[EYE] Valar
2008-12-15 22:16:58
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-15 22:16:58
2008-12-15 22:24:55
2008-12-15 22:33:47
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-15 22:42:01
your post might be misunderstood mate - the World Government is the end goal for the CURRENT powers. World Government is not the aim of the Zeitgeist movement and others like it.Skaruts wrote:Also:
2008-12-15 23:31:05
[EYE] Valar wrote:http://video.google.com/videosearch?com ... 4&ct=title#
2008-12-16 00:58:57
2008-12-16 01:50:59
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-16 02:19:27
2008-12-16 02:23:59
2008-12-16 03:35:21
2008-12-16 03:54:41
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-16 04:16:24
2008-12-16 04:44:09
So have you followed my link? Why is mine any more BS than yours? I'm confused.[EYE] Valar wrote:stop posting BS voxtex. seems this is all you do. next time actually follow the link and see what its all about BEFORE you post.
2008-12-16 04:46:45
That website only challenges the religious statements that ZeitGeits does. Not the rest of the movie.voxtex wrote:http://zeitgeistchallenge.com/
I can post links too.
Think for yourself once in a while. Following shit like this is no better than following the masses, which is exactly what you seem to be against.
2008-12-16 04:50:38
Well why not start with the first claims in the movie? The movie just spans so many different conspiracy theories to try to debunk all of them is simply ridiculous.s0iz wrote:That website only challenges the religious statements that ZeitGeits does. Not the rest of the movie.voxtex wrote:http://zeitgeistchallenge.com/
I can post links too.
Think for yourself once in a while. Following shit like this is no better than following the masses, which is exactly what you seem to be against.
Following the masses is fail BIG TIME. If 1000 people are making a silly thing, IT IS STILL BEING A SILLY THING.
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-16 05:02:52
2008-12-16 05:26:09
[EYE] Valar wrote:titling someting Conspiracy serves only to blur its meaning. as does all titling.
what i did was to post this important movie up for ppl to watch. nasty shit is been carried through by a few people in this world and it should get the majority's attention.
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-16 06:01:07
2008-12-16 07:34:21
2008-12-16 16:35:12
I read a lot about history, but modern books with a history more updated. Not those school books that says the Germans are bad and evil, the Allies were good and kindful.voxtex wrote:Well why not start with the first claims in the movie? The movie just spans so many different conspiracy theories to try to debunk all of them is simply ridiculous.s0iz wrote:That website only challenges the religious statements that ZeitGeits does. Not the rest of the movie.voxtex wrote:http://zeitgeistchallenge.com/
I can post links too.
Think for yourself once in a while. Following shit like this is no better than following the masses, which is exactly what you seem to be against.
Following the masses is fail BIG TIME. If 1000 people are making a silly thing, IT IS STILL BEING A SILLY THING.
All Valar did was post a link and offer no input of his own. I simply tried to do the same to prove a point. Make your own decisions and get your own information about everything. Especially crazy shit like this. Don't look at biased resources and try to get all sides of the story before coming to a conclusion. It is really easy to skew information in a certain direction based on a predetermined position. Doing this on either side (conspiracy theory or government lemming) is just as bad and I ridicule both equally.
2008-12-16 17:11:51
Can I have some of this? Need some for the Pomp thread too i'm all out :'(badinfluence wrote:
2008-12-16 17:26:03
I brought more.Edge wrote:Can I have some of this? Need some for the Pomp thread too i'm all out :'(badinfluence wrote:
2008-12-16 21:33:29
2008-12-16 23:54:33
<3 now teh edges has somebadinfluence wrote:I brought more.Edge wrote:Can I have some of this? Need some for the Pomp thread too i'm all out :'(badinfluence wrote:
It's fresh.
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-17 02:52:58
2008-12-17 10:01:17
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-17 16:01:29
2008-12-17 18:34:37
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-17 19:23:11
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-17 19:53:09
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-17 20:13:01
that's the whole point hereMaybe folks could channel that energy into critical thinking and what a central world power would actually mean.
