This game is dead


2009-01-07 09:23:47

No one plays im quiting



2009-01-07 09:34:59

id imagine that was the most retarded 5on5 in the world.


2009-01-07 09:40:58

tig 5v5 was the pinnacle of this game, I can quti happy now! :P


2009-01-07 10:05:37

lol. In other news I have nothing to whine about, nothing to quti or no one to flame, I miss crying and my diapers!!


2009-01-07 10:11:29

funnest game in hl2dm history, ;D

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-01-08 00:52:37

I request demos and a video of this groundbreaking event.

Also, I predict the 6v6 in dm_closed


2009-01-08 01:52:03

8v8 on a2k_crossbow_vs_357


2009-01-08 02:03:02

I'd have to agree. Same 10 people that we're playing 2 years ago. And quitting is spelled with 2 T's :wink:


2009-01-08 03:57:13

o-dog wrote:8v8 on a2k_crossbow_vs_357
That would be epic. Could always go 8v8 on dm_freeman, dm_foolday, or the ever impressively sized dm_crazydeath.


2009-01-08 07:26:10

dirk wrote:I'd have to agree. Same 10 people that we're playing 2 years ago. And quitting is spelled with 2 T's :wink:
Uhh no ur wrong munster is totally new :)


2009-01-08 07:27:53

5v5 dm_conflict?


2009-01-08 07:57:10

dirk wrote:I'd have to agree. Same 10 people that we're playing 2 years ago. And quitting is spelled with 2 T's :wink:

Hey, how bout you get your ass off WoW and play DM sometime eh broski? :sketchy:

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-08 16:23:50

o-dog wrote:8v8 on a2k_crossbow_vs_357
Madness!!!! CHAOS!

I can imagine that dissolving into a melee crazy bar fest, with cars flying everywhere.


2009-01-08 16:32:50

Constipator wrote:
dirk wrote:I'd have to agree. Same 10 people that we're playing 2 years ago. And quitting is spelled with 2 T's :wink:
Uhh no ur wrong munster is totally new :)
uhhh no not really he was in ggg with luke.


2009-01-08 19:51:10

wat about us clan khaos we finally got a cal team together and we got new ppl we can scrim and have fun come on :cry: fearsome dont leave bra

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-08 21:49:08

What about Khaos?



2009-01-08 22:09:11

what about fla- oh wait thats right.. :cry:


2009-01-08 22:12:27



2009-01-08 23:51:49

Khaos Rocks thats what!

End of story.


2009-01-09 01:30:06

Blasphemy wrote:
Constipator wrote:
dirk wrote:I'd have to agree. Same 10 people that we're playing 2 years ago. And quitting is spelled with 2 T's :wink:
Uhh no ur wrong munster is totally new :)
uhhh no not really he was in ggg with luke.
Shows how much I pay attention


2009-01-14 18:49:08

stop the press! there were 10 people in a hl2dm server, contact CPL and WCG! HL2DM IS ALIVE AND KICKING BABY!

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-14 19:22:37

I object to this faggotry!~

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-01-14 20:23:13

1189315845844vy7qm0.jpg (20.09 KiB) Viewed 800 times


2009-01-15 02:26:32



2009-01-15 02:42:37

lol munster wasn't in GGG with luke, i was, munster joined GGG after we left it.


2009-01-15 03:51:50

Blasphemy wrote:
Constipator wrote:
dirk wrote:I'd have to agree. Same 10 people that we're playing 2 years ago. And quitting is spelled with 2 T's :wink:
Uhh no ur wrong munster is totally new :)
uhhh no not really he was in ggg with luke.
.conflict wrote:lol munster wasn't in GGG with luke, i was, munster joined GGG after we left it.
If i remember correctly it went like this!
I played solo for a while under the alias of ]{nIgh7 ]{rawl3r!
met conflict, who was in GGG at the time.
and at the time i knew squat about advanced movements.
but i was good enough to do some damage without, and con saw the potential
so conflict became my "teacher" and friend who taught me pretty much everything i know
then in order to join i had to 1v1 someone, either luke (i think he was in charge of recruiting) or tarkface,
and i got accepted (hehe i say this as in i got into some school of a sort)
but then about 2 to 4 weeks later, both con and luke left, due to some clan issues.
all i know that there was some drama going on within the clan and it kept getting worse everyday,
which about a week later i was like "fuck this, it's a game and its supposed to be fun!"
so i left as well and decided not to join a clan again for a long time since!

this is not to set the record straight, but i do recall playing with luke and con quite a bit,
figuring out the long hall xbow bounces, and speed crawling and fine tuning bhopping!
but there ya'll have it, i've been in GGG, but only briefly with luke and con,
i mean if it wasn't for those two though, i'd still be soloing it, especially con, he got me started with speedballs and went form there!
anyways that was then, this is now, and if you really want to know how long i've been around look at my account creation date.
December 18, 2004... not that it matters, like i'm competing to be the first player ever :P
but it just shows that i'll always play HL2DM cause it rocks! fuck i even pre-ordered this shit,
well the MP counterpart was released 2 months after the game was, so technically i pre-ordered the singleplayer
but let me think otherwise :mrgreen:


2009-01-15 20:14:16

How do you figure out the account creation date?


