well you helped....


2009-03-26 04:58:11

...with the last problem but it aint that easy this time.

we got a certified letter today we are being evicted and after paying 1000.00
this past month go figure.

but i will be gone very soon this time im sure so its been great and i hope i make it back!!!

love to all



2009-03-26 05:01:21

The scam won't work this time. No more money for you.


2009-03-26 05:07:43

Sorry to hear that Tazzer. Hope things work out ok for you and your family. Things are getting bad all over and I am afraid they will get worse before they get better.

I now have to look out for keeping my own ass above water in case things get bad here for us.

Take care and hang in there. You are your family will be in my prayers.


2009-03-26 05:31:11

Poor_Billy wrote:The scam won't work this time. No more money for you.
It's not a scam, and he's not asking for money. It's a horrible situation that's hitting more and more people across the country. At least Tazz worked in 3 different states to try to get his head back above water.

I hope this is the last bit of bad news that hits you guys Tazz. Good luck, and you know where to find me.


2009-03-26 05:35:06

thats sucks bro, i would send you more money if i wasnt scraping by myself


2009-03-26 05:47:18

I'm sorry to hear that, man. :(

My prayers and good vibes to you and yours.


2009-03-26 06:16:22

you guys are awesome thanks!!!!!!!!!!


2009-03-26 06:36:23

$1000? Im not sure where you are currently located, but you can come to the midwest and that will take care of 2 months rent easily.

Walking Target

2009-03-26 08:20:09

Keeper wrote:It's not a scam, and he's not asking for money. It's a horrible situation that's hitting more and more people across the country. At least Tazz worked in 3 different states to try to get his head back above water.


2009-03-27 09:36:11

So sorry to hear Taz :(