Permanent omnipotently powerful tyranny.
readAll these spooky and nefarious groups.
The question i always have is WHO are they?
What are their names?
What is the proof behind the nonsense?
2008-12-17 21:02:30
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-17 21:53:25
2008-12-17 22:07:59
Invert 'America' and 'Isreal' in what you said and take 'Israel' to mean Europeans/Middle Easterners in general and I can say about the same thing here.[EYE] Valar wrote:Voxtex,
I live in a one of the most misunderstood countries / areas of the world called Israel / Middle East. Every time I talk to an American who finds I’m from Israel I’m amazed to hear the amount of nonsense they've been fed about the subject. What people know about Israel is legendary at best.
Point is, ALL we are being fed through the media about the world surrounding us is all but lies and stories aimed to spin public views for political gains of governments. All governments.
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-17 23:15:34
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-17 23:37:18
2008-12-17 23:45:12
All you said is true, except this. The "rumor" was a fact well known by most of country-leaders. They simply didn't care, and it was much before 43, during the 30s.[EYE] Valar wrote:1943
Rumor: Jews are being persecuted and murdered all around the world.
Public reaction: nonsense.
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-18 00:47:37
Public reaction. not leaders'.EYE] Valar wrote:1943
Rumor: Jews are being persecuted and murdered all around the world.
Public reaction: nonsense.
Of course it does. But that is not where the problem lies. Someone has a blue, green, red or purple blood is the least of my concerns.Well you can trace all kinds of ancestry back as far as you can and it still doesnt prove anything.
American Presidents are elected and not chosen.
do you know that beyond any shadow of a doubt? What are your indisputable proofs? Please share them.Militant Islamofascists attacked us on 911.
you have not been to any of those places. Not seen first hand any of the alleged events and are fed by media for the breakdown. You and I know just about nothing on the subject.They did so in Spain, Indonesia, London, Mumbai and elsewhere.
Being a DNA specialist, having fully examined all lines? Please share results of the tests. Anycase, this is the same as the first paragraph I quoted of you, is not the case in question. A goat could have begot the lot of them for all I care.This stuff about all the Presidents being related isn't even true.
2008-12-18 03:44:53
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-18 04:20:48
2008-12-18 06:02:26
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-18 08:00:27
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-18 08:16:26
Mere planes? A 747 fully loaded with high explosive jet fuel weighs 450 tons.[KBH]Tazzer wrote:Militant Islamofascists attacked us on 911.
if this is true ......how did they get in the building to wire
up all the explosives lol every floor has 1500 or so connectors
that had to be blown to drop the building in its own footprint![]()
impossible to drop 2 huge buildings with mere planes i know for a fact
cause i build and have done much commercial construction.
i trust our government as far as i can throw a "state".
2008-12-18 08:52:27
The Argumentalizer wrote:Mere planes? A 747 fully loaded with high explosive jet fuel weighs 450 tons.[KBH]Tazzer wrote:Militant Islamofascists attacked us on 911.
if this is true ......how did they get in the building to wire
up all the explosives lol every floor has 1500 or so connectors
that had to be blown to drop the building in its own footprint![]()
impossible to drop 2 huge buildings with mere planes i know for a fact
cause i build and have done much commercial construction.
i trust our government as far as i can throw a "state".
That is a giant missile. Its amazing they stayed up that long.
The WTC was not designed to take the hit of a 747 fully loaded with jetfuel.
They were built in the 70's.
Notice the tower that fell first was the second tower, which was hit lower than the first.
20-30 floors of weight and weakened and/or damaged steel, did the job.
The sheer vibration of the first collapse contributed to the second.
I have not seen one report by expert engineers that contradicts this view.
I have also not seen any reports of names of individuals who actually did set explosives in the towers.
So, who did, if it happened? And why is that more plausible than obviously happened?
2008-12-18 08:59:04
2008-12-18 09:00:22
2008-12-18 09:31:33
2008-12-18 11:24:22
I think you make all 'leaders' like they're able to control, guide the masses, and know everything that's going on like some sort of omniscent being. If you're talking about Roosevelt, he was doing the best he could to keep Britian alive with his lend/lease, but even he wouldn't think about going to war at a time when 80% of the American people were against it. Mothers Againts the War was going on and all of that. And what was Britain to do? they were getting bombed nightly by the Luftwaffe. At a time of war, when leaders get all sorts of information from all directions, you have to set priorities. And even if there is information about jews getting fried alive, as horrible as that is, what exactly can be done about it when all the other horrors of war going on, and there's a public against any involvement in it?[EYE] Valar wrote:to soiz:
that is my point?
the PUBLIC didn't know. the LEADERS did.
i quote again
Public reaction. not leaders'.Rumor: Jews are being persecuted and murdered all around the world.
Public reaction: nonsense.
The problem with conspiracies is that they thrive on the everyday notion that in order for an event to have actually happened, there must be 'indisputible facts' with no contradictions. There's a real naivete in expecting either one. When any event happens it can only be described. The descriptions come from anyone and everyone who interpret the events and describe them. Anyone listening then need to interpret those descriptions. You won't believe in indisputible fact anymore after you've examined the preceeding sentences.[EYE] Valar wrote:do you know that beyond any shadow of a doubt? What are your indisputable proofs? Please share them.Militant Islamofascists attacked us on 911.
If you need to see something first-hand to know it exists then what of Australia, does that exist? Have you been there? It could have been spun by the media to make money for the travel industry. People were taking cruises to Communist China all along when they thought it was a made-up fairyland called Australia they were going to.[EYE] Valar wrote:you have not been to any of those places. Not seen first hand any of the alleged events and are fed by media for the breakdown. You and I know just about nothing on the subject.They did so in Spain, Indonesia, London, Mumbai and elsewhere.
The thought over the last 50 years or so is that everything can be broken down into information. This information can be accessed by everyone, especially now with the Internet. It wouldn't surprise me at all if people used DNA science to show a link between every president and Charlemagne. What would that really mean though? It would mean that there are Adenines, Thymines, Guanines, and/ or Cytosines that happen to coincide with one another. So what would that mean? That might mean we're all human and so will have like sequences in everyone. It might mean we really don't know enough about DNA as we thought. It might mean that people who are confident in DNA's ability to chart recent bloodlines have doubts about its abilities to chart long past ones. It might even mean that in point of fact every president has an actual blood relation to Chalemagne. But even then it doesn't have to mean that the masons are living in tunnels under the white house. It might validate the notion of Divine Right itself, that there's something to it just as was thought about Monarchs and Aristocrats before the Enlightenment. There are many possibilities, better ones you can come up with yourself.[EYE] Valar wrote:Being a DNA specialist, having fully examined all lines? Please share results of the tests. Anycase, this is the same as the first paragraph I quoted of you, is not the case in question. A goat could have begot the lot of them for all I care.This stuff about all the Presidents being related isn't even true.
That's a big Fuck Yeah from me.[EYE] Valar wrote: If there is even the slightest of doubts about the way things are run, leadership level wise, we should look into it.
Again, you tend to think the government is like one guy and everybody follows him or else. The government is a collection of too many different kinds of people to name, who constantly fight over what should and should not be done over the country it governs. Of couse there are always issues that get divided into two sides, those for and against. I understand parties will take one side or the other. But all the same maybe change your thinking a bit. If you hear/read a person's opinion, ask yourself if you believe in him or her and question what he or she really knows. Same with a party line. Ask yourself if a person is being honest with a desision or if he or she is just following the partyline. Ask yourself these same things.[EYE] Valar wrote:Do you believe your government? Everything they say? All or just some of it? And if only some of it…what makes you think you know all they know?
