

2009-04-02 04:17:18

i would like to appologize to a couple ppl on this forum. i think a couple things i said were taken the wrong way.

1) taz, i in NO way was saying that you tried to scam money off ppl here. what i was saying was a response to ppl accusing you of such actions. saying that IF you did it would be fucked up. I think you should know that i dont think you were. if i did think that i wouldnt have sent you money to help you in your time of need.

2)WT, what i meant by rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic was an analogy of somebody who cared for the appearance of something that was going to go down due to factors beyond their control. meaning that, your efforts for the U forum, as well as somebody who cared for the appearence of the titanic's deck would be rewarded only by the unfortunate bad fate of the very entity they were trying to improve.

if i offended either of you, i am truly sorry, that was not my intension. please accept by sincere appologizes.


2009-04-02 05:02:36

Bro i did not take anything you said the wrong way i understood what
you meant and yes "that would be fucked up to scam that way"

you are "one" of the coolest peeps on here and i always read you're
posts cause you have many good points and advise and humor to
share with all, so no offense taken bro. :wink:

btw i was wondering about that titanic thing myself lol oh well just
internet translations.

Jelly Fox

2009-04-02 05:46:26

awesome analogy :lol:


2009-04-02 06:09:16

It was big of you to say that Chem.


2009-04-02 06:53:28

get the torches!

castles burn!!!




2009-04-02 07:00:25

its too late chem,you might as well just join ewr now and get it over with.

two snails

2009-04-02 08:24:21

Anthym wrote:its too late chem,you might as well just join ewr now and get it over with.
or you could join E...oh wait. you already did.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-04-02 09:55:08


Walking Target

2009-04-02 22:07:12

I wasn't offended, but thanks for making sure. I actually thought it was a pretty funny analogy. The UB quote was me just making the point that people have been predicting dire results from the day the site opened. Basically this site will die when I decide to close shop (unless of course Keeper wanted to keep running it, he would have that option as co-admin). I can't see it happening for quite a while, since every other game I try, I compare to DM and they fail, even WITH DM's multitude of bugs, random crap and registration making me rage at times, DM is still better.

The state of the game and this site is just a matter of perspective. Even if we don't have huge numbers, I still think DM has some of the coolest and most talented people around. I wouldn't trade this community for the CS one even if I had the chance.

As long as we keep doing fun stuff here at the U, it can still have value for the people that stick around. Take the map contest for example. I have had people say "what's the point of having this map contest for a dead game, who will use the new maps?" The contest IS the point. It provides a challenge to the mappers, is fun to judge IMO, and even if only a few people use the map, it was still a cool contest to have.

This is turning into a rant, but yeah. Don't even worry about it man. Better to ride the titanic all the way down than float on a turd the rest of your life. :wink:


2009-04-02 23:54:49

Walking Target wrote: Better to ride the titanic all the way down than float on a turd the rest of your life. :wink:

LMAO what a picture...

Ride the titanic or the turd down the toilet of life....Your choice.

photoshop anyone?


2009-04-03 00:08:08 ... nic%20turd

I'd like to ride this titanic all the way down





2009-04-03 00:33:33





Walking Target

2009-04-03 01:26:50



2009-04-04 22:49:00

aww a warm and fuzzy thread, we need more of these! :cheer:

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-05 04:16:40

hear hear!!

The Argumentalizer

2009-04-05 05:38:09

LMAO!! Chem is the SHIT!


2009-04-05 05:56:20

The Argumentalizer wrote:LMAO!! Chem is the SHIT!

lol, thanks bro. much love