I caused this. I win.


2008-11-02 06:13:17

to be honest, I agree with your very first post more than your second, I do agree with your second, don't get me wrong, but I've said it for so long all the shit you said before, and it's going to slip from one player, then another player, then another player, this game isn't going to live much longer anyways 1. what rachkir said about players STILL NOT PLAYING SCRIMS OUT SIDE OF CAL. 2. what rachkir said about other stuff. 3. what rachkir said about other stuff. etc. etc.

I give you a shit load of props for the honesty in your first 9173649713649 page(no s) and even in your second, (but not as much) you spoke the truth, I like that man, I've taught you all the tricks I know, every, legit, trick, that, I know. when I teach someone it's HOW TO BE legit, not to pull a nutri... don't scratch that.

you're a cool guy, you always have been, flas kind of ruined you just by the name, but even then, you're still cool man, I think this site, should encourage people to LEAVE this shit forsaken game. I'll even fucking bet money, on more than 98% of the noobs don't even pay attention to people's site binds in pubs, like a shitty player says "gg" then the text under that says... "gg |" then the noob thinks, "what's the next map" and that site, just posted, will never come to his simple little mind, except, if he were a good player in other games and wants to be good, but WHY THE FUCK, would there be one that wants to come to a dead game, so you guys might as well unbind your gay little-retarded fucking binds... and just, quti, the game.

he's right because the people that do play only play with a majority of players. which makes the community seem more dead than it already is, and that's really dead. half life 1 deathmatch has more fucking players, lets face it, I am sorry for apologizing, no body in this fucking game deserves it, you're all fucking assholes in your own mind, you don't speak it to the person straight up, but you sure as hell think it, so in reality you're just as shitty as the person who makes himself look shitty, by speaking out loud. actually to contradict that, because I am to lazy and careless for this shitty site/community, THE PEOPLE WHO KEEP IT IN THEIR MINDS, instead of being honest with the other players, in a "video game" can go fuck themselves because I find that even more disrespectful for not being honest.

over all this game is dead, I don't encourage any new players viewing this post to continue on your one-way road to a dead end spot, in other words, don't bother.

you're all a bunch of shit heads. just to clear that up.

thank you rachkir for actually not being gay, and a little bitch like a lot of other people in this community and actually speak your mind about other players where they can view it to respond.



2008-11-02 06:20:07

[here comes the forum lock/teto ban] sorry slick, looks like I'll probably be winning this one! I'll probably get banned and this forum will get locked probably because opinions aren't allowed to be stated in forums here so


2008-11-02 06:33:07



2008-11-02 06:35:06


games are meant to b fun. i have fun in this game. i may not b as good as you, nor do i honestly have the desire to. i just desire to have fun in this game. rashkir's posts have merit. urs do not. tbh i think u are a whiny lil brat who didnt get spanked enough. and wt is right. this site's main function is to preserve the integrity of this game. so ur personal opinions might b accepted more in a diff forum.

bottom line is. if U are not enjoying hl2dm, than U need to find another way to entertain yourself. and i dont mean by flaming the admin of an obviously educational based forum.

gg @ making me pissed enough to post my opinion.


2008-11-02 06:35:57

HLDM does not have more players it just has more servers with bots.
Besides the competative players used AG.


2008-11-02 06:39:32

MORPHIUS wrote:@teto

games are meant to b fun. i have fun in this game. i may not b as good as you, nor do i honestly have the desire to. i just desire to have fun in this game. rashkir's posts have merit. urs do not. tbh i think u are a whiny lil brat who didnt get spanked enough. and wt is right. this site's main function is to preserve the integrity of this game. so ur personal opinions might b accepted more in a diff forum.

bottom line is. if U are not enjoying hl2dm, than U need to find another way to entertain yourself. and i dont mean by flaming the admin of an obviously educational based forum.

gg @ making me pissed enough to post my opinion.
I don't give two fucking shits about your pissy little pms moods, okay. it has nothing to do with me being a lot fucking better than you, it's that this community is too stuck up their own fucking asses to play other people it's ridiculous and I honestly do have fun playing this game, BUT I can't even have fun because of this bitch community, and I didn't get spanked you're right, I did the spanking, ingame. go fuck yourself, a long with the community.

The Argumentalizer

2008-11-02 06:44:08

Thank You Teto for the most incoherent illiterate post i have ever seen. The first one, i mean
And thanks for this wonderful literary gem:
"I don't give two fucking shits about your pissy little pms moods, okay. it has nothing to do with me being a lot fucking better than you, it's that this community is too stuck up their own fucking asses to play other people it's ridiculous and I honestly do have fun playing this game, BUT I can't even have fun because of this bitch community, and I didn't get spanked you're right, I did the spanking, ingame. go fuck yourself, a long with the community."



