- the wulfs den public server-


2009-03-27 05:38:19
the wulfs den, some sort of text like that, i was kicked and banned after 5 kills because i was clearly speedhacking with my leet bhop skills. fucking idiots. might want to avoid this one.


2009-03-27 06:13:14

apparently if we don't avoid it, they'll make us.


2009-03-27 10:52:23

I don't give a shit if they banned you. It was probably int he rules you did not read.

The Argumentalizer

2009-03-27 11:59:38

Lets take this time to hail our great leader.


2009-03-27 17:30:10

Zman42 wrote:
the wulfs den, some sort of text like that, i was kicked and banned after 5 kills because i was clearly speedhacking with my leet bhop skills. fucking idiots. might want to avoid this one.
super-cool-story-bro.png (7.92 KiB) Viewed 418 times


2009-03-27 17:33:53

You shoulda told them where you got ur hacks "gg www.hl2dm-university.com"


2009-03-27 18:23:51

lol, there is a clan called 666. or something like that. me and 2 other EE guys were playing in there pub and got kicked because in the rules it reads something to the effect "cant use a weapon to kill ppl more then 2 times in a row" so after you kill somebody with a mag 2 times, you HAVE to switch to another weapon for your next kill. most retarded rule i've ever heard of.


2009-03-27 18:46:55

i lol'd what bads pic

Walking Target

2009-03-27 18:59:42

The Argumentalizer wrote:Lets take this time to hail our great leader.
How about not spamming up threads with political propaganda?

http://www.hl2dm-university.com/forum/p ... p?f=8&t=19

The Argumentalizer

2009-03-27 19:30:32

Quite right.


2009-03-27 20:13:11

Personally I am quite sick of the stupid rules some of these servers have in reference to advanced skills, weapons, spawn killing, language... etc. even *I* been banned from servers, like AS when my score started creeping up a little too close to the number one position which was at the moment held by an AS member, no warning, I was banned. :?


2009-03-27 20:25:17

Consider this, it's like Jordan deciding to pub w/ casuals at a b-ball park when one of us joins their ability-restricted servers. If you want to be accepted by them, you must educate them on shit the game lets you do. Like you can ask them in chat if they know how to nade cook or something and if they bite you can explain further and tell em about the site, a few might be interested enough to go.


2009-03-27 20:33:24

enough with your reasonable, common sense approach divinity.

off with your head!



2009-03-27 20:52:38

Unfortunately too many of them have been brainwashed into thinking that anything that even remotely takes skill beyond what the did on the first day they started playing the game can't be anything but a hax.

Binding keys is a script, grav nading is a hax, bhop is a hax, catching props, orbs, nades is a hax, headshotting more than twice is a hax, grav guns, rpgs, orbs, smg nades basically anything that kills them before they kill you is cheap kill. So just stand there and let them kill you then you'll be accepted into their little world. Just make sure you don't ever get more kills then they do.

Man am I cynical.or what.


2009-03-27 21:17:57


2009-03-27 21:52:26

You didnt have to post this really you see ppl being told that this is a place to help the community but telling everyone not to go to a server isnt really helping either it limits the comunity to certain servers imo.Just let them find out for themselves maybe someone will like the server but dont go saying that you shouldnt go to a server cuz its not helping this game


2009-03-27 22:06:35



2009-03-27 22:53:20

Sadly, they themselves restrict any learning when they have rules such as no bhop or whatever, a lot of them prefer not to be bother with anything outside their comfort zone, my biggest annoyance these days are the spawn protection rules... :x