How to date a gamer girl....


2008-11-26 21:31:49

Well.. some of it is good advice and some sucks but I thought it was cute :P

How to Date a Gamer Girl
Written by Kirk, Saturday, June 14th, 2008 in Dating Columns, Sex & Dating

Most guys tell me that the absolute best girlfriend they can imagine is one that shares their interests- and around here on WellCultured, that kind of girl is the gamer girl. Unfortunately, few girls of this rare breed exist, but for the ones that do, many of us are a bit confused- after all, what do you do with a girl who can tear you apart in Street Fighter? Here are some pointers.

1. She is a girl, treat her as such.

One of the biggest irritations gamer girls have is that they are either considered the “token girl” or are lumped in the group as a guy- a dichotomy they end up hating. Girls are girls- there are about 50% of them in the world. Don’t treat her like a good guy friend- trust me, lots of beer and midnight games of Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball will not go well with her (for the most part). She doesn’t want to be “another guy” to you- remember, there are plenty of guys you can enjoy that sort of stuff with- she’s the only one you can have sex with (in the strictest sense). Even worse, avoid treating her as some sort of token girl, revering her and acting as if she is some sort of enemy from the “normal” world. Too many girls get this treatment (Remember the term “Shotgun/Rocket Bitch” from the Quake/UT matches of yesteryear?)- and they detest it. Treat her like a girl- don’t leave her out of your gaming, but certainly don’t expect her to be a carbon clone of your gaming buddies.

2. Don’t White Knight her, unless you must.

During gaming, avoid being the “White Knight” by protecting her all the time in the game. In multiplayer shooting games, this gets old quickly- and trust me, she figures it out pretty fast. If you play games with her, make sure to teach her the controls and mechanics properly, but don’t feel like you have to babysit her in games- if she’s a gamer girl, she’ll figure out pretty quickly. It’s insulting for most girls to feel “protected” in games like that- especially if she’s leagues better than you at it.

There is one important exception to this- don’t gang up on her or let people berate her. Be relaxed if people begin to hit on her or flame her (trust me, it happens to every girl), but make sure to make a stand if some neckbeard begins getting creepy in private chat. Similarly, if you can, avoid playing AGAINST her (as in, if you can, play on her team or be cooperative)- she’ll feel challenged/threatened if you try to bring the smackdown every time you play.

3. Don’t obsess over gaming.

You may want to talk about it all the time, but like every other hobby, there is a limit. The biggest complaint I hear from “gamer girls” of any type is, simply enough, they get the overly obsessed guys who don’t know much else. There is a life other than gaming- and even if you have a ton of consoles at home and sat in line for the latest release of your favorite game, there are plenty of other things to talk about. As a rule of thumb, if you are on a date and can only talk about “geeky” things intelligently (and she’s not the one bringing them up), you have a problem.

4. Include her in your habits, create a healthy balance.

Don’t get terretorial about your gaming habits- while you may be used to playing alone, expect that she will want to be involved, so be open to the idea. Sure, you may want to play your new single player game alone, but expect she’ll want to play/watch- there’s nothing wrong with that. Newer games are more cinematic than ever, so even watching can be entertaining.

Still, don’t hog your gaming consoles. Sure, you may want to remove the hand that dares touch your PS3 the day you buy MGS4, but be willing to be flexible. She will want to play games just as much as you do- so be willing to hand over the controller/computer. Or make her sit on your lap naked, that works too.

5. Don’t bash Cosplay, Fandoms or cutesy games; they work to your favor.

Let me say this straight out. This is one of the biggest secrets of gaming:

Most of that fanart, including the nudes of game characters? All those pervy little fanfics?

A lot of those are written by WOMEN. Yes. Lots of girls like to cosplay, play cute games, and draw characters from video games. This is awesome. For one, encouraging more girls to dress up like Eva from MGS3 may be my life’s purpose (see my picture as to why). Even cutesy games can be beneficial to you- and hey, let’s face it, some of the most enjoyable games (Katamari Damacy, for one) are like that.

I normally refrain from being so blunt, but let me put it to you this way: Cosplay can be pretty damn hot. Making her cosplay semi-nude characters is even more so. Just saying, I’ll suck up my hate for the histrionic bitch cosplayers of the world if I get the “good” side of it.

6. Avoid making her a trophy.

This goes with #1, but it needs to be said again: she is not a trophy. Do not drag her to LAN parties and make her sit in the corner. Do not make her follow you around as you browse Gamestop. DO NOT BRING HER TO A LAUNCH OF A GAME AT MIDNIGHT AND MAKE HER SIT IN LINE FOR YOU FOR EVERYONE TO SEE (I’m looking at you, anonymous Metal Gear Solid 4 launch guy, she didn’t even know what the game was). Trust me, we are not impressed, we’re just feeling awkward from her “get me out of here” expression.

7. Overall, treat her like a normal girlfriend.

This applies to every single girl you will ever date, but I’ll say it in closing: treat her normally. She wants to go on dates, she’ll want thoughtful gifts on occasion, she wants to be treated like a girl, and she wants you to be her true love. She enjoys video games. That’s nice. Focus on things OTHER than her gaming habits- make her a girlfriend, not a buddy-that-happens-to-have-breasts, and you’ll do just fine. ... gamer-girl
gamergirl3.jpg (76.23 KiB) Viewed 762 times


2008-11-26 23:38:40

if you understand 1. She is a girl, treat her as such.