2008-11-02 06:45:57

fyi im not a faggot.
oh, and not scripting, but thanks for the compliment.


2008-11-02 06:47:16

fyi im not a faggot.
oh, and not scripting, but thanks for the compliment.
*Correction: You are a faggot.


2008-11-02 06:49:04

teto wrote:
fyi im not a faggot.
oh, and not scripting, but thanks for the compliment.
*Correction: You are not a faggot.


2008-11-02 06:50:13

good you're quoting that you are, in fact, a faggot.


2008-11-02 06:54:27

not to put a rain on your parade but brian you definitely didn't cause it. 1 person alone can't fuck up a community. And honestly this community has a buttload of immature assholes...more assholes than good people at the very least. That being said I'm not going to leave because I actually do have fun playing this game, whether i play an asshole or not. That being said I have fun playing people who might even hack or script because it's even more of a challenge! And that's what this game's a challenge and a nice thing to do in my free time, and because of the incredible depth of the game i rarely get bored of it.

To all who read have a nice day and see you in game....peace

Walking Target

2008-11-02 06:55:53

I actually only just read this.

Whatever Teto...I let threads go for days before I lock them, and I rarely delete threads, even when they have gone to crap so everyone can see what everyone had to say on the topic. You lose it and flame the shit out of others and I don't ban you, I simply lock a thread that already gave everyone a chance to have their say. Accusing me of being heavy handed... :sketchy: I am anti-censorship as much as I can be, and I fight hard to keep this site as transparent as possible. You don't get bombed with PMs like I do from people telling me the site is going to shit and I am losing the respect and support of various clans. I am damned if I do and damned if I don't and you know it, so lay off.

Rachkir, I wasn't trying to be hostile towards you. I am sorry if the response was too harsh, but my opinion still stands nonetheless. It is easy to criticize this site, but keep in mind it was started in late 2006, roughly 2 years ago. Things weren't quite as slow back then as they are lately.

I am always willing to 1v1. I am on every night from 10pm to midnight PST. I actually still play dm quite a lot, never loaded a hack in my life, and struggle versus the top players and in matches often enough also.

Walking Target

2008-11-02 06:56:56

Pretty obvious that Teto and Slick are trolling for a ban. I always try to listen and meet the needs of the community, so they are welcome to them.


2008-11-02 07:00:59

Also as much as one might disagree with the methods WT uses or whatever...i find it incredibly hard to hate on what he is doing. He is one of the few people trying to do something POSITIVE for this community....along with dallas and a few others. So they have my respect regardless. Everyone likes to complain about this game because they are right, it is a lost cause and I'm not one to give false hope. But just because certain people have faith and try to do positive things for the community, doesn't mean we should disregard what they are doing, it only leads to more hate. The fact is, we don't need stop the hate groups, we don't even need hate groups, nor do we need forum posts like these. The only thing we need is to realize we are all here for the same reason, and that is to have fun. No matter how big of an asshole you may or may not be...thats at least ONE thing we ALL have in COMMON. so take it to heart, relax, and enjoy the game.



2008-11-02 07:25:15

^^ g u are dead on mah friend..... dead on.


2008-11-02 07:37:09

Well, one thing in there that was 100% true, this game is dying, and no one is/can do anything about it, valve doesn't give a shit about this game so we will never have the game we used to have nor the players. All there is left to do is play until everything finally ends. GG.

and thanks for the compliment slick, I love my hax.


2008-11-02 08:00:48

Well Damn, I read the forums early this morning and I come back to find all hell has broken loose once again.

Rachkir, Life is more important than a game. Do what you have to do, to get it back on track. If that means not playing then so be it. Once you get your life straightened out, and if you have the desire to, come back and visit, but put less pressure on yourself and just play for the enjoyment of playing and worry less about your skill level and you will be much happier.

Slick, youre banned, you lose.

Teto. I dont agree with your opinion of the community. I am sorry you feel the way you do. I dont think many people were against playing with you, at least since your attitude changed. But your buddy slick fro has been described as a loose cannon, he has been recorded in matches as saying things like "he is so bad hes actually doing good", about Poor Billy no less whom won CAL 1v1 he was "so bad". His complete disregard for others and his spraying has caused alot of anomosity toward him but people who dont subscribe to his point of view. Yes I know its "just a sound" but it has been used in the past as an insult and that is engrained in this game and many others and is widely regarded as unsportsmanlike. That view is not going to change. So I guess if you and he cant understand that and he cant live without doing it, your only choice is to leave the game as you told me you were going to do because no one will want to play with you.


2008-11-02 08:13:02

This is why noone can have nice things in hl2dm.


2008-11-02 08:20:40

Lol @ teto correcting people in other threads. He types out his response and never includes a period in every paragraph except after the last word.


2008-11-02 08:27:08

I disagree that playing this game will fuck u in ur own ass.
HL2DM requires more skillsets then any other game out, so if u go FROM hl2dm to another game like say crysis wars, its an easy transition cause of how much slower and simple other dm games are in comparison.


2008-11-02 08:47:44

And maybe teto needs to associate himself with ppl in teh community who arent assholes?
Maybe then he wouldnt think so little of it i dunno =\
Or maybe he's just one of the assholes.



2008-11-02 10:00:15

I have been playing this game almost 3 years straight everyday, haha and you think you wasted your time?

I think your biggest problem is coming into a game that was already on its knees, thinking there would be allot of people around and then expecting to play with people that left this game long before you came along.


2008-11-02 10:11:49

Blasphemy wrote:I have been playing this game almost 3 years straight everyday, haha and you think you wasted your time?

I think your biggest problem is coming into a game that was already on its knees, thinking there would be allot of people around and then expecting to play with people that left this game long before you came along.
I'm sorry I missed the part where you played long enough to be an elder statesment of HL2DM yet. I've played about 4 and a half years and the league competitive play has actually increased slightly oh so much over those 4 years. Though not drastically, league play adds maybe one or two more legit clans every year, if that.


2008-11-02 10:14:23

So no I'm not claiming hl2dm is not exploding or is going to become the next tf2, but it sure as hell won't just die out next year.


2008-11-02 10:18:20

Va|iums wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:I have been playing this game almost 3 years straight everyday, haha and you think you wasted your time?

I think your biggest problem is coming into a game that was already on its knees, thinking there would be allot of people around and then expecting to play with people that left this game long before you came along.
I'm sorry I missed the part where you played long enough to be an elder statesment of HL2DM yet. I've played about 4 and a half years and the league competitive play has actually increased slightly oh so much over those 4 years. Though not drastically, league play adds maybe one or two more legit clans every year, if that.
damn why do you always have to undermine everything i say, gonna starts some e-drama dude.


but still i probably got more hours on you, considering you always went away and took breaks sooooooooo yea.

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-11-02 10:31:30



Still TL;DR


2008-11-02 10:46:14

and btw those who dont know TL;DR

means "too long;didnt read"



peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Trouser Snake

2008-11-02 11:08:58

lol what???


2008-11-02 11:36:25

Anthym wrote:This is why noone can have nice things in hl2dm.

ahaha....youre like waldo, popping up in every thread with this. Makes me :lol:


2008-11-02 11:46:53

Isnt it funny how the only people we hear crying about the game dying and not being able to find anyone to scrim, are the people who act like total asshats. Heres a hint; people don't play you for a reason, now please do us all a favor and quti the game for good.
Run along now little doggies.

The Argumentalizer

2008-11-02 12:34:29

Pernicious wrote:I disagree that playing this game will fuck u in ur own ass.
HL2DM requires more skillsets then any other game out, so if u go FROM hl2dm to another game like say crysis wars, its an easy transition cause of how much slower and simple other dm games are in comparison.
What he said

And that cat is awesome
Rachkir: take a month off and come back. If you can stand that long.


2008-11-02 15:36:53

pretty true I don't play assholes simple as that don't care how good they are.

I incourage guys to play this game so shot me.


2008-11-02 16:06:39

OMFG i cant help myself, i just sat here for like 5 minutes watching htat fucking cat watching the tv, its like, wat the fuck was it thinking, makes me laugh everytime =\

cyboy bunny

2008-11-02 16:12:39

wow i love this kind off topic's . its keeping me (and others)coming back every day to this forum to read it. you guys are more a family then you admit it.

keep on going guys, good luck in the game :wink:


2008-11-02 18:01:34

cyboy bunny wrote: you guys are more a family then you admit it.

True dat

Perhaps a bit disfunctional at times, but a family of sorts nonetheless.


2008-11-02 18:07:06

L2k wrote:Isnt it funny how the only people we hear crying about the game dying and not being able to find anyone to scrim, are the people who act like total asshats. Heres a hint; people don't play you for a reason, now please do us all a favor and quti the game for good.
Run along now little doggies.



