How to get more people playing HL2DM on your server

Uncle Rico

2008-11-29 08:53:45

Rename every map dm_sniper_something. dm_sniper_lockdown, dm_sniper_caverns, dm_sniper_sniper, dm_sniper_avalon, dm_sniper_aim_sniper_arena_reloaded_sniper_sniper.
Works on every server I see lately. glhf.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-11-29 09:05:37

I agree with this theory.

dm_sniper_aim_sniper_arena_reloaded_sniper_sniper = contest material.


2008-11-29 21:05:25


Uncle Rico

2008-11-29 21:09:04

Don't forget 100 tic, or higher... :sketchy:


2008-11-29 21:23:43

LOL this really would work lol

The Argumentalizer

2008-11-29 21:33:28

Its frickin sad. Its like a Pub wasteland out there.


2008-11-29 22:21:22

Lets not forget say sounds


2008-11-29 22:36:24

hmm maybe rp_sniper_lockdown, rp_sniper_lostarena etc. could be effective also


2008-11-29 22:36:40

also 1 hit pistol kills :x


2008-11-30 09:29:24

I also made that observation. dm_sniper is super popular for some reason. I don't get it. :sketchy: There are better maps out there.


2008-11-30 09:48:07

people want to turn this game into CS:S for some reason


2008-11-30 19:38:39


MOTD: Hello! Be amazed at the amount of mario kart maps and johnburger's HL2buggy to Kart's conversion mod. The mario Kart maps will kick in after a few rounds on regular maps, enjoy your stay and drive safely :D

note: the red shells do not track players just yet, wait until next version

Current version: 1.23 b


2008-12-01 17:15:19

i came from a sniper clan. trust me, its not just the sniper maps that draw them in. cause our servers weren't very popular. it's all the other shite. low grav, damage mods, sounds, chat protect, etc.

but yeah, i don't get it. i followed an old clan mate to one server that you can supercharge to 250 armor and 100 health... yet 3 smg bullets killed you. wtf???

[EYE] Valar

2008-12-01 19:05:38

Beef wrote:I also made that observation. dm_sniper is super popular for some reason. I don't get it. :sketchy: There are better maps out there.
there're also better foods than hamburgers and pizza brother. notice a pattern? how about "instant payoff"?
but to appease the adheres of quality - arts and mastery were never the bread of the peoples but nonetheless wrote history.


edit: this btw is my 555th post. milk and cookies for everyone.


2008-12-01 19:56:56

[EYE] Valar wrote:"instant payoff"?
They can't get kills on other servers if their smg dont insta-kill. :lol:

[EYE] Valar

2008-12-01 20:02:08

and do they play on other servers? :mrgreen:


2008-12-01 23:32:27

Or start a Hide-and-Seek only Server with Hide and Seek (HAS) maps.

Hell even cal players <<plays>> hide and seek once in awhile XD (my hiding spot in powerhouse wins)


2008-12-01 23:36:13

.conflict wrote:Or start a Hide-and-Seek only Server with Hide and Seek (HAS) maps.

Hell even cal players <<plays>> hide and seek once in awhile XD (my hiding spot in powerhouse wins)

Con its HAGS :] TKM, Microsoft, and myself formed this a while ago lol >.< need steam group.


2008-12-01 23:55:12


OMG is I enter by mistake an another high kill server I am going to go postal


2008-12-02 00:37:45


Uncle Rico

2008-12-02 01:09:15

The funny part was while hiding we were whispering in teamspeak.


2008-12-02 03:05:10



2008-12-02 04:46:25

{EE} Uncle Rico wrote:The funny part was while hiding we were whispering in teamspeak.
That reminds me of when I try to peek around corners by moving my head.


2008-12-02 05:59:15

Just like when I play a racing game, I try to turn by tilting my head.


2008-12-02 07:06:33

Shinigami wrote::cry:
OMG if I enter by mistake on another high kill server I am going to go postal
LOL, first time I did that I was like, "omg hax!!!" But then I looked at the server name.:sketchy:
[EYE] Valar wrote:there're also better foods than hamburgers and pizza brother. notice a pattern? how about "instant payoff"?
but to appease the adheres of quality - arts and mastery were never the bread of the peoples but nonetheless wrote history.
Which is why I'm trying to get into the habit of cooking instead of going out. And no, that doesn't include TV Dinners or Easy Mac. Lawl.
Instant gratification is hard to let go of. :|

Oh! And holy shit, I used to jump a little out of my chair the first time I played Super Mario Bros 1! Good times.