2009-01-15 21:57:00

badinfluence wrote:How do you figure out the account creation date?
you can find this out when you look at your steamcommunity page!
it's on the right hand side above your friends list.
it should say something like, Member since: "INSERT_DATE_HERE"


2009-01-15 23:40:53

I have March 30, 2006.


2009-01-17 02:58:31

Member since:December 12, 2005


2009-01-17 03:51:20

[KBH]Tazzer wrote:Member since:December 12, 2005
getting close :)


2009-01-17 04:19:04

Member Since: December 1, 2004

I am sure there is someone here who can beat that though.


2009-01-17 05:11:54

Just barely
Member since November 27 2004


2009-01-17 10:54:00

BuckyKatt wrote:Member Since: December 1, 2004

I am sure there is someone here who can beat that though.
L2k wrote:Just barely
Member since November 27 2004
hahah, oh i love this, we should start a 2004 club :P


2009-01-17 12:33:03

Member since June 13, 2004 :)


2009-01-17 13:32:54

Member since:January 18, 2004

I win gg. here it is for truth

actually i made this acc for CS i lose gg.


2009-01-17 18:53:21

ITT: People post how long they've had their accounts.


2009-01-17 19:25:20

The oldest of my two accounts says November 18, 2005.

Well the bizare thing that occured to me is: I know I was playing DM before that. I finished my Masters Degree in August of 2005. I was playing DM then. So something is messed up with that. I think I started playing DM around January 2005.


2009-01-17 19:31:09

december 22, 2005 :cry:

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-01-17 20:40:47

September 16 2005



2009-01-17 20:54:34

my acct lies cause i didnt play for seriousnesszor until like fall 07


2009-01-17 21:08:00

bewk and pb are 6/5 digs so they win k?


2009-01-17 21:54:16

Got my account December 26, 2004. Ran through HL2 single player, which took a couple days. Then started playing dm directly after that. I know I was playing dm before the stunstick, slam update.


2009-01-17 22:05:07


2009-01-17 22:38:14

graffitiknockout wrote:

That is the oldest one Ive seen. Not like Ive been searching for them, but a friend of mine did have the oldest Ive seen and it is October 4th 03. I feel sorry for them too considering how bad steam was in 04/05, I cant imagine how unstable it was in 03 and early 04 lol.


2009-01-18 00:53:20

That would be quicksilver, ex hldm player and mapper of dm_feudal (spookface too)


2009-01-18 01:05:02

Member since:
September 23, 2003

I only lose by 13 days :p


2009-01-18 01:56:25

voxtex wrote:

Member since:
September 23, 2003

I only lose by 13 days :p
Member since:September 20, 2003



2009-01-18 03:44:00

to lazy to make special link

sept 15 2003


2009-01-18 05:04:39

I do not remember steam being that bad in 2003 althoygh i used it only for one game. I would have registered earlier but didnt know about steam until gamespy server browser was empty of HL servers. It took em hours to update HLDM using 56k :(


2009-01-18 05:42:13

june 26 06 i win


2009-01-18 09:14:39

the account i shared with my bro when i first started playing.

January 23, 2005


2009-01-18 21:34:24

TiGGy wrote:That would be quicksilver, ex hldm player and mapper of dm_feudal (spookface too)
well for an ex DM player he plays a lot of Half Life 2 the singleplayer...

Jelly Fox

2009-01-18 22:10:55

munster wrote:
TiGGy wrote:That would be quicksilver, ex hldm player and mapper of dm_feudal (spookface too)
well for an ex DM player he plays a lot of Half Life 2 the singleplayer...
He probably doesn't play it at all, steam seems to think SDK and HL2SP are the same thing... happens to a few of my mapping friends.

Walking Target

2009-01-20 05:25:52

Yeah QS doesn't really play HL2DM, but he maps for it a bit. His ID is in the 8000s.

Technically this should be the oldest account:

Steam ID:
