Steam Notifications


2009-01-05 20:00:35

I've searched around and couldn't find anything useful, so i guess i'd give here a try.

Anyone's aware of a way to make steam notifications (friend connected/joined game or someone iunvited you) to appear/go away faster?

I often work on photoshop/zbrush or similar applications and i have a bunch of important windows displaying information about the work in progress and too many time i waited in frustration what seemed to be forever before the 800 windows that stacked up when i connected starts to go away. i could click on them but then i'd get all these huge windows all over the place, it can feel like i'm way too picky about this and you are probably right, i just want a real fast 0.5 sec notif instead of turning the feature completely off


2009-01-05 20:28:11

turn em off maybe?


2009-01-05 21:33:37

Go to
C:\Program Files\Steam\resource
or if using custom skin
C:\Program Files\Steam\skins\

find file called SteamScheme.res and open it with wordpad
ctfl+f type in DisplayTime hit enter, change the value (default 6) to a lesser number restart steam.
also try messing with Notifications.StackSize the rest is easy as the entries have a nice description next to them.

Should look something like this. Taken from the default steam skin mine is different :)

Code: Select all

		Notifications.PanelPosition			"BottomRight" 	// Can be "BottomRight", "BottomLeft", "TopRight", "TopLeft"
		Notifications.SlideDirection			"Vertical"  	// Can be "Vertical", "Horizontal", "None" and controls slide effect
		Notifications.FadeInTime			"0.55"		// Controls the time it takes to slide/fade into view
		Notifications.FadeOutTime			"0.55"		// Controls the time it takes to slide/fade out of view
		Notifications.DisplayTime			"6.0"			// Controls the length of time at steady state after fade in and before fade out
		Notifications.StackSize				"3"			// Controls how many panels we will stack before background queuing
If using one of the default skins that comes with steam it will be overwritten whenever steam gets updated .


2009-01-05 21:54:48

Ive been wondering this for a while also, whenever I want to open a new layer or something in Photoshop I always seem to open a chat window with someone :/


2009-01-05 23:14:37

BlackRaven wrote:turn em off maybe?
I agree you don't really need that shit on anyway.
For one its distracting even if it is .05 seconds
Secondly, if your monitoring just to see when someones playing it is going to take you away from work and make you want to play when you really shouldn't be just because you saw someone you like to play with.
I prefer to only look at steam and steam friends when I know I can play and want to otherwise I would never get anything done.

And there is nothing worse than getting an annoying steam popup in the middle of a match (serious business ya know)


2009-01-05 23:18:48

thanks keefy you da man


2009-01-15 03:57:03

seriously good stuff keefy!
thanks again