Data on Damage Effects of the Shotgun Appears to be Incorrec


2009-01-11 02:15:45

Hi folks

** Testing we conducted today with [~$W~] LukeGT421 indicates that the figures for the damage done by a shotgun at are incorrect.

** The best we could get for a headshot from a shotgun was 135 damage from a single shot, and 215 damage from a double barrel shot.



{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-01-11 02:21:09

You're forgetting the omfgshottyhax factor.


2009-01-11 09:55:29

can in theory do from
Are you guys retarded?


2009-01-11 13:10:55

Its correct; basic math isnt something any of the original testers failed at. However, the odd/bugged form of hit detection used by buckshots prevents full damage from ever being dealt, even at point blank range... hence the "in theory" caveat in the quoted post.


2009-01-11 19:04:16

how long did you conduct this test for??? NERD ALERT!!! lol.,jk.

shot gun is the most inconsistant weapon in the game. i think we all agree on that.


2009-01-11 19:08:58

i love the shotgun


2009-01-12 01:05:22

Try shotgun in latest version of pro.

Walking Target

2009-01-13 20:32:17

Yup, I made sure to note that the damage maximum is a theoretical value. I bid you good day sir! :mrgreen:


2009-02-04 14:04:57

This is for Maximus since he still believe's what is wrriten on the hl2dmu about shotgun damage is incorrect.

1 pellet hitting body from a single barrel buckshot = 9
1 pellet hitting head from a single barrel buckshot = 27
1 pellet hitting body from a double barrel buckshot = 9
1 pellet hitting head from a double barrel buckshot = 27

For body:

In a single barrel buckshot 7 pellets are fired, each pellet hitting the body does 9 damage,
So if all the 7 pellets hit the body (with none missing, and not some ending up instead in the head, but all 7 pellets going directly into the body)
the MAXIMUM possible damage if ALL the 7 pellets from a single barrel buckshot hitting the body would be 63

In a double barrel buckshot 12 pellets are fired, each pellet hitting the body does 9 damage,
So if all the 12 pellets hit the body (with none missing, and not some ending up instead in the head, but all 12 pellets going directly into the body)
the MAXIMUM possible damage if ALL the 12 pellets from a double barrel buckshot hitting the body would be 108

For head:

In a single barrel buckshot 7 pellets are fired, each pellet hitting the head does 27 damage,
So if all the 7 pellets hit the head (with none missing, and not some ending up instead in the body, but all 7 pellets going directly into the head)
the MAXIMUM possible damage if ALL the 7 pellets from a single barrel buckshot hitting the head would be 189

In a double barrel buckshot 12 pellets are fired, each pellet hitting the head does 27 damage,
So if all the 12 pellets hit the head (with none missing, and not some ending up instead in the body, but all 12 pellets going directly into the head)
the MAXIMUM possible damage if ALL the 12 pellets from a double barrel buckshot hitting the head would be 324
Walking Target wrote:Yup, I made sure to note that the damage maximum is a theoretical value. I bid you good day sir! :mrgreen:
He means that those values are the maximum damages for those types of shots by the shotgun, it is calculated by each pellet, If we sat there trying to figure out how much damage 6 pellets into body, 1 pellet into head from a single barrel shotgun buckshot caused, we would be sitting there for a very very long time. So Maximus, because the shotgun has spread, it is basically impossible to get all the pellets hitting just the head, or all the pellets hitting just the body, unless you are using 0 spread hacks. Therefore because the shotgun has spread it is IMPOSSIBLE to test the maximum damage the shotgun can do ingame, It can only be done via maths.


2009-02-04 14:41:13

Thanks Walking Target and Deathwish for bringing the 'clarification' to our attention. As I explained to Deathwish - our aim was never to upset folk - rather to simply flag what appeared to be an anomoly.

I would also like to acknowledge the great work you have done, Walking Target, in providing an incredible body of knowledge for the HL2DM gaming fraternity - simply fantastic work.




2009-02-04 17:19:21

that did 100/200

no 1 said it yet


2009-02-04 17:36:47

In my plugin I have done extensive research on the shotgun. The values are correct, each pellet does do that amount of damage depending on skill levels set on the server. Listed is at the standard 3x for headshot. I had to make sure that the damage numbers that I produce in the log files as part of the weapon stats was correct, so at least for the scan weapons I can verify that they are valid.

Walking Target

2009-02-04 21:21:32

Maximus wrote:Thanks Walking Target and Deathwish for bringing the 'clarification' to our attention. As I explained to Deathwish - our aim was never to upset folk - rather to simply flag what appeared to be an anomoly.

I would also like to acknowledge the great work you have done, Walking Target, in providing an incredible body of knowledge for the HL2DM gaming fraternity - simply fantastic work.


Yeah I was never upset or offended or anything. Thanks for the kudos, appreciate it. Ko-Tao gets half the credit, we compiled the data together and I simply did the write up.


2009-02-04 21:56:30

OMFG Teamwork hax!!!