musical lulz


2008-11-13 21:09:28

I remember this from 2003 but someone recently linked me back and i tought i'd post it haha.
Punk band The Exploited was suppose to play a show; Last minute cancelation with no refunds.

Young lads freaked out... but shit went out of control D; ... wnDrUk0peA

Wich ALSO reminded me that people did the same shit back in 1992 after a total failure of Metallica/Guns n Roses show. ... re=related

Weird to think Quebec's major riots was either about Hockey or music shows D: hahha :/

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-12 21:45:38

I always hated Punks and Goths and fucking Emos.



2009-01-13 01:29:06

I always hated people that didn't know when to keep their mouth shut.


lewls my friend got shot with rubber bullets when they had the British Invasion 2K6 riots in San Bernardino.
British Invasion 38.jpg
British Invasion 38.jpg (122.65 KiB) Viewed 209 times

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-13 19:37:37

One of my experiences with punks was in Germany, where the punk rockers are actually anarchist skinhead Nazis.
I was at a river party one night and some punk suckered me with a bottle, opening up a major cut.
he did it because i was an American GI.
One night, me and my buds, who had our bar that we frequented, had 6 of these punks come in.
Somebody id'ed one of them as the one who suckered me.
My Best friend Hyde, from Washington state went nuts, slicing through several of them.
We kicked the shit out of those assholes.
The fight awesome. We kicked their ass down the stairs and the fight continued on the street.
They retreated, talking crap.

I hate those bitches.
And the music is lame.


2009-01-13 19:49:01

The Argumentalizer wrote:anarchist skinhead Nazis.
lol wut

"Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) is a left-wing anti-racist, anti-fascist skinhead group."

this is skinhead music



2009-01-13 19:52:58

Blasphemy wrote:
The Argumentalizer wrote:anarchist skinhead Nazis.
lol wut
nazis weren't anarchists thur bub.


2009-01-13 19:59:33

The Argumentalizer wrote:One of my experiences with punks was in Germany, where the punk rockers are actually anarchist skinhead Nazis.
I was at a river party one night and some punk suckered me with a bottle, opening up a major cut.
he did it because i was an American GI.
One night, me and my buds, who had our bar that we frequented, had 6 of these punks come in.
Somebody id'ed one of them as the one who suckered me.
My Best friend Hyde, from Washington state went nuts, slicing through several of them.
We kicked the shit out of those assholes.
The fight awesome. We kicked their ass down the stairs and the fight continued on the street.
They retreated, talking crap.

I hate those bitches.
And the music is lame.
I do not know which is worse, these so called "nazis" or you and your crew.