dead space


2009-01-09 22:25:46

well, i just beat this game and now im going thru withdrawls. best game ive ever played. the third person control adaption went very smoothly and i wouldnt trade it for first person in this game. i now understand why they did it in 3rd. you get a much better look at the most amazing graphics ive ever seen. a lot of rooms are zero grav and the game has a feature allowing you to jump from point to point in the room. some points you are outside in the void of space, cool thing is the soundwaves produced by walking, gun fire, aliens etc are muffled accordingly due to the lack of air. i wont go into a full review because there are plenty out there on the net but after beating the game you get 50,000 credits and 10 power nodes(irrellivent to those not familiar with the game, but its a lot) you can use them to play the game again. im starting it again now. thats just how good it is. i HIGHLY recommend this game to anybody looking for a change of pace for a while. it took me about 12-13 hours to beat it on medium. you can do it in less but i wouldnt recommend rushing thru it. take your time and look for things in rooms you dont need to go in, you will be rewarded. here are some of the screen shots i took thru out the game. btw, the game has its own version of a grav gun!!!



2009-01-09 23:52:16

Played the demo of this and its very slick, I love the way the menus just apear as hologram and you can see behind them.
Have been thinking about buy it but have held back due to other games I know I will like for certain on their way.


2009-01-09 23:58:02

i got bored of the repetitive gameplay halfway through chapter 5. i struggled with the controls and i didnt like how everything in the game was designed for the 360 including the speed of the monsters. a really annoying and frustrating gameplay combined with a great atmosphere and storyline. it could have been one of the best games of 2008 but overall i didnt like it, i just cant be assed to play it again, ill probably uninstall it the next time i run out of free disk space.


2009-01-10 02:29:11

HL2 meets Event Horizon


2009-01-10 02:39:36

if I could play it I would :/ Looks really cool though, one of these days I'm going to have to break down and buy an xbox.


2009-01-10 02:43:46

poconut wrote:if I could play it I would :/ Looks really cool though, one of these days I'm going to have to break down and buy an xbox.
its for PC as well. i dont have xbox.


2009-01-10 02:45:37

BlackRaven wrote: i struggled with the controls and i didnt like how everything in the game was designed for the 360 including the speed of the monsters. .

NOT TRUE, at all. if you couldnt figure out the controls by chapter 5 maybe you should be playing it on xbox...... :mrgreen: give it another try man. seriously


2009-01-10 02:54:30

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:
poconut wrote:if I could play it I would :/ Looks really cool though, one of these days I'm going to have to break down and buy an xbox.
its for PC as well. i dont have xbox.
Not sure my 1.6 celeron and intergrated graphics could handle it :P

Also, if you've played doom 3, how does this compare in terms of fun-ness, frights, length, etc.?


2009-01-10 03:12:55

poconut wrote:
{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:
poconut wrote:if I could play it I would :/ Looks really cool though, one of these days I'm going to have to break down and buy an xbox.
its for PC as well. i dont have xbox.
Not sure my 1.6 celeron and intergrated graphics could handle it :P

Also, if you've played doom 3, how does this compare in terms of fun-ness, frights, length, etc.?

lol, no, you couldnt play this game. never played doom 3


2009-01-10 16:14:12

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote: NOT TRUE, at all. if you couldnt figure out the controls by chapter 5 maybe you should be playing it on xbox...... :mrgreen: give it another try man. seriously
i was playing with an xbox 360 controller :wink: