Beware another sad try!


2009-03-11 01:09:05

Received this scam email. I posted because they dug around and found my primary email address to send this to, not even my email address registered to my steam account! Wow? Makes one wonder how they found my current primary email address, is a friend doing this, is someone using the CAL website?

Dear Steam user,

This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration to clear up any ownership disputes.
Due to an email we recently received from: [email protected] we are obligated to contact you.
This account has been detected for multiple IP usage and has been reported stolen by a current account holder. Steam will not take these types of issues lightly. Please verify you are the rightful owner. To clear up this incident and close this case labeled dispute No. 78183 we need to verify the owner’s Full Name, Username, and Password. If this information is not submitted within the 3-5 work days of this request your account may be suspended. If suspension does take place, the account will be returned when user information is verified.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


John Staknis of The Steam Support Team

The email was titles Steam Breach, sent by From: "John Staknis" <[email protected]


2009-03-11 02:05:07

it would be funny if somebody got one from mr Wi Phuku Daily