How to pick up girls


2009-01-28 10:54:05

It's amazing the tips you can pick up in IRC !

Tobleroner> theres a girl in my choir i wanna talk to im way too shy tho

<|Elite|Impala> Just go up and say hello

Tobleroner> with no excuse whatsoever to approch her?

Fearsome_> make sure you portray yourself as having skills

Tobleroner> as having skills ? like what

<Fearsome_> I like to start with I am the CEO of HL2DM

Fearsome_> When they hear CEO they dont even listen to the rest

Tobleroner> lol im not a ceo of anything

Fearsome_> take 10$ down the the county cleark get a DBA and be the CEO of your OWN COMPANY

Tobleroner> omg

Tobleroner> ya

:lol: :lol: :lol:


2009-01-28 11:14:37

Hahaha... That's awesome. Good one Fearsome. :)

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-28 14:33:57

I doubt Fearsome gets much *****!!
Seriously, there was lots of good advice there!! WTF!!

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-28 14:36:23

HAHAHA Check Toberlone or whatever if you want good LOLZ!!



2009-01-28 20:24:40

IRC was actually...useful?

Walking Target

2009-01-29 00:02:24

Just tell her you are a helicopter pilot. Chicks dig that.


2009-01-29 00:43:18

Walking Target wrote:Just tell her you are a helicopter pilot. Chicks dig that.
Or just about any guy in a uniform.


2009-01-29 01:56:02

dbanimal wrote:
Walking Target wrote:Just tell her you are a helicopter pilot. Chicks dig that.
Or just about any guy in a uniform.


2009-01-29 02:32:47

yup.. for the following exceptions... the mailman, rentacops, boy scouts and the guys behind the counter ad the fast food joint.


2009-01-29 06:32:34

what about sexy pizza delivery guy inna sexy car?

The Argumentalizer

2009-01-29 08:03:27

1995 Nissan Sentras are not sexy!

Oh and Toblerone is GRAPE.


2009-01-29 21:00:09

Just get to know her, no need to lie nor rush.


2009-01-29 23:04:43

Carrying a large wallet should help too!


2009-01-29 23:06:18

The Argumentalizer wrote: Oh and Toblerone is GRAPE.
If this is true then the girl he is talking about is Emma Watson or an Emma Watson look alike.


2009-01-29 23:09:25

The Argumentalizer wrote:Oh and Toblerone is GRAPE.
Well that can't be... there isn't a single bout of Coprolalia in the entire exchange. :rofl: