the vac lulz


2009-01-22 09:46:09

so ya couple months ago w/ all the crazy shotgun business, and i was starting to be cal admin and i just heard about this "no spread" hack option which i never heard of before ( couple of ppl like zman, and luke prob remember me asking them if they have heard about no spread and wat not) so ya i went and dl'ed the first no spread hack thing and logged in using the free account i made like a year ago. so i went in and mainly messed around in a server i created but couldn't really tell if i was doing ne thing... ( lol i have no clue w/ it comes to scripts and hacks and wat not ) joined a server dicked around w/ that shit and couldnt really figure any thing else so i left and deleted everything and reinstalled and watnot, suprizngly the account wasnt vaced while i was playing (naturally assuming i would get vaced) but was vaced next time i went into that account. so ya.. it wasnt really a big deal because i figured no one would find out lol... untill i realized tonite when trying to set up 1v1 match w/ some css dude and wasnt sure of my account name ( its [email protected] , lol long story ) so i told him to just add bahlk... and wasnt too sure, and he asked me if i was "wee" and i loled so ya.. then i was like well if anyone tries to add me by bahlk they will find a hacker (and how many bahlks could there possible be in all of steam...) so hahaha ya ill prob be deamed the new slickfro and wat not and prob get kicked from cal but i figured i would just come by and say instead of someone trying to add bahlk and see. and wats funny is thats partly why when i was adding ppl back and telling them i got vaced was so funny and some ppl like teto actually thought i did.. even tho theres only one account i ever use while playing dm (0:1:256864) but ya..



2009-01-22 09:52:04


2009-01-22 10:14:41

edit: to deleted post saying "why would you tell ppl this"

because like i said, untill tonite i didnt even realize that if someone were to try and add me to friends by putting "bahlk" in the add friends thing instead of doing it threw in game, they would find a hacker, and like i said how many bahlks in steam could there possible be, that play dm.... so i figured i would try and save face? before something happened? like someone adds me that way? idk w.e i realize by doing this i prob will hate playing and prob stop playing soon but w.e once a hacker allways a hacker right..

ima just say one more thing but its kind of an asshole thing but w.e im not gonna say names, but i know an 2 $w members ( i think only one of them were using hacks) to test them out and shit and told me about it and then telling me couple months later that he finally just got vaced, but of course thats totally diff, right?


2009-01-22 10:29:44

I see, I just got done playing with you tonight, I don't think you hack right now, or previously. Your style has remained the same pretty much, just got smarter and have good xbow skills now-a-days. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe u, sounds honest, many others may not tho.


2009-01-22 11:06:28

I trust ya man


2009-01-22 12:37:49

This is one of those moments where stayign quiet is best.
The less we know the less the police know, you know?

Jelly Fox

2009-01-22 16:36:44

All you had to say was "no I'm not wee, what makes you think that?..."

What the hell is a bahlk anyway? a bollock? lol, you Americans and your 'own way' of spelling things :lol:


2009-01-22 17:06:41

lolololol why did you join a server ? XD
you could have asked someone to create one without vac to test the hax ;o


2009-01-22 18:33:41



2009-01-22 19:59:47

quoteth: And he who shall download hacks once shall download them again.

but not you cause your cool.


2009-01-22 23:45:22

bahlk wrote:
ima just say one more thing but its kind of an asshole thing but w.e im not gonna say names, but i know an 2 $w members ( i think only one of them were using hacks) to test them out and shit and told me about it and then telling me couple months later that he finally just got vaced, but of course thats totally diff, right?


2009-01-23 00:40:32

Jelly Fox wrote:you Americans and your 'own way' of spelling things :lol:
At least we spell things right!!!

Centre??? c'mon

colour? superfluous

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jelly Fox

2009-01-23 00:49:41

Keeper wrote:
Jelly Fox wrote:you Americans and your 'own way' of spelling things :lol:
At least we spell things right!!!
LOL I like your T-Shirt! :wink:

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-23 00:53:52

Well, i'm sure you friends will have no problem with this.

I would like to know why you were trying out a shotty hack!??!

And i don't know why a VAC ban should raise a cloud of suspicion and you not be included.


2009-01-23 00:55:12

Well Jelly, I did generalize, personally I can't spell worth a f*ck!

On topic, I have tried many hacks over time on my current account. For some reason never vac banned. I do it to see if I could detect them in a plugin, but only aimbots can be. Those are so obvious, that people don't need a plugin for it. So I don't bother with them any more.


2009-01-23 01:39:58

The Argumentalizer wrote:Well, i'm sure you friends will have no problem with this.

I would like to know why you were trying out a shotty hack!??!

And i don't know why a VAC ban should raise a cloud of suspicion and you not be included.
trying to figure* out the shotty hack, since i just became cal admin and wanted to be a cal superstar and was trying to figure something out about the shotgun, as so many ppl do...

but as so many others have said

once a hacker always a hacker


2009-01-23 01:56:40

what's wrong with shotty hacking...?

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-01-23 03:04:06

Poor_Billy wrote:what's wrong with shotty hacking...?

PB shotty hax aren't coded ;O

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-23 03:22:49

I don't believe once a hacker...
i just wanted to know what one learns from dling a hack besides getting VAC banned.

I have no reason not to believe folks.


2009-01-23 05:24:49

Jelly Fox wrote:
Keeper wrote:
Jelly Fox wrote:you Americans and your 'own way' of spelling things :lol:
At least we spell things right!!!
LOL I like your T-Shirt! :wink:
I found it for him. : D


2009-01-24 06:26:52

i believe ya bahlk,
what's that saying, the truth shall set you free?
I think you're in the clear
just don't do it again mmmmkay
Keeper wrote:
Jelly Fox wrote:you Americans and your 'own way' of spelling things :lol:
At least we spell things right!!!

Centre??? c'mon

colour? superfluous

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
well technically, the french language has been around longer, english is a combination of a many languages, and has a lot of french influence
just out of a self identification purpose, english speakers flipped a couple letters around to make it into an english version!


2009-01-27 00:47:22

munster wrote: well technically, the french language has been around longer, english is a combination of a many languages, and has a lot of french influence


2009-01-27 06:42:26