2008-11-02 18:54:45

Pernicious wrote:I disagree that playing this game will fuck u in ur own ass.
HL2DM requires more skillsets then any other game out, so if u go FROM hl2dm to another game like say crysis wars, its an easy transition cause of how much slower and simple other dm games are in comparison.

i agree 100%. no game has held my interest like dm does.

i've been playing this game for about a year, competitively for about 8 months. i say this with great pride and honesty that every skill i currently have, i got from hard work and practice. watching demos of really good players. i ask dallas to set up tv for his matches all the time so i can watch what he does, how he reacts, how he handles different situations. i talk to luke a lot, listening to his advice on gameplay attitude and mind set. grain has taught me many things, because i asked him. i come from a generation of non gamers, when i was 15-16 i didnt have a pc, none of my friends did. we played sports, face to face. beat the hell out of each other, got in fights, but we knew that the other person wasnt "hacking" or cheating because they were right in front of us. if we did play video games, 1) it was because it was raining and our parents actually let us stay inside to play them. 2) it was console games. nintendo or sega, we sat side by side. this is a different age now, young kids spend too much time in front of a monitor, talking shit to ppl they know they will never see face to face. being able to pwn your oppenent and talk shit to him because of that has become the #1 goal in this community. IMO that is why there are so many hacks out there, players would rather cheat and talk shit then work hard to build your skills and have fun doing it. like i said i got into this game very late, most of you have been playing for years and years. the thought of cheating so i could win a lot has crossed my mind, but i wont allow myself to fall to that temptation, because at the end of the day when i turn off my PC, i know that every kill i got came from practice, hard work, and advise. every head shot i got was because i've been working on my aim, not because im using a hack. I think a lot of you young ppl dont understand what it means to work hard to achieve a goal and how awesome it is when you achieve it. i feel rahkir's pain, i understand where he is coming from. but its also a vicous cycle, because if you are already hacking, you cant stop now, your skills will plummit and everybody will know that you were hacking. the part i love most about EE is know all the active members as well as i know any of my RLFs. so i know when i play Bot, or Josey, or Chard, or Rico, or even Grain i know that i am playing them, not a hack. i tend to ask ppl for advise that i know are good ppl, honest ppl. the other thing about the hacks is its so hard to tell if somebody is wall hacking, because of what rahkir was saying about sound and what not. aside from confiscating their HD and scanning it for scripts, which will never happen, you will never be able to diffinetly tell. my point is i give huge props to those who dont cheat, and to those that have helped me. the other thing i wanted to say is, if you dont like the game, if you think its a waste of time, why are you here posting, why are you still playing? you can leave, you can choose not to come here anymore. i dont mind and im sure most everybody else wont either. this game has a certain unexplainable addiction. i play other games but i always come back to hl2dm. this game will survive by ppl that care about it. i dont see the point in trying to make others quti just because you want to.


2008-11-02 19:10:12

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:i dont see the point in trying to make others quti just because you want to.


2008-11-02 19:25:43

Rachkir- all I can say to you is what Impala said, TAKE A BREAK... Christmas is coming and dammit anyone who has family BETTER BE home doing something nice as the rest of us duke it out and whine about the holidays.

Quitting the game out right because of people is not the answer, trying to become a destructive force hoping to get others quti will backfire. It's true what Bunny said, this is very much like a dysfunctional family and very much like family, you can't quti it, even tho you don't like half of them [do what I did and keep as much distance between you and the ones you don't like]

I know that you have people you like, you and I have always been cool, any loss of a good competitive player is a TOO big a loss for this game to take. Attitudes need to change, if we want to save the game, people need to act in the nature of good sportsmanship when it comes to competition.

monkey-hug.jpg (51.31 KiB) Viewed 352 times


2008-11-02 20:35:14

And yes, heres another tl;dr post. Fuck all your stupid internet lingo. But thanks for explaining it at least.

I am glad that many of you realize I have become frustrated with the game and that I have no ill intent. I felt awesome to say the words I did, so everyone could hear them. That in itself was like taking break from the game, just to finally speak my mind. When I joined Khaos their motto is pretty much everything that this site stands for, and it's stuck with me ever since, so to finally cut loose was a feeling of bliss. My post about finding a new game and playing this one in moments of boredom was said in spite. Speaking of which, I just went to Best Buy to find a game and walked out empty handed, almost got Crysis Warhead for 20 bucks but decided not to considering the first one blew ass.

SLICK FRO, sorry man, you did not bring this on. Ive thought about quitting/ taking a break from dm for a long time. Me and you played a lot together not to long ago, I looked past everyone's comments because I thought I could learn something. Then, believe it or not, you were actually pretty cool, nice, and educating. I got better even more so in a rather fast time playing you, and you know it.

