2008-11-26 19:15:05
Voxtex Wrote:
You have serious issues if you have trouble pulling away from HL2DM. You are just trying to get attention on the forums, probably due to real life issues. It's ok Rachkir, you are a failure, the sooner you accept it the easier it is. Aren't you unemployed with a kid? You should join Impala in the fucking fail at life club, you guys fit nicely.
Rachkir Writes:
Sorry, can't resist this. Unemployed with a kid yes, since end of febuary. Its called a lay off, I get unemployment. will I go back to work there, no. I put a hole in the drywall of the plant managers office, I worked another month, bunch of us were laid off, I was not called back. Live and Learn. Can I find work, yes, will I? No. I have no intentions of going back to construction.
I failed at life many times, Ive stated this before. I go to college full time now, since Im poor I suck all the pell grants up that I can for classes. I took 13 credits this fall, I have 18 more credits starting in Winter. After summer courses I should be able to apply for my assosicates degree in computer science programming.
Sure I got issues in real life. I got issues in this game as well. Cannot a person post here asking guidance, or help? That does not show weakness in my eyes, just the opposite. Cant all be hard asses like you. This community is to help, not to make LOL's.
I am not a failure though. I have failed, but I am not a loser or a failure.
When I was 22, I supported my mom for almost 2 yrs after my father died from lung and brain cancer, because she was jobless and grieved for a long time. She lived with me, I bought her gas, her food, her bills, I picked up after her. She lived in her room. She had a total meltdown. There was no money, it went to his funeral and their debt. Last few months of her living with me she managed to get a job and her own place. I am extremely proud of this, it is something I told my Father I would do on his deathbed and managed to do it.
Ive been to jail, Ive spent 2 years in prison. I have failed. Yes. But I am not a failure. I man up everyday to what Ive done, and everyday I do something to ensure it doesnt happen again.
I've raised my son since he was born, I changed shifts at a rubber recycling plant to nights, so I could be there during the day. I quti that job and spent that following summer doing odd jobs for cash while staying at home. I went to work that early fall/late summer doing welding at a steel plant on second shift, so I could be there during the day. I have had the summer off with a steady income from unemployment. I have not failed my family.
Do not speak about what you do not know. Once you ween yourself from mama's tities and learn a little something about the real world, talk to me about failure then. Until then, little boy, shut your mouth.
You have serious issues if you have trouble pulling away from HL2DM. You are just trying to get attention on the forums, probably due to real life issues. It's ok Rachkir, you are a failure, the sooner you accept it the easier it is. Aren't you unemployed with a kid? You should join Impala in the fucking fail at life club, you guys fit nicely.
Rachkir Writes:
Sorry, can't resist this. Unemployed with a kid yes, since end of febuary. Its called a lay off, I get unemployment. will I go back to work there, no. I put a hole in the drywall of the plant managers office, I worked another month, bunch of us were laid off, I was not called back. Live and Learn. Can I find work, yes, will I? No. I have no intentions of going back to construction.
I failed at life many times, Ive stated this before. I go to college full time now, since Im poor I suck all the pell grants up that I can for classes. I took 13 credits this fall, I have 18 more credits starting in Winter. After summer courses I should be able to apply for my assosicates degree in computer science programming.
Sure I got issues in real life. I got issues in this game as well. Cannot a person post here asking guidance, or help? That does not show weakness in my eyes, just the opposite. Cant all be hard asses like you. This community is to help, not to make LOL's.
I am not a failure though. I have failed, but I am not a loser or a failure.
When I was 22, I supported my mom for almost 2 yrs after my father died from lung and brain cancer, because she was jobless and grieved for a long time. She lived with me, I bought her gas, her food, her bills, I picked up after her. She lived in her room. She had a total meltdown. There was no money, it went to his funeral and their debt. Last few months of her living with me she managed to get a job and her own place. I am extremely proud of this, it is something I told my Father I would do on his deathbed and managed to do it.
Ive been to jail, Ive spent 2 years in prison. I have failed. Yes. But I am not a failure. I man up everyday to what Ive done, and everyday I do something to ensure it doesnt happen again.
I've raised my son since he was born, I changed shifts at a rubber recycling plant to nights, so I could be there during the day. I quti that job and spent that following summer doing odd jobs for cash while staying at home. I went to work that early fall/late summer doing welding at a steel plant on second shift, so I could be there during the day. I have had the summer off with a steady income from unemployment. I have not failed my family.
Do not speak about what you do not know. Once you ween yourself from mama's tities and learn a little something about the real world, talk to me about failure then. Until then, little boy, shut your mouth.