The rest is pretty much fixed up.


2008-11-27 00:39:33

lol you don't, they're usually crazy


2008-11-27 00:42:31

A woman that shares my interests would be a woman that does women.


2008-11-27 00:57:08

That was mostly a great load of rubbish, cute pic at the end notably excepted.


2008-11-27 02:49:19

I dated a gamer girl before, do I win something..


2008-11-27 03:32:26

lol well a couple of points are good, one i like is don't be her knight in shinning armor, that drives me nutz, let her fight her fights!!! :x

Also personally I am very girly girl so I like girly girl things, although I am not sure I can speak for the whole DM female population :?

One thing they forgot is don't act like a dick enfront of her friends, we work hard to get respect only to have a guy ruin it. :(

but if u cant find a girl here I here that wow is full of them bellow is a pic of a wow girl

.. go git... ;)
wowgirl.jpg (164.39 KiB) Viewed 588 times


2008-11-27 03:45:20

A pic of that girl who traded anal for WoW gold would have been more fitting. :wink:

Uncle Rico

2008-11-27 06:53:36


2008-11-27 07:36:50

{EE} Uncle Rico wrote:

I knew WoW turned people into friendless, obsessed, bordering on psychotic entities of fat, but holy shiat. There is no hope for the world of gaming if that is what a game can do to some people.

Plus she isn't even hot....


2008-11-27 07:45:14

my wife is a gamer like me so...........


2008-11-27 10:01:07

I am a girl gamer, :D as many of you know. Unlike Pomp, I am not a girly girl and have always been more of a tom boy than anything else, but that doesnt mean I dont act or dress like a girl sometimes, I just dont prefer many girly things. I am not into Pink, I fucking hate pink and no I dont have a pink mouse or keyboard. I like FPS games and am bored to death by rpg games. I never was into soap operas or sappy love songs. I grew up playing with matchbox cars, plastic cowboy and indian sets, lincoln logs and a toy train. I later got in trouble with a bunch of the neighborhood boys for building treehouses. I also enjoy going fishing, a decidedly male dominated hobby. I bait my own hooks and clean my own fish and I can drive a boat in a straight line. I now even have a Captain's License. I prefer fishing equipment over flowers, jewlery or candy as gifts, which some women cant understand that one. Many of these qualities are the reasons why my significant other / husband pursued me in the first place. He wanted a girl who could fish and drive a boat and use tools :o, not one that hung around the house painting her toenails and putting on makeup.


2008-11-27 15:29:50

Paradox wrote: I also enjoy going fishing, a decidedly male dominated hobby.
It is male dominated because for years men's only guaranteed runaway from women is fishing...but now..... INVADORZ!!

j/k :]


2008-11-27 17:22:39

this doesnt apply to you sorry pomp your a gamer woman not a gamer girl :P


2008-11-27 18:55:41

hummm.. I like pink and make up, I just hate other girls, shopping, gossiping, etc [never played RPG but wouldn't imagine I ever be demented enough to do that] I prefer shooting real guns [if they came in pink I buy them although I love the stainless look] I love fast cars and would have been in a boat too if I didn't end up getting severe vertigo, which I get when I stand up from my chair after playing.. so was not really much of choice :x and I am truly envious of your profession as you know para, I think is awesome that you are doing it! :mrgreen:

Yes Deathwish, I am very much a woman, women call themselves girls without the illusion of being younger, I am 42 years old I have NEVER lied about that although it is quite clear now I could have, or even pretend to be a 10 year old boy from Taiwan. I will probably refer myself as a girl or other women as girls, even when I am in my golden years i.e. golden girls? :P

That WoW girl scared me :cry:

This game is driving me to :drink:


2008-11-28 01:51:05

Rafadagaffer wrote:
{EE} Uncle Rico wrote:

I knew WoW turned people into friendless, obsessed, bordering on psychotic entities of fat, but holy shiat. There is no hope for the world of gaming if that is what a game can do to some people.
Girls trading sex for ingame items dates back alot further than WoW... we had girls doing this in Diablo 2, and accordingly i have no doubt it happened in UO/EQ/AC as well. That WoW girl just happened to be the first one who managed to gain minor infamy / celebrity status.


2008-11-28 12:20:29



2008-11-28 17:21:40

Ko-Tao wrote:Girls trading sex for ingame items dates back alot further than WoW... we had girls doing this in Diablo 2

I find that very amusing because D2 had the WORST-COMMUNITY-EVER, EVERYONE would flame/steal/PK/Whine/be too leet for you.

90% of the trades people were trying to scam you with some ridiculous shit

Now transpose that to this guy that has P annihilus (some crazy items if you never played) and this girl who'd fuck for it.
I sense a guy who won't give it afterward hahaha.


2008-11-28 20:12:21

Defining yourself by any habits is stupid period. 8)


2008-11-28 21:52:05

yup... but it makes some people rich


2008-11-29 04:32:06

Trust me wen i say that pretty much everything ppl do and say in our societies...are fucking stupid.


2008-11-29 20:59:31

so we all agree people r stupid even tho we are indeed... people? :sketchy: