Exploit with Away scripts


2007-08-06 07:42:53

One of the people on my public server discovered an exploit with the two afk scripts I was running. I have the one where you type !away and !back and also the one where you look at a wall an it protects you from a wall kill. If someone types !away at the right time while looking at a wall and then comes back to the game they can't be killed. They are esasy to spot because if you have a message thet tells you how much health your killer has left because they always have something like 999999 health. If you have a public server that runs both away scripts then you have to disable one to eliminate the exploit. Otherwise nefarious players will use it to avoid dying.

Walking Target

2007-08-06 08:59:09

Personal opinion...do away with the script altogether and make spawn and wall killing legal.

If that doesn't appeal, there is a plugin somewhere that doesn't use the commands to be activated instead of a script. I cant proly find out what it is, assuming that is not the one you are using already.


2007-08-06 14:26:21

yeah i dont have this problem, but i dont run either of these.


2007-08-06 15:02:14

Players can use spectate mode to do the same thing- just bail into spec whenever they feel likely to die. Its never a problem on private servers, but if youre running a public server you have 2 choices: Spend a great deal of time adminning a load of stupid children, or disable all the available means for said children to act stupid. Ive seen servers that have taken both paths and i must say, the latter type are alot more enjoyable to frequent.

Also, most plugins cause lag and poor hit registration at best, frequent crashes at worst, and are generally best avoided.


2007-08-06 17:27:49

ya afk/spawn scripts are worthless

you have enough protection in default -> 2 nades, a Ggun, SMG, pistol, and melee of your choice

This keeps the server fast and fun Ex: The War Room which was the top 12 man server in many world rankings, only a few 24 man ctf servers had more players


2007-08-06 17:49:37

i have spectate enabled, always have.. not one has anyone done anything lame like that, really defeats the purpose if you think about it...

someone like that must be a rank whore, otherwise they'd have a kill key.


2007-08-06 19:23:21

We use the sc_protect plugin. It's activated on spawn, and when facing a wall, but is not activated by chat commands. Works well for us at {HE}

Walking Target

2007-08-06 19:41:31

Thorofin wrote:We use the sc_protect plugin. It's activated on spawn, and when facing a wall, but is not activated by chat commands. Works well for us at {HE}
Link for those interested by any chance?


2007-08-06 20:29:22

sc_protect - Author's Site:



2007-08-07 01:12:10

Thorofin's comments hold for the main {HE} server. As my server (The LitterBox) is most often used for match, scrim, or league play we do not run any chat or spawn protection scripts there.


2007-08-10 21:51:03

We just use it on our public server. Its nice to have if you need to leave the keyboard for a few minutes. I disabled the script that uses the !away and !back comment in the chat to activate and its no longer a problem. Our private server doesnt have it because that server is for practicing scrim type games.

The individual that discovered and then later used this exploit is indeed a rank whore. He has since been banned.


2007-08-10 23:08:37

haha i was a rank whore back in the crazy combine academy days when i would play nothing but 24/7 dm_bathroom. then i hit rank 1 and started playing real maps yay.


2007-08-15 15:36:28

st0wn3d wrote:i have spectate enabled, always have.. not one has anyone done anything lame like that, really defeats the purpose if you think about it...

someone like that must be a rank whore, otherwise they'd have a kill key.

^^^^^^^ damn u guys at 2ntence are smart and damn good dudes to boot :D

Dude is a whore in many circles and levels and rank whore he definetly is


2007-08-15 18:01:14

ty ty 2nt <3 dor