wtf (?)

[EYE] Valar

2008-12-16 11:28:55

just got this in a chat request. any ideas what this might be?

10:21 AM - Yaridovich => <=
Hello Steam user The link above is to register to full game rips uploaded by VALVE™. Valve will only be sharing this with 500 users out of 537,053 users. This is a special gift from VALVE™. Thank you for being a steam user. After logging into the file rip website you will be prompted with an age. Enter your valid information or this will not work. After logging in you will have to wait 12 hours for the games to be accounted. Please be patient. After logging in make sure you dont change ANY information, username, password, contact email etc.

Sincerely, VALVE™ Corporation

~ Have fun and Merry x-Mas~


2008-12-16 11:34:08

I would do it™ :lol:


2008-12-16 12:32:59

Added the domain ** to my blocked URL's in Nod32. You could probably add it to adblock plus also.

Jelly Fox

2008-12-16 14:43:22

wow sweeeeeeeeeet freeeee games...........oh shi- I've been logged out my account from another location :cry:

[EYE] Valar

2008-12-16 15:49:30

Absolutely positive this is not a hoax?


2008-12-16 16:11:55

of course it is fake shit


2008-12-16 16:45:30

After logging in you will have to wait 12 hours for the games to be accounted. Please be patient. After logging in make sure you dont change ANY information, username, password, contact email etc.


[EYE] Valar

2008-12-16 17:30:39

.conflict wrote:of course it is fake shit
ok absolutely sure?


2008-12-16 17:31:44

Um, yeah. Duh.


2008-12-16 17:53:23

[EYE] Valar wrote:
.conflict wrote:of course it is fake shit
ok absolutely sure?
if you wanna be absolutely sure, just follow that persons instructions and make sure to tell us how it goes. :gossip: :pointlaugh:

[EYE] Valar

2008-12-16 18:38:00

ok sounds good THANKS


2008-12-16 19:21:49

Damit, this is for real? I am missing out by blocking that shit :(

[EYE] Valar

2008-12-16 19:34:54

dunno tbh. i just post any fishy chat requests, friends invits, etc. that come my way. rest of thread is flammage.


2008-12-16 19:45:25

well anyone who is that gullible/stupid deserves to get their shit taken away. :humble:


2008-12-16 20:06:32

It's prolly someone trying to hack your account, but I do know someone who did something similar on a account which was with a free hl2dm act. There is a video on youtube right now called free steam games system hack. If you do a certain text file in a email it will unlock all steam games on your acct, the thing is that you have to have a account with at least one game on it allready. Someone I know did it and it worked, the thing is that if steam finds out they would obviously shut off your acct (and take possible legal action, since its theft of service basically) so you wouldn't want to use your real acct or info on a free acct if your thinking of trying it. It may have something to do with a LAN/cafe acct activation process that is not very secure. The person I know who did it still has access to a couple hundred games the last time we spoke.


2008-12-16 20:35:50

L2k wrote:It's prolly someone trying to hack your account, but I do know someone who did something similar on a account which was with a free hl2dm act. There is a video on youtube right now called free steam games system hack. If you do a certain text file in a email it will unlock all steam games on your acct, the thing is that you have to have a account with at least one game on it allready. Someone I know did it and it worked, the thing is that if steam finds out they would obviously shut off your acct (and take possible legal action, since its theft of service basically) so you wouldn't want to use your real acct or info on a free acct if your thinking of trying it. It may have something to do with a LAN/cafe acct activation process that is not very secure. The person I know who did it still has access to a couple hundred games the last time we spoke.
LOL that email thing doesnt work either.... D: cmon people Nothing's free.


2008-12-16 20:43:57

.conflict wrote:LOL that email thing doesnt work either.... D: cmon people Nothing's free.
An Aussie friend of mine who I have met IRL, did show me a SS of his steam acct with all the games unlocked. It apparently did work at some point.


2008-12-16 21:04:50

Ya I wouldn't trust it.


2008-12-16 21:07:10

I wouldn't either, which is why I didn't try it even though I saw it worked for someone I know.


2008-12-16 23:31:28

of course its fake look at the website wtf is ripway?? and remember! valve will never ask you for your password or username, they already have it

if valve really wanted to, they would add games for free without asking you for anything


2008-12-17 00:26:45

L2k wrote:
.conflict wrote:LOL that email thing doesnt work either.... D: cmon people Nothing's free.
An Aussie friend of mine who I have met IRL, did show me a SS of his steam acct with all the games unlocked. It apparently did work at some point.
Dude I can show an screenshot, too. There are several programs that unblock all Steam games, they are very popular in Russia/China/SouthAmerica. The problem is that Steam verifies every time you try to join an original server, so they know that you don't own the game and you are not allowed to join the original game server. But they are plenty of cracked servers so you can actually play the games for free.

These accounts look legitime until you go to their "/games" in their SteamCommunity ID Profile and see that they actually don't own any game, lol xD

But, ONTOPIC: That link they gave you is VERY fake.

First: Why in the hell would Valve give you free games for nothing? Silly thing.
Second: Why in the hell would they use a free host? They already own many .com domains and have extra bandwidth.
Third: I think Valve would never write "steam" instead of "Steam".
Fourth: Any Valve/Steam game takes 12 hours to get activated, and it doesn't matter if you change your password/e-mail.


2008-12-17 01:12:07

s0iz wrote:Dude I can show an screenshot, too. There are several programs that unblock all Steam games, they are very popular in Russia/China/SouthAmerica. The problem is that Steam verifies every time you try to join an original server, so they know that you don't own the game and you are not allowed to join the original game server. But they are plenty of cracked servers so you can actually play the games for free..
Maybe thats it Soiz, maybe he only plays on cracked servers IDK and IDC. The point is there are working ways people are hacking steam and unlocking games. The link my friend used and method is not the one that Valar posted, if you read carefullY I said it was something similar and that there are videos on you tube about how to do it, thats all I know, he used one of those methods and it did work.


2008-12-17 05:21:56

also "pacsteam" really works and you will get everygame steam has
an they will be legit after you run a few progs that it comes with.

and i am not assuming it works i know it works,but dont think i have all the
games "i only have a few games and paid real monies for them"


2008-12-19 22:20:55

Blasphemy wrote:well anyone who is that gullible/stupid deserves to get their shit taken away. :humble:
Yeah? So anything bad that happens to you must be deserved.


2008-12-19 22:29:36

Hey guys theres this crazy thing someone showed me that happened to a friend of a friend of his sister if u email ur username and password to [email protected] den u get all steam games for free this is true no joke i try and now i play all games

honestly if you believe emailing your username and password to someone is going to do anything either than give them your account then you should not be on the internets.


2008-12-19 22:51:41

I've managed to keep my same user name and password and account forever. What seems to be the problem? No common sense????? I'm going to start a new thread asking for social security numbers.