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-18 13:49:23
2008-12-18 18:16:23
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-18 19:06:35
2008-12-19 03:03:32
2008-12-19 03:08:04
Oh, lol. I was just reading while eating my popcorn. You can continue. : )[EYE] Valar wrote:i want to clarify,
i didn't mean to spread hate in my post. i did mean to clearly express my personal feelings and chose not to be PC about it.
and BI, thanks for the reality check
2008-12-19 03:14:11
badinfluence wrote:Oh, lol. I was just reading while eating my popcorn. You can continue. : )[EYE] Valar wrote:i want to clarify,
i didn't mean to spread hate in my post. i did mean to clearly express my personal feelings and chose not to be PC about it.
and BI, thanks for the reality check
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-19 04:52:11
2008-12-19 04:57:37
[EYE] Valar wrote:well...you know...a thousand bad influences can't fill this forum with popcorn.
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 05:16:05
Well i don't understand your point about the government. I never said the government should be trusted. I was responding to a Conspiracy website that has nothing to do with the government. I am as skeptical of Conspiracy Theories as i am of the government, and that is my point. Folks say don't believe anything you see and then ask you to. As far as engineering and the WTC, who do you think planted explosives? If some of you believe a fully loaded 450 ton jet did not do it, then who and what did? Answer it. If the government planted explosives in order to kill 3000 American (which is ridiculous tin foil mania), what about the Hijackers and all the evidence pointing to Al Qida?L2k wrote:Impala,
I bet you think our government told us the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Veitnam, and the media was able to report events exactly as they happened when they happened.
Oh and BTW I have seen many engineers comments (and know 4 personally) who say that the planes could never have brought the buildings down, nor could the fires. Kinda funny how all those support columns and center supports were sliced at near perfect 45 degree angles too wouldnt you say? Oh wait you may not have seen that since our government destroyed all the evidence without letting too much of it get out.
Oh and I did see a interview with the engineer who designed the WTC and he did infact say they were designed to withstand planes hitting them.
2008-12-19 06:00:55
I'm sure I could try.[EYE] Valar wrote:well...you know...a thousand bad influences can't fill this forum with popcorn.
2008-12-19 06:35:50
The Argumentalizer wrote:Well i don't understand your point about the government. I never said the government should be trusted. I was responding to a Conspiracy website that has nothing to do with the government. I am as skeptical of Conspiracy Theories as i am of the government, and that is my point. Folks say don't believe anything you see and then ask you to. As far as engineering and the WTC, who do you think planted explosives? If some of you believe a fully loaded 450 ton jet did not do it, then who and what did? Answer it. If the government planted explosives in order to kill 3000 American (which is ridiculous tin foil mania), what about the Hijackers and all the evidence pointing to Al Qida?L2k wrote:Impala,
I bet you think our government told us the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Veitnam, and the media was able to report events exactly as they happened when they happened.
Oh and BTW I have seen many engineers comments (and know 4 personally) who say that the planes could never have brought the buildings down, nor could the fires. Kinda funny how all those support columns and center supports were sliced at near perfect 45 degree angles too wouldnt you say? Oh wait you may not have seen that since our government destroyed all the evidence without letting too much of it get out.
Oh and I did see a interview with the engineer who designed the WTC and he did infact say they were designed to withstand planes hitting them.
Did the government know ahead of time, plant explosives, time it exactly as the jets hit...
Whatever. Its ridiculous. The simplest explanation, the one that most ALL the evidence points to, is what really happened.
have you heard of the 911 Commission?
If you or anybody else knows something and really has evidence (who, what where how) please tel;l everybody.
Otherwise, don't make false and outlandish allegations.
Yes the towers were built to sustain an impact of a smaller jet, but was not designed to withstand a fully loaded 747.
Edit: Better yet, yes im a dumbass conservative who thinks the government tells us everything.
And George Bush planted explosives in the WTC. And there are no Islamists that want us dead and Bin Laden and 19 hijackers are fiction. And a 450 ton missile loaded with Jet fuel couldn't possibly bring down a 110 floor building. Why that should survive an A bomb.
And a shadowy evil 3000 year old plot to dominate the world is manipulating my dumbass behind the scenes.
Its the Masons, the Illuminati, the Tri-Lateral Commission, the fucking DaVinci Code and the Three Days of the Condor...and some faceless nameless international bankers behind all the wars.
Thats right. You folks are right. Have a nice day.
2008-12-19 07:55:22
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 08:17:25
2008-12-19 08:27:26
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 09:53:15
2008-12-19 10:42:39
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 10:56:16
L2k wrote:apparently some of you have not ACTUALLY watched the so called conspiracy movies and other documentaries, which question the events as they have been reported, and present evidence to the contrary. Otherwise you would have seen this information, such as the many steel members cut at perfect 45 degree angles, which BTW is exactly how they look when a building has been demolished by explosives.
The 911 commission was a joke, a massive cover up of information. Now the question is did that information get covered up to hide that fact that our government was involved or was it to hide the fact that our own security was so bad that so called terrorists were actually able to plant explosives as well to insure success? I don't know personally, I just know I'm not buying into the story that has been told.
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 11:06:54
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 11:49:50
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 12:18:29
2008-12-19 13:41:23
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-19 18:51:04
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 19:13:32
L2k wrote:I'm not going to do your homework for you impala, I could careless if you want to believe that planes brought WTC down or not. I have my own opinions based on many hours of my own research on the subject and I did not log every single piece of information that I base my conclusions on. I will say this though the first thing I would automatically discredit is anything that says National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or comes from any site that has a .gov address. If the government is involved in anyway or has anything to hide do you really think for a minute there would be a unbiased view or information that goes against their position on their own site, lol I think not.
In a quick search on google I found this for you though as its just one small piece of info that I have seen in many other places, if you really want to see whats out there you are going to have to do your own research and just try not to go to government sites so they can spoon feed you exactly what they want you to believe.
Look at this: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/0 ... ml?discuss and look at the picture, there are many many pictures showing steel columns cut at near perfect angels out there, with your vast superior knowledge I'd like to see you explain how those columns and so many others got cut like that. If a building truly collapsed the steel would not be cut like that, it would be bent and torn apart, never mind that independent parties found traces of themate at the site. OH one other little known tidbet for you, do you know who was in charge of WTC security prior to and up to 09-11? Why it was none other than Marvin Bush, brother of George W. Bush. It has also been reported that 1 week before 911,there was a "power down"at WTC complex, lasting 30 hrs.This shut down all security cameras,and no one was allowed to enter WTC complex. This shit just goes on and on and there's way too many inconsistencies and co-incidences to believe the story the government tells. Take a look around you, do your own research and believe what ever you want, its not like what ever you or I believe to be true is going to make a bit of difference.
2008-12-19 19:36:29
LOL you said it not me, I just think out government has covered up some information here. Now why don't you try and find some information that isn't tainted by government sources.The Argumentalizer wrote:."Here the is the link to the final report, not by one guy, but hundreds of scientists, who, i guess are also part of the plot by Bush to kill 3000 Americans?!?!
2008-12-19 19:54:10
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 20:03:48
You are a fucking nutcase like all the rest of the 911 truthers.L2k wrote:LOL you said it not me, I just think out government has covered up some information here. Now why don't you try and find some information that isn't tainted by government sources.The Argumentalizer wrote:."Here the is the link to the final report, not by one guy, but hundreds of scientists, who, i guess are also part of the plot by Bush to kill 3000 Americans?!?!
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 20:14:29
2008-12-19 20:27:38
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-19 20:54:34
2008-12-19 21:34:02
The Argumentalizer wrote: Bush and Cheney are actually evil and evil enough to kill New Yorkers in order to... whatever.
2008-12-19 22:42:26
[EYE] Valar
2008-12-19 23:01:04
2008-12-20 00:21:05
Uncle Rico
2008-12-20 02:03:16
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-20 02:09:52
2008-12-20 03:54:59
The Argumentalizer
2008-12-20 04:11:15
2008-12-20 04:12:05