I put on a .flaS tag and game over for me and you. That is bogus. Everytime I saw you all you could do is talk smack about .flaS, asking me if I was a dick yet. Amazing how feelings about some people can lead you to ruin the friendships of others. Seriously though, I thought about asking you and teto about getting a clan going shortly before I joined flaS. I'm glad I never did because your true colors finally came out. The arguement we had the other night was the end of our friendship, because you cannot refrain from copying and pasting, because you cannot stop for one second and realize, damn, this guy liked me and I just fucked it up because I got a vendetta against [FLaS]. Whats more important Brian? Flame wars or having someone to play with on a regular basis?

You did not bring anything on except the end of us gaming together. Sorry man. Your words arent powerful in any effect except making people dislike you, not making them quti games. You lose, again.

Teto, I still like you and I appreciate all you've done when playing me. I still suck on aim arena, but I think more strategically now. And as far as you sending copies of me talking shit to you while playing, to slick fro. thats lame shit. I assumed you were a friend as well, and still are in my eyes. That is part of the game when I play with friends. Ask mLiquid, me and that guy talk so much shit to each other when playing people would think we hate each other. So I say those things because I was comfortable with you. When I go to my token buddies house and we play some Red Faction 2 on PS2 we sit there and talk smack. In this game, talking smack typically consists of WOWs and HAXs, if I thought for a second you were haxing I wouldnt have wasted my time. So with that said, see ya around, and I apologize if I gave you the impression I thought u were cheating. We played like 6 times in a row that day, obviously defeat does not concern me much, because I lost all 6 by like 30-40 kills everytime.

Walking Target, what you said about this site being made a couple years back occured to me last night. At that moment I realized it was much more relevant to things then, than it is now. Then to read your post today, it amused me. But I will repeat my words and say I think what you do is honorable, to give us a place to come and trade ideas and knowledge with each other. Also, if you would like to play some games, I had no idea you were on that much, I will track you down. Team Fusion Seattle right? It's obvious to me now that most of the old players arent competitive anymore, they just play for fun.

I started in feb 08. Well into it's decline of attention. But, that's not so bad I suppose, Im not foolish enough to think I could win money at any game, except maybe when Im at a casino. Ive met some cool cats in this game, and really only lost one friend because of his own doing, that's not so bad I suppose.

Thanks all for reading my novel. This will be the last I post on this.

Walking Target

2008-11-02 21:02:14

Rachkir wrote:Walking Target, what you said about this site being made a couple years back occured to me last night. At that moment I realized it was much more relevant to things then, than it is now. Then to read your post today, it amused me. But I will repeat my words and say I think what you do is honorable, to give us a place to come and trade ideas and knowledge with each other. Also, if you would like to play some games, I had no idea you were on that much, I will track you down. Team Fusion Seattle right? It's obvious to me now that most of the old players arent competitive anymore, they just play for fun.
Add me to steam profile is in my sig, or just hit me up in IRC (check out the chat function here if you dont have IRC installed). I always have #hl2dm up when I am available to play. I only play late, after the rest of my family goes to sleep. I'm happy to 1v1 almost any night as long as fusion is not playing a 2v2.


2008-11-02 21:39:34

Rachkir wrote:Teto, I still like you and I appreciate all you've done when playing me. I still suck on aim arena, but I think more strategically now. And as far as you sending copies of me talking shit to you while playing, to slick fro. thats lame shit. I assumed you were a friend as well, and still are in my eyes. That is part of the game when I play with friends. Ask mLiquid, me and that guy talk so much shit to each other when playing people would think we hate each other. So I say those things because I was comfortable with you. When I go to my token buddies house and we play some Red Faction 2 on PS2 we sit there and talk smack. In this game, talking smack typically consists of WOWs and HAXs, if I thought for a second you were haxing I wouldnt have wasted my time. So with that said, see ya around, and I apologize if I gave you the impression I thought u were cheating. We played like 6 times in a row that day, obviously defeat does not concern me much, because I lost all 6 by like 30-40 kills everytime.
first off, you're a cool guy man, second off, I NEVER sent anything like that to gay.fro because we didn't even use text, we'd talk on the mic because we were comfortable using mics, and what ever you said I kept it between us. and rachkir, you've NEVER accused me of hacking, nor did I hint at that in any way, even though you were quite confused when I was airhumping O.o lol and I respect you for playing all the time, you wanted to learn and that's a great thing, can't say that for the rest of the community though, but rach, - nothing between our ingame friendship is bad, so don't worry about that, I haven't ever attacked you in a bad manor but for what ever is going on for you in real life, gl.

hope to see you on


2008-11-02 22:09:04

whatever doods all i knows is who ever kills me gots to be hacking cause thats the only logical explanation :x

p.s not trying to make fun of anyone just trying to be funny don't want anyone getting butthurt Image


2008-11-02 22:10:09

Yea the pubbin' scene sux because of the 8-13 yr olds that took it over. I usually find entertainment in playing 1v1s, 2v2s, etc when I'm on playing. I usually play the same small group of ppl cause many ppl just aren't fun to play w/ because of their tendency to complain about every little flaw and detail to justify them being killed or even losing.
There are still ppl/teams/clans out there willing to scrim if you play around and add people to friends or w/e and if you can't find a scrim there's always killbox_kbh_2 8)


2008-11-02 22:35:05

So true but that killbox was were someone said to me that "I KILL YOU LIKE A HOTDOG" [he may have been russian] and two 9 year old kids with squeekie voices said my voice sounded weird, I said that is cuz I lack the testosterone but wait so do you so STFU... :D


2008-11-02 23:26:14

Shinigami wrote:So true but that killbox was were someone said to me that "I KILL YOU LIKE A HOTDOG" [he may have been russian] and two 9 year old kids with squeekie voices said my voice sounded weird, I said that is cuz I lack the testosterone but wait so do you so STFU... :D

lmao hotdogs hotdogs hotdogs!!!
but Pomp you have to look at the bright side of this.
the hotdog man helped us with deciding what to eat for lunch :lol:
i believe i went for the hotdogs whilst you went for the corndogs!!!
the high pitched voices were annoying to say the least :? :mrgreen:


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-11-02 23:35:08

player mute FTW!!!
I use that more than anything sometimes


2008-11-03 01:16:26

Divinity wrote:Yea the pubbin' scene sux because of the 8-13 yr olds that took it over. I usually find entertainment in playing 1v1s, 2v2s, etc when I'm on playing. I usually play the same small group of ppl cause many ppl just aren't fun to play w/ because of their tendency to complain about every little flaw and detail to justify them being killed or even losing.
There are still ppl/teams/clans out there willing to scrim if you play around and add people to friends or w/e and if you can't find a scrim there's always killbox_kbh_2 8)
I agree with Div here.

Rach, maybe you should take a break or join a clan that isnt so hardcore on winning. You will find alot less drama with those type of clans. Winning isnt everything.

This game got boring for us Elite at one time and we moved on. We came back when it became fun for us again. Its just not worth dealing with if you arent having a good time. I would rather have a player on our team that is enjoyable to game with, then the best player in the game that is a total dick. Sure, our clan may not win every match, but at least we are respected for not acting like 12 year olds and are asked to scrim on a daily basis.

As for the silly posts from teto and slick....If you guys didnt care about this game, you wouldnt be posting on this forum. Those that dont care, dont waste any time posting about it.


2008-11-03 02:10:56

Sacrifist wrote:
Divinity wrote:Yea the pubbin' scene sux because of the 8-13 yr olds that took it over. I usually find entertainment in playing 1v1s, 2v2s, etc when I'm on playing. I usually play the same small group of ppl cause many ppl just aren't fun to play w/ because of their tendency to complain about every little flaw and detail to justify them being killed or even losing.
There are still ppl/teams/clans out there willing to scrim if you play around and add people to friends or w/e and if you can't find a scrim there's always killbox_kbh_2 8)
I agree with Div here.

Rach, maybe you should take a break or join a clan that isnt so hardcore on winning. You will find alot less drama with those type of clans. Winning isnt everything.

This game got boring for us Elite at one time and we moved on. We came back when it became fun for us again. Its just not worth dealing with if you arent having a good time. I would rather have a player on our team that is enjoyable to game with, then the best player in the game that is a total dick. Sure, our clan may not win every match, but at least we are respected for not acting like 12 year olds and are asked to scrim on a daily basis.

As for the silly posts from teto and slick....If you guys didnt care about this game, you wouldnt be posting on this forum. Those that dont care, dont waste any time posting about it.



peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-11-03 03:44:05

I've uninstalled and reinstalled this game so many times out of frustration.
LOL, I'm trying to keep it installed this time. Life is crazy.
I myself have a hard time knowing when to take a break,:(
then I get all pissy and start thinking I need to delete the game forever.
Rach, I'm sorry things are sucking for you right now. Hope things get better. Seriously.


p.s. I pack extra lube for when I play. Never know when you're gonna get raped. :thumbsup:


2008-11-03 05:55:36

Sacrifist wrote:
Divinity wrote:Yea the pubbin' scene sux because of the 8-13 yr olds that took it over. I usually find entertainment in playing 1v1s, 2v2s, etc when I'm on playing. I usually play the same small group of ppl cause many ppl just aren't fun to play w/ because of their tendency to complain about every little flaw and detail to justify them being killed or even losing.
There are still ppl/teams/clans out there willing to scrim if you play around and add people to friends or w/e and if you can't find a scrim there's always killbox_kbh_2 8)
I agree with Div here.

