lulz / yay


2008-11-04 18:09:25

yay!!!! anyone remeber me couple months ago as a belligerent alcohalic ? well.. between that and fast food, i was 155 pounds when i left VT to go school in FL. Came back a year later at 205 :shock: ( lulz / yay for beer and fast food )

but ne way ive been home couple months and back down to 160 (im 6'2 also )

yay !!

but idk....

i was happy bout it


2008-11-04 18:23:42

Just wait until you give up smoking that is if you do smoke.
When smoking I was about 10.5 stone, 2 years after giving up smoking I am now 13stone 1 or 183lbs and I am 6'1"


2008-11-04 18:44:27

dang lol im 5'10 155.

But that's good!


2008-11-04 18:55:16

I am fully grown but by the sounds of it BAHLK is still going to be growing upwards.
Where is VT, FL is Florida right?


2008-11-04 21:27:48

Congrats on dropping the poundage.

When I was just out of college and about to get married I was 140 (6' even). 2 years with my wife's yummy cooking and a general slowing down of life style I was 190. I dropped 20 lbs by doing nothing more than giving up soda in favor of water. I lost another 10 just by exercising a degree of restraint on how much of the wife's cooking I ate. I now hover around 160 and am happier for it.


2008-11-04 22:25:05

its kinda funny, but im 6'2" and 185 when I'm out of shape. when I'm in climbing/biking shape in the summer I balloon up to a morbidly obese 205 (im skinny as a rail D:) the numbers say im fat, but you wouldnt guess i weighed anything more than like 160 if you looked at me. :oops:

Walking Target

2008-11-04 22:31:10

Go train some jits Bahlk, get lean and mean.


2008-11-04 23:40:55

Zman42 wrote:its kinda funny, but im 6'2" and 185 when I'm out of shape. when I'm in climbing/biking shape in the summer I balloon up to a morbidly obese 205 (im skinny as a rail D:) the numbers say im fat, but you wouldnt guess i weighed anything more than like 160 if you looked at me. :oops:
Muscle is denser than fat so when you excercise you burn off fat but can tend to put on a few lbs because that fat turned into muscle.


2008-11-05 00:54:00

5' 11" 210lbs. out of college i was 165. but i was playing hockey 6 days a week


2008-11-05 01:18:21

might as well, everyone else is.

highschool, graduated in '01. 5'10" 185 lbs. muscle. weightlifted everyday. played soccer since I was 6.

2008 - 5'10" 165 lbs. muscle. no more weightlifting on a regular basis, no more homecooked meals to enforce muscle growth, speaking of which, I average a meal a day for the past 2 years. Cant play soccer anymore cuz I would die from lack of oxygen, ty smoking. God bless work for at least keeping a semblance of the shape I use to be in.

Summer 2008 - no work, still lean, tiny little love handle, could be worse, maybe if I ate more than once a day it would be different.


2008-11-05 01:19:54

damn man if i ate 1 meal a day id either be dangerously skinny or be eating one motherfucking huge meal. :o

The Argumentalizer

2008-11-05 01:48:53

I am 5 11 and have weighed as little as 174 in the Army, 230 when i was powerlifting, and am 210 now with a bit of middle age gut but not bad.


2008-11-05 01:59:05

when i fell 4 stories 10 years ago(dec 7 marks the day)
i was 170lbs after 10 days in the hospital i was 142lbs.
btw im 6'4'' that was skinny man.

now im 205-210 with a little distention and im 41yrs old
strong as a bear though(construction most of my life).
so not to bad i guess!!


peace :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


2008-11-05 02:27:47

being a boxer, I'm 5'10 , 165 lb


2008-11-05 02:30:50

being a beer drinker and gamer 6'3" 230lbs


2008-11-05 02:36:28

5'8 140lbs

I cycle 2 miles a day, about the only exercise I get really..