good pubs: list em here


2008-12-31 07:38:05

OK so we all know the pub scene in HL2DM is in a pretty sorry state these days, what with puzzle, coop, and superlowgravityonehitsmgkills servers being way too prevalent, and many of the other servers that don't suffer from the preceding maladies running bad maps, being crapped up with unnessecary plugins or just badly configured in general. however, there ARE still good pubs out there.

and this is the thread to list em in. all of the pubs I'm listing are IMO the best quality this game's pub scene has to offer right now, configured well, running smoothly, running good maps and good settings (if not standard/CAL then something close/passable), etc. feel free to list any that you like that I left out.

EE Killboxes and Small Maps
Frank's Hangout
DSR 24/7 HL2DM (has bots but is still good, mostly runs Lockdown)
Khaos' pub
Pomp's Rumpus Room
BOSS server
TSGK servers
That Porn Server
STK's pub
FF Servers
Raymer's Ass Whipping Academy
Radioactive Clan (standard grav server running CAL maps, great server)
TSF #8 The Terror Dome
mkiller's house
Edge's House
Vad's HL2DM Holdouts
Ground Zero (Elite)
DGC Murder Fest
GGG Arnold's Pizza Shop
HCC Stock Grav Advanced
EYE servers
BMX Battle Grounds
GOTG servers (Guardian's Lair, and 24/7 Spookface, both also have bots but good maps and good settings)
AOS Welcome To The Cage
$TP$ Guts For Glory (I like the settings on this server even though they're very different, its faster and alot like Pro Mod)
DH Server (has bots and infinite sprint but good other than that)
Brand New For 1979 (LOTS of plugins but good maps and gravity)
Loki's Slaugterhouse is good except for the one-hit xbow kills, not a big fan of that, but a good server other than that
HCC Low Grav Killbox = best lowgrav pub

will edit if I think of any other good ones. some of these servers are more active than others. the ones that aren't as active, well we should remedy that by playing on them cause they're good servers. all of them are easily findable on the server list, but if people really want IP's that bad I'll try to find em all.


2008-12-31 10:48:55

The Khaos CAL 1 server is also open when its not being used for matches. Runs mainly CAL maps and stock settings, no mods.


2008-12-31 11:30:14

You should have a seperate list for servers that have very few sound downloads and with stock settings/grav. Perhaps add ips. There are a bunch of servers on that list that I wouldnt want a first time player playing in due to oddball configs.


2008-12-31 11:36:49

I'm just going to come out and say most of the pubs you posted are completely terrible. I find that the good pubs are the ones that good players play on.


2008-12-31 11:52:03

good point Sac. I kind of reorganized my list a little bit with the stock settings pubs on top and the ones with more unconventional (but still acceptable in my book) settings on the bottom
badinfluence wrote:I find that the good pubs are the ones that good players play on.
that goes without saying. and a good number of them (Radioactive Clan, Porn Server, Ground Zero, Edge's House, mkiller's etc.) have good players playing on them on a regular basis. I was also judging by which servers were better than the rest in terms of settings, configuration, and maps.


2008-12-31 13:31:02

lol $TP$ Guts For Glory server.the guy that runs it was the old thc clan leader before i was the leader.he once bet ninjins a 100$ that he couldn't beat his roommate.


2008-12-31 14:01:39

i once bet a prostitute i wouldn't die of aids.

*fingers crossed*

(post 500 btw, booya)

and odog i think we could slim that list down to like a top 3 by just taking out the servers i'm banned from.


2008-12-31 16:36:14

UK based servers.

No SLAMS on all servers
S-UK custom maps [url=steam://connect/][/url]

S-UK Stock maps [url=steam://connect/][/url]

S-UK Castle_sanctuary and roman_sanctuary only

PRO servers
No spawn pretection, SLAMS included.

PRO server everything voteable. [url=steam://connect/][/url]

Arena + LTS server only [url=steam://connect/][/url]
Normally used every Friday Ask any S-UK for password.


2008-12-31 16:59:08


[EYE] Valar

2008-12-31 17:36:55

The EYE Clan will open a HL2DMPro server in the NY area in the next few days. i will post its IP once i get it up and running. all server cvars will be stock and i strongly suggest other clans / whoever who're also running Pro servers put their IPs here as well.

my 2 bucks.



2008-12-31 17:39:06

[KBH] Training Grounds - -- Normal config except gravity is 375, some sounds but on a fast d/l server.
[KBH] Europe - -- Same


2008-12-31 17:58:59

Our server, Acme 1.5 [CBE] at is a 16 slot server with no mods and standard gravity... I think we have a handful of sounds and thats it...

Right now, we are running a mix of CAL maps and a few favorite maps in Deathmatch mode with map selection by vote, however, we are thinking about switching it back to Team Deathmatch for certain days to run ctf and older maps we have played over the last four years...

We have been actively seeking new players as most of our clan has moved on to TF2 as their primary game, so we like having people stop by the server. BUT, we do not appreciate the constant rudeness of people looking for scrims... if you want to scrim, and we do not want to, please dont be an ass, just play a few minutes and leave ...

So we welcome all levels of friendly players... personally i dont mind being totally destroyed as long as someone is friendly about it!!


2008-12-31 23:37:49

IP's O-dog!

also put everyone else's

and what is it

Stock/KB/LG stock/ LG KB / Downloads

some kind of key

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-01 03:29:09

You could probably take FF off that list. They have spawn protection and STILL whine about spawn killing all night!
Frickin ridiculous. They need Spawn Protection Protection!


2009-01-01 04:03:25

The Argumentalizer wrote:You could probably take FF off that list. They have spawn protection and STILL whine about spawn killing all night!
Frickin ridiculous. They need Spawn Protection Protection!
They probably class spawnkilling as
1 you killing a freshly spawned player
2 you killing a player just after you spawned.

All S-UK server have spawn protection except the pro servers.

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-01 05:07:08

Well, if you have spawn protection, there should be no whining about spawnkilling.
I always move out on the spawn and i never just sit there to ambush someone, which is BS and you can do it because of the spawn protection in the first place.

Spawn Pro. just causes more problems then it solves. Instead of just real spawn killing, which is part of the game, you now have protected spies waiting to ambush you.


2009-01-01 06:20:41

post the damn ips as well no one is going to look thro 300 names of servers to find that one server.

here mine for europe

Demon clan server - pub/scrim server

electricsportsclanserver>>INX - pub server

SKILL required hl2dm by public #2

**[] [HL2]-melon feild**

I had more than this but i reformatted my pc and lost the list that i built up i had 26 server or so.

here some ctf and runoff servers

>RaWR< 24/7 runoff

Nemesis 2fort 24/7


2009-01-01 06:41:46

keefy wrote: They probably class spawnkilling as
1 you killing a freshly spawned player
2 you killing a player just after you spawned.

All S-UK server have spawn protection except the pro servers.
spawn protection is ridiculous, most freshly spawned people just stand there waiting for you to turn your back on them so they can shoot you in the back.


2009-01-01 07:14:23

Thought the idea of this thread was to post servers where anyone can have fun instead its just dissing the servers with spawn protection.
elitist pricks.


2009-01-01 07:32:54

spawn protection is a well-intentioned but flawed system that is too easily abused to be effectively implemented.

</discussion about spawn protection>

let's get this thread back on topic people.

IP's coming once I get back from my parents house and have the time to actually look through the server browser for all of them since everyone seems to want em


2009-01-01 08:17:40


[EYE] Valar

2009-01-01 08:40:04

keefy wrote:Thought the idea of this thread was to post servers where anyone can have fun instead its just dissing the servers with spawn protection.
elitist pricks.
Vi vil purify zi list viz onli zi shrock shevers as clirly shtock shervers ar zi onli vey to plei zis geim. zis is zi ultimate solution.
Mine Bhopff.
Zig Fail.


2009-01-01 11:42:10

Those servers running spawn protect and the like tend not to have the level of players anyone competitive would want to face anyway, not to mention they run alot of movement / skill unfriendly maps, so i dont see what the problem is. The cal crowd shouldnt be there in the first place.

Anyhow, this probably would have been better off as a "Stock Servers" thread, but since its obviously not, ill make one titled such tomorrow, and sticky/maintain it.


2009-01-01 11:57:13

Ko-Tao wrote:Those servers running spawn protect and the like tend not to have the level of players anyone competitive would want to face anyway, not to mention they run alot of movement / skill unfriendly maps, so i dont see what the problem is. The cal crowd shouldnt be there in the first place..

mmm not sure that this is entirely fair as IMHO playing against better/higher skilled friendly players is a great way to learn how to play.
anyway apart from [S-UK] and EYE servers here's a couple of servers that usually have plenty of players

dark clan
les verrues
black knights

[EYE] Valar

2009-01-01 13:26:53

humor aside, you might not want to include EYE servers in the l33t l1st lol. as they run enhanced settings. not instakill xbow or whatnot but friction, accelerate etc.
not sure at this point about the Pro server tho. it might run only stock settings and it might not. depending on the crowd i guess. we'll see. LD won't be there :) but milieu and my upcoming takeoff on LV sure will. :mrgreen:

BTW ...Happy New Year to everybody :Wave:
