2008-11-01 23:51:54
indefinately doesnt mean forever, i think, and if it does, i need to buy a Webster's. I intend to play, in moments of boredom like i mentioned. but competition is no longer a factor in this game for me. the fun is gone. when i play, i will try to get the fun back.
as far as your qoute about not posting topics such as this because they demoralize the community I suggest you review who exactly posts on this forum. People of old and thats about it. I dont even know half of you, mainly because I assume most of you just dont play that much anymore.
anyone with half a brain can see on the server list there is nothing happening, unless you like 200 gravity and poorly made maps/killboxes. there are no games to play, no one wants to scrim, no one wants to 1v1. it appears most are afraid to lose. and by the off chance that you do get to play someone and start to dominate them you are an instant hack. i dont play this game to be called a haxor, to be hated, or to constantly hear bullshit like wtf and wow during gameplay.
if the community could grow up, if the game could be fixed, if the people who have skills still played, if the server list wasnt full of killboxes with 3 people in each, then maybe it would be a different story.
if this DEMORALIZES the community like you say it can or will then I suggest you think a little about yourself and figure out why someone on a forum can persuade you to think it's true. Individuality is the only freedom you have, dont lose it because you can't think for yourself. Speaking of which, I give props to anyone whose an asshole because in fact they are an asshole and dont know how to act any other way. You are most likely the person who bugs the hell out of me when playing, but at least your true to yourself and not the mindless "rules of etiquette" that is being forced upon you by some in this game.
I try to remain respectful of other players, I think before I speak (most of the time), I try to congratulate awesome displays of aim and skill because this is also how I try to live my life outside of the game, with respect. I don't expect it in return, in life or in game because 90% of the time it doesnt happen.
why do i want to continue playing a game I invested so much time in getting better at, only to be shunned and turned down when asking for matches? to suddenly realize, holy shit, no one plays this anymore. i have 100 and some friends in my list, i am online every night, i see the same 5-15 people every night. where the fuck is everyone else?
and then theres the issue of VAC. this game is full of haxors and scriptors. I would love to see VAC do an few updates consecutively for this game and watch the people fall to VAC ban. maybe if they updated that to a degree I would feel better knowing that the 20 headshots on aimarena might be legit. But instead I wonder how the hell he knew I was there and why was that gun pre-firing at me, and how come this person doesn't seem to die, ever. This is the most frustrating part of the game for me. Ive played legit since day one and Ive come to the conclusion that there are many togglers out there. It's also amazing that if play around a few select people I crash consistently, maybe due to the fact someone is modifying the game engine at the moment with their haxs...low and behold, the whole fucking server crashed and its the same person left in there everytime.... one can only assume.
and then there are rates. fuck rates and fuck all who modify them to take less damage and to screw up the hit registry. these are the main reasons why I have the feeling of hate in this game. To invest time to become good and compete only to see that most of the competitive people in this game are dubious at best. When a guy stops playing with certain peeps, like half his friends list, and all of a sudden stops crashing and the gameplay smoothes out, one can only assume. so fuck this game, fuck all the people tweaking it, and fuck this website for fooling people into thinking theres an actual community out there worth being around.
how many times is there someone in the university, that is a designated trainer or whatever helping people? how many people that post here actually play this game on a regualar basis instead of maybe once or twice a week with a miniority of people, so the rest of us never have a chance to meet you? who the fuck is walking target, who the fuck is snipe it , who the fuck is ghostdog, who the fuck are any of you? no one will never know, all they see is bullshit posts like this one.
valve does not care for this game, they used it as a platform to get more people interested in their products, to download the steam client to buy real games. the university does not care for this game because they just sit here and babble. maybe if you old time elites or whatever you wanna call yourselve play this game I would be happier. To know hey, I just played somone from the fios tournament, or I just played someone who made cal 1v1 finals. but no, I have to contend with all the people who want to be the next greats of a dead game, whom use any means nescarry to achieve such status. I dont trust any good player in this game to be an honest player. some skills are just so unbelieveable thats exactly what they are, not real. i can sit here and name names, but most of us know who's suspect and who isn't. Im not that good, but im better than most out there, and worse than quite a few. If you want to call me a hacker, thats cool, but maybe you should look elsewhere at the person who goes 75 and 4 on maps. not the guy who goes 40-25. No one hacks to be a mediocore player. idiots.
and the excuse of sound, thats why i killed you, or thats how i knew. fuck that. anyone can say that. oh yeah, i got the best sound card made at the moment with surround sound and i got 200 dollar headsets, i can hear mice piss in my walls. lies. i could find some wall haxs and use em, and claim the same shit and its all good, then its all believable. what a crock. sure nutrigrain didnt wall hack, because most were proven legit becuase of sound, becuase the guy viewing them most likely did have awesome sound equipment, doesnt mean nutrigrain did. sorry for using you as an example nutrigrain, but i figure your that last person in this game who would care at this point.
and now i sit here hating myself for writing this long ass stupid post whom i suspect most wont read. now i have pretty much destroyed any chance of nice relations with anyone in this game, thus forcing myself into a new game, one with good anti cheats and fresh updates, with good graphics and no bullshit shotgun deaths from a mile away. maybe it was all planed. im not even going to proof read this bullshit because im sure I contradicted myself numerous times. and Im aware I strayed way of the subject. Fuck it. its hl2dm right? Isnt that what valve thinks? so why not me. there, back on track, bitches.
oh, and if you plan to ban me from here, by all means. I dont want to sway the masses with my ranting about the sky falling or whatever the hell you said. remember, opinons mean nothing.