Close hl2.exe after hl2dm crash and rejoin script (useful)


2009-02-07 13:23:26

Close hl2.exe after hl2dm crash and rejoin (Safe, useful and fast)

Hi all, sometimes when hl2dm crashs the hl2.exe in task mangers says its using 50% cpu and you fill a big system slow down.

I've made a fix to save time and get you back ingame fasty without going in task manger.

This is a small .bat file script that kills hl2.exe and kills GameOverlayUI.exe then starts up hl2dm again, just by double clicking the .bat file (place the .bat file on desktop)

Copy this code in notepad select "save as" then "save as type" choose "All file" and save the flie name as "kill_hl2_then_run.bat"

Save on desktop to open and find easily

Code: Select all

tskill hl2
tskill GameOverlayUI
START C:\Progra~1\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 320
Added in Attachment if you don't want to make it. :wink:

Has been tested, hope you find this useful as I do
(219 Bytes) Downloaded 30 times

Walking Target

2009-02-07 19:42:49

Thanks for sharing man.


2009-02-07 19:56:55

Walking Target wrote:Thanks for sharing man.
No problem


2009-02-07 23:39:19

I already have a script to end hl2.exe+ gameoverlay, did not think to add the start command to it Doh,

You need the quotations when saving the file otherwise it will be a text file.


2009-02-07 23:50:10



2009-02-08 02:51:35

Dude. Thanks.


2009-02-08 04:14:09

n1 m8 :)


2009-02-08 07:17:59

would there be a way to add a line to this to make it start the game and join a server?

There just happens to be this server I play in all the time and I find myself constantly crashing and then restarting and rejoining. Would be nice to just hit one button and be back in the game.


2009-02-08 07:31:00

thanks again (saw it on my udder fo'rum) :wink: !


2009-02-08 07:35:56

L2k wrote:would there be a way to add a line to this to make it start the game and join a server?

There just happens to be this server I play in all the time and I find myself constantly crashing and then restarting and rejoining. Would be nice to just hit one button and be back in the game.
Try adding
+connect Ipaddress:port
START C:\Progra~1\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 320 +connect Ipaddress:port

Its just like creating a shortcut on your desktop.


2009-02-08 07:38:21

keefy wrote:
L2k wrote:would there be a way to add a line to this to make it start the game and join a server?

There just happens to be this server I play in all the time and I find myself constantly crashing and then restarting and rejoining. Would be nice to just hit one button and be back in the game.
Try adding
+connect Ipaddress:port
START C:\Progra~1\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 320 +connect Ipaddress:port

shit if this works smoothly enough you guys have just made the game "better" a double click
away from being back to the game sweet!!


2009-02-08 10:34:33

keefy wrote:
L2k wrote:would there be a way to add a line to this to make it start the game and join a server?

There just happens to be this server I play in all the time and I find myself constantly crashing and then restarting and rejoining. Would be nice to just hit one button and be back in the game.
Try adding
+connect Ipaddress:port
START C:\Progra~1\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 320 +connect Ipaddress:port

Its just like creating a shortcut on your desktop.
This works awesome TYTYTYTY! :D


2009-02-09 04:22:37

what would be the shiznittlydingdang is if you could have in that batch file to return to the last server played. aka, the one that just crashed. like a wild card


2009-02-09 04:30:12

is this something new? i've never had this problem... until the past 2 weeks. now it's like every figgin time. :x


2009-02-12 03:27:38

The new steam beta should fix the hl2.exe from hanging when quti game.

Steam beta is crap ATM, you have to update HL2DM everytime you play.

The Argumentalizer

2009-10-28 22:13:54

Do you use Zone Alarm?

I have noticed i have had to re-add Game Overlay to program control in Zone.
And that a recent update has some servers playing very stuttery.

Hope you fix it but i think it is Steam/DM and an update has janked your setup/firewall...