game trade???


2008-12-21 19:22:57

im looking for a copy of DEADSPACE. dont have much money. looking to see if anybody wants to trade me. games i have to offer are:

Farcry 2
Battlefield 2142
Unreal Antology pack(all the unreals except for 3)


2008-12-21 20:37:37

Dead Space is a pretty good game if you like SP games. There is a few things to get used to such as the horrid mouse acceleration ( I had to turn in game mouse sens to lowest) the over the shoulder 3rd person view is another thing, but once you get used to it, its not too bad and in certain situations it does add to the game. The graphics are pretty awesome and even on medium the game is not too easy. I haven't finished it yet so not ready to make trades yet.