Just for today - I think.
The game turned 10 years old today, and it costs 98 cents at Steam.
Go for it!
2008-11-21 04:18:11
Happy Birthday HalfLife!!
2008-11-21 18:06:20
One you can see through the shitty graphics, hl1 is the best game ever, and way way harder than hl2.
2008-11-21 23:27:07
i loved playing through the whole hl series
2008-11-22 18:29:30
I never played through any of the series.
2008-11-22 19:41:46
I played episode 2 and 1, and I almost beat hl2 while back, but I reformated and didnt back up save files...I cannot bring myself to spend a more time driving around in those stupid vehicles. At least the 2nd one was cool and you got to drive a demoliton derby style car. and it had turbo. ftw.