vector images


2009-05-26 16:17:14

anyone know something about vectors images?

I have a image I need to convert to a vector file, if possible.

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-05-26 19:01:43

I am a messenger from god. I'm taking a vector class this quarter and knew a lot about vectors already. What do ya need?


2009-05-26 19:05:40

I need to convert (if possible) a .jpg in some kind of vector file

Could I scan in into a vector file?

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-05-26 19:09:45

I could covert the image into vectors in illustrator but depending on how many colors is how posterized the image would look. I can give it a shot and you can see if you like the end product


2009-05-26 19:16:19

it is in like 50 colors now (or more) I need it to be 3 to 4 colors. I am having to edit that by hand, might take me a couple days :(

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-05-26 19:17:45

Send it over Nino I can do a speedy little job, just tell me what colors you want.
Wh00psie send it in an email if ya want [email protected] <-- Forgot to add that.


2009-05-26 19:29:56

nice man thanks for the help

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-05-26 20:29:36

Anytime man, I love working in Illustrator


2009-05-26 21:14:11

been workign with illustrator for years now, upload it somewhere or link me via pm ill work something out for you


2009-05-26 21:53:53

DJ got me straight, didn't take long at all


2009-05-26 21:55:42

although if you felt bored and wanted to make up a different image along the same theme lines feel free to help me out :D
story-om.jpg (22.5 KiB) Viewed 279 times


2009-05-26 21:59:11

Well if DJ got you what you needed already al good :D


2009-05-26 22:04:55

ya, DJ saved me from wasting a lot of time.

He did just want I needed in a few minutes.

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-05-26 22:07:39

:D Pleasure workin with ya Nino!


2009-05-26 22:10:19

you get my last e-mail?

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-05-26 22:10:52

Nope. o__o

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-05-27 00:32:35

ninojman wrote:you get my last e-mail?
Still quite puzzled. o__o


2009-05-27 00:46:21

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0 wrote:
ninojman wrote:you get my last e-mail?
Still quite puzzled. o__o

You got it, sent in the artwork. I'll know tomorrow if the format is what they wanted/needed.