Rach, maybe you should take a break or join a clan that isnt so hardcore on winning. You will find alot less drama with those type of clans. Winning isnt everything.
This. I joined Hells Elite because they are good guys and they are fun to play with. We don't care about winning as much. We play to have fun and get better. Bucky and I have played some 2v2s, but we've only won one match. This is completely fine by me as of now. I'm just interested in having fun now and if the game is no longer fun, take a break. Try another game and you'll be back soon enough. From what I've seen, {HE} doesn't care about winning. This is great because I don't have to stress about about my kdr in a match.


2008-11-03 06:39:07

Rach I guess I'm sorry if our competitive attitude scared you off/ruined it for you... I assumed you knew what you were getting into when you asked about joining. I realize winning isnt everything and it isnt anything to some people. Best of luck in future gaming.


2008-11-03 08:23:32

I was suppose to be done posting here.

No Zman, that's not even close to the issue. I love team play and flaS was a great, yet short lived experience. I couldnt commit at this time, like I thought I could, when I joined you guys, and I apologize for wasting your time. I just need to relax on this game like most of you stated.

My post was me letting off steam, so everyone could hear, in a way. It worked to. I just dealt with "super nade Vox" and "my voice sounds like I have nasal problems PB" calling me a cry baby and how I was "chill" (whatever the fuck that is) before I did this.

It didnt even phase me. Just a game. Thanks all.

Im freaking 25 yrs old man. When I grow my beard out, I have grays, and Im not talking one or two. Its been a rough ride. Last thing I need is game stress, we can all agree on that.


2008-11-03 12:13:29

Really obvious. Very overstated, and very seldom realized - it's just a game :mrgreen: Look me up on steam when you come back and I'll play for fun with you. Tuning all this dumb shit out is the key. And saying "quti" is fucking gay (to all).


2008-11-03 15:03:10

Qu!t is word filtered to quti

old time no.7

2008-11-03 17:15:19

when you have other responsibilities that require your attention, the game is just a frustrating time sink if it's not going to be fun.
i agree with others that have said take a break and come back.
i'll still be here.


2008-11-03 17:33:33

oh yeah, quti. I was having that problem in some of them post, someone else was to I noticed. Fingers go to fast for the other fingers at times. thta is all. see.


2008-11-03 17:46:59

Rach- well you know the people you have had fun fraggin with will always be here for ya, you will always make new good friends. The shitty attitude that some people have sucks, calling other names, putting people down, etc It is very hard to not take it all in when it is constant and people that could change it look the other way, but you have to find ways to let it out, if this thread helped some then it wasn't a waste of time.


2008-11-03 18:05:12

Rachkir wrote:
Im freaking 25 yrs old man. When I grow my beard out, I have grays, and Im not talking one or two. Its been a rough ride. Last thing I need is game stress, we can all agree on that.

lol, me too bro, me too. dont worry about that, that's character being added to your face.


2008-11-03 18:07:20

whew. Its a sure sign I havent been taking care of my self, phsyically or mentally. I have a rock solid body due to years of construction work, but since Ive been layed off I feel like a sloth. The brain...maybe I need fish or something.


2008-11-04 00:25:25

Rachkir wrote:whew. Its a sure sign I havent been taking care of my self, phsyically or mentally. I have a rock solid body due to years of construction work, but since Ive been layed off I feel like a sloth. The brain...maybe I need fish or something.
honestly rach you have been playing ALOT of hl2dm in the past few months.I know that if I played as much as you have I would be feeling pretty down and out at this point.You should really consider taking a good long break from FPS gaming if I were you.


2008-11-04 01:17:48

Rachkir wrote:whew. Its a sure sign I havent been taking care of my self, phsyically or mentally. I have a rock solid body due to years of construction work, but since Ive been layed off I feel like a sloth. The brain...maybe I need fish or something.
Take up mapping. I used to play 8 to 12 hour sessions back in the day (back when the game first came out) but my internet kinda forced me out of that for awhile. I could play that much now, but I devote alot of time to mapping. Even if its for games other then HL2DM lol.
Perhaps you should play HL2:CTF. Its very similar to HL2DM and there are players that still play. Its much more laid back then HL2DM I think. Doesnt show the KDR lol. I find a good balance in playing both the ctf mod and dm. It never gets old that way.


2008-11-04 01:50:20

Anthym wrote:
Rachkir wrote:whew. Its a sure sign I havent been taking care of my self, phsyically or mentally. I have a rock solid body due to years of construction work, but since Ive been layed off I feel like a sloth. The brain...maybe I need fish or something.
honestly rach you have been playing ALOT of hl2dm in the past few months.I know that if I played as much as you have I would be feeling pretty down and out at this point.You should really consider taking a good long break from FPS gaming if I were you.
I think I need to do this.


2008-11-04 02:24:32

im in icon so i must be super fucking 1337, also :D


2008-11-04 04:13:16

PwNs3ttia wrote:
im in icon so i must be super fucking 1337, also :D
but hopefully you dont think we script and dont think im a faggot D:


2008-11-04 04:21:58

I cant believe I still bother to check the forums.


2008-11-04 04:58:45

Love your Rachkir :D

Had a great time playing, hope you come back after you get shit straight in RL
u were always a kickass/cool dude :)

p.s. Spend ur internet time looking for a job :wink: that helped me out alot when i was stressed about not having a job *PAUSE* that gaming shit :) .. and these forums too.


2008-11-04 05:02:59

Briggs wrote:I cant believe I still bother to check the forums.

The Argumentalizer

2008-11-04 12:10:21

OK he played me and got owned. That is the whole thing right there.
He got good and i beat him badly and he quti.
He accused me of hacking, what with the incompetent bhop and the Awesome fast orb and mag!?!

That is what happened!!

Rachkir can't over the fact that the game is buggy and i slid some nades in there and....

Complete BS! never happened...

Rachkir is really good.
Well, that night... nevermind...
Gonna miss ya.
Sorry to see another kickass player leave because of me.

(none of the above is true)


2008-11-04 17:08:25

Sacrifist wrote:Take up mapping.
I very much agree with this. It's great to be able to put your own ideas into a map and get away from the DM killing scene for a while. I have a few maps under my belt but they're not very good (none have been released to the public so don't worry). Still, it's a nice break!


2008-11-04 18:43:38

what the fuck pwnsettia is alive

Walking Target

2008-11-04 22:41:30

G wrote:what the fuck pwnsettia is alive
Your hired goons didn't finish the job or what?


2008-11-13 07:33:31

rach I think youre pretty cool, but to expect slick to be nice all the time that's just being kinda dumb, also last I remember I was cool with everyone and disliked no one sides earth haxor if not you can tell me over thanksgiving break, to everyone still playing gl, hf, dc & ds, also I'm super 1337 kkthxbai.


2008-11-17 17:21:35

PwNs3ttia wrote: to everyone still playing gl, hf, dc & ds, also I'm super 1337 kkthxbai.

Good luck have fun Don't crash and don't skeet?


2008-11-17 17:52:32

That was a short break.


2008-11-18 00:44:18

yeah, it was. Anger makes people irrationial. it's true. dont question me on that.

I am going to tone back the hours, and focus more on my college and my son. my fiance can go suck a dick. and no, i do not care if its any of you, to save from silly post from bahlk saying "ooooooo, me next!!"

re-joined flaS because they are awesome and understand. Im not sure if you will see me around much in scrims or whatever. Im trying to play for fun and surround myself with people who are good to be with. flaS are good guys in my eyes, and people I would like to play with when I am in game.

I just needed to think a bit. I did that.
Conclusion. Just a game, have fun. Like the old school nintendo days. FUN.


2008-11-18 02:30:14

Rachkir wrote:
I just needed to think a bit.

For what its worth Rach, there seems to be alot of that going around. You are not alone.


2008-11-18 03:34:58

Rachkir wrote:yeah, it was. Anger makes people irrationial. it's true. dont question me on that.

I am going to tone back the hours, and focus more on my college and my son. my fiance can go suck a dick. and no, i do not care if its any of you, to save from silly post from bahlk saying "ooooooo, me next!!"

re-joined flaS because they are awesome and understand. Im not sure if you will see me around much in scrims or whatever. Im trying to play for fun and surround myself with people who are good to be with. flaS are good guys in my eyes, and people I would like to play with when I am in game.

I just needed to think a bit. I did that.
Conclusion. Just a game, have fun. Like the old school nintendo days. FUN.
awww we wuvs you toooooooooooo


2008-11-20 23:25:24

ninojman wrote:
PwNs3ttia wrote: to everyone still playing gl, hf, dc & ds, also I'm super 1337 kkthxbai.

Good luck have fun Don't crash and don't skeet?
if you skeet you get distracted