2007-08-08 15:42:20
View the main steamforums thread here:
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/s ... p?t=584646
Please use that thread for any bug / exploit reports, as we are trying to get a solid up to date list so that the maximum amount of problems can be tested and fixed during the beta.
A repeat of the main thread body is below:
A new Beta is available for the Source Engine and Source Dedicated
Server. To participate, run hldsupdatetool with the command "-beta
community". The specific changes include:
- Fixed hl2mp bug where if you +used a weapon it would not respawn
- Fixed hl2mp spectator being able to lock the player he's viewing by
typing "jointeam 0"
- Fixed a CS:S smoke grenade exploit
- Added a way for server plugins to ask players if they'd like to
connect to a different server
- Made materials handle sv_pure correctly when they've included other
- Fixed Windows dedicated server bug slowing down Steam updates
- Fixed a server memory leak (2-3 megs per map change)
- Fixed IVEngineServer::FadeClientVolume
- Fixed certain models showing up all white when sv_pure flushed them
- Made the server print a client's steam ID and show sv_pure warnings if
sv_pure_kick_clients is 0
- Fixed a bug preventing sv_pure CRCs from verifying correctly on
certain custom maps
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/s ... p?t=584646
Please use that thread for any bug / exploit reports, as we are trying to get a solid up to date list so that the maximum amount of problems can be tested and fixed during the beta.
A repeat of the main thread body is below:
A new Beta is available for the Source Engine and Source Dedicated
Server. To participate, run hldsupdatetool with the command "-beta
community". The specific changes include:
- Fixed hl2mp bug where if you +used a weapon it would not respawn
- Fixed hl2mp spectator being able to lock the player he's viewing by
typing "jointeam 0"
- Fixed a CS:S smoke grenade exploit
- Added a way for server plugins to ask players if they'd like to
connect to a different server
- Made materials handle sv_pure correctly when they've included other
- Fixed Windows dedicated server bug slowing down Steam updates
- Fixed a server memory leak (2-3 megs per map change)
- Fixed IVEngineServer::FadeClientVolume
- Fixed certain models showing up all white when sv_pure flushed them
- Made the server print a client's steam ID and show sv_pure warnings if
sv_pure_kick_clients is 0
- Fixed a bug preventing sv_pure CRCs from verifying correctly on
